Life After High School
Education Planning
SATs & College Testing
Financial Preparation
Adult Education
Alcohol and Drugs Info
- Beyond High School
This site can help your child decide what to do after high school: finding a job, volunteer work, vo-tech education, Apprenticeships and more. - Career Resources
Here is a great place to find online career related websites. - Career Toolbox
Gearing up for a job search can seem like daunting work for your son or daughter. Here are some helpful resources to help get your teen started down the right path. - Career Preparation Resources for Parents of Students with Disabilities
Parental guidance steps and resources on career preparation for students with disabilities.

- Preparing for Education beyond High School
Parents can begin to prepare their children for college early by following these tips. - Mapping Your Future - For Parents
Find out how to plan for your child's education, including how to pay for college. - Planning for College
Begin planning for you college career early. Here is a tmeline to help you get started as early as 9th grade. - Utah's Colleges and Universities
Find information about Utah's Public and Private Colleges and Universities, including Applied Technology Colleges. - Higher Ed Utah
Learn about Utah's Higher Education programs and institutions. - College Resources
Here is a great place to find online college related websites. - College Search
Search nearly 7,000 colleges and universities across the nation and get information on tuition and financial aid, major/programs offered, enrollment, library data, and information on campus security. - Where the Scholarships Are
If you and your child decide to invest your time in a search for scholarships, it's important to have an organized system to find, apply for, and win scholarship money. -
InLikeMe provides college admissions, university search, SAT ACT, financial aid & scholarship information, advice & resources. - College Prep Glossary (pdf)
College Admissions vocabulary from A to Z. - Utah Continuing Education Programs
Links to each of Utah's Continuing Education programs. - College Navigator
College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others get information about college choices. You can learn about programs offered, retention and graduation rates, prices, aid available, degrees awarded, campus safety, and accreditation.

- College Board Tests
Learn what admissions exams your child should be taking, and how they impact college admissions. - The SAT®: Parent FAQs
Find the answers to questions like, "How much does the SAT cost?" and "What do SAT scores look like?" - The ACT
The ACT tests students in English, reading, mathematics, and science reasoning. Here is a student site for ACT test takers. Don't miss the ACT Test Prep page.

- Funding Your Education
Student Aid resources from the U.S. Dept. of Education. - Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority
UHEAA can help you finance one of the most important investments you will ever make, your child's higher education. - College Calculator
This calculator computes the amount you need to save each month in order to pay for college.

- Utah Adult Education Office
USBE's Alternative and Adult Education provides educational services and interventions that empowers individuals to become self-sufficient, with skills necessary for future employment and personal successes. They assist youth and adults to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency while completing a secondary education. - Adult Education Association of Utah
AEAUT's mission is to meet the diverse needs of all Utahns by providing and supporting quality educational opportunities for lifelong learners. - Adult Education and Literacy
This U.S. Department of Education is helping American adults get the basic skills they need to be productive workers, family members, and citizens.

- What Parents Need to Know About College Drinking
Practical information that parents can use in choosing a college for their son or daughter, and to help parents better understand campus culture. - What You Need to Know About Cocaine and Crack
Learn the basics about Cocaine and Crack. - Snapshot of Drinking Consequences
This snapshot of annual high-risk college drinking consequences includes a concise list of facts outlining the effects of alcohol abuse on college campuses, communities, and students. - Interactive Body
Trace the flow of alcohol through your body and see how it affects your organs and systems. - A Call to Action: Changing the Culture of Drinking at U.S. Colleges
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism This comprehensive report contains information on the consequences of excessive and underage college drinking, recommendations for possible interventions, and suggested areas for future research.