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2nd Grade - Act. 21: Me On the Map

Main Core Tie

Social Studies - 2nd Grade
Standard 3 Objective 2


Utah LessonPlans


After reading Joan Sweeney's book "Me On the Map", students will create a map of their bedroom and of their house.


  • Me On the Map by Joan Sweeney (Dragonfly Books)
  • paper
  • pencils and crayons

Additional Resources

The Armadillo from Amarillo by Lynne Cherry
My Map Book by Sara Finelly
Where Do I Live? by Neil Chesanow
Mapping Penny’s World by Loreen Leedy

Background for Teachers

Students should have a basic background on the purpose of maps.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Intended Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate a positive learning attitude.

Process Skills
Observation, symbolization, description

Instructional Procedures

Invitation to Learn
Ask: “What are maps used for? Where have you seen maps?”

Instructional Procedures

  1. Read Me On the Map. As you read this story, ask questions to relate the importance of the book to the students.
  2. Emphasize that the book starts with a room and eventually covers a wider view of maps. Compare this to a bird. A bird can see a lot more than a person can. Maps can be used to locate information in a small area or a large area.
  3. Show the students a school map and community map.
  4. Pass out a piece of blank paper.
  5. Tell the students to lightly sketch with a pencil a map of their bedroom. Have students draw a key in the corner with symbols of the most important things in their bedrooms. Emphasize that this is what their bedroom mostly looks like, and that the only information needed on the map is the important areas of their room. For example, a student doesn’t need to draw his dirty sock on the floor.
  6. Provide another piece of blank paper.
  7. Have students draw a map of their house. As they draw their house, ask them if someone new in their house would be able to use this map to locate important information.



Possible Extensions/Adaptations
If you are planning a field trip, provide a map for each student to study.

Draw a map of the school including all exits, and mark the fire escape route.

Family Connections
Students can go home and draw a map of their homes with their families. Using this map, the family can create a fire escape route.

Assessment Plan

Collect the maps and assess whether the child has understood the concept.

Observation and questioning.

Look to see that students can show the most important parts of their room.

Created: 08/12/2003
Updated: 02/05/2018