Professional Development

Upcoming Events

  • Creativity Counts - Adobe
    AUG 15
    Explore Adobe with introductory workshops that cover AI, SEL, Data/ Infographics, Animation and Video Production, Digital Portfolios, and Confidence throughout the Creativity Process. Workshops can be completed individually, or you can join Adobe for all 6! Aug 15th - October 24th

See all upcoming events...


PDTV: Broadcasting the Future: 21st Century Learning in Action
Travel to Vernal, Utah, to meet with CTE teacher Kami Elison, who has developed a broadcast journalism program at Uintah High School where students learn and grow outside the classroom.
UEN PD Newsletter
Check out the latest from UEN Professional Development.
Teacher Tip: Six Strategies for Getting the Most From AI
Whether you're a seasoned educator or just starting your AI journey, this UEN Teacher Tip will provide valuable insights to enhance your teaching and empower your students.
Finding Digital Balance
Discover practical strategies and tools to help you foster a classroom culture that encourages students to reflect on how their digital use can significantly impact their overall well-being.
New Nearpod Courses
We’re excited to announce two new courses that will help you enhance your teaching experience with Nearpod. Get started today!