Secondary Library Media (6-12)
Course Preface
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Core Standards of the Course
Reading Engagement
Libraries support independent readers by providing a variety of materials for informational and leisure reading. Reading extensively strengthens stamina and broadens students' global perspective. Skilled teacher librarians recognize individual students' interests and needs and provide materials in a variety of formats, genres, and languages, at varied reading levels.
Strand 1:
Reading to pursue intellectual, personal, and emotional growth for life
Standard 1:
Build reading behaviors for lifelong learning and enjoyment of reading.
Select texts from a variety of genres and formats to read for enjoyment, to acquire knowledge, and to answer questions.
Make personal connections while respecting the right to read, seek information, and speak freely.
Demonstrate resiliency, perseverance and stamina when reading a variety of texts.
Contribute to a reading and learning community including recommending reading materials to peers.
Connect with family, neighborhood, and community libraries.
Standard 2:
Comprehend literary and informational texts.
Apply appropriate reading strategies in literary and informational texts.
Read, listen to, view, and integrate information to build background knowledge.
Strand 2: Information and Research
Students need the lifelong skills of selecting information from a wide variety of sources, assessing its worth, and applying newfound knowledge to problems, preparing them for learning, doing, and problem solving in college, career and throughout life. Teacher librarians will instruct students in a multi-step research process that is adaptable. As students gain research skills, they develop self-confidence in solving information problems in an environment where information resources and technologies have become increasingly complex.
Strand 2:
Defining an information problem and identify information needed
Standard 1:
Define an information problem.
Analyze the task to identify the information problem.
Seek clarification from teachers and others
Select and narrow or broaden topics into a manageable focus.
Conceptualize the form of the final product based on target audience, assignment constraints, and criteria for evaluation.
Standard 2:
Identify the information needed.
Analyze the task and information needed in terms of students' previous knowledge.
Compile and refine a range of significant questions by considering the amount, format, location and type of information to guide inquiry.
Select and narrow or broaden keyword search terms.
Strand 3:
Identifying, evaluating, and selecting sources
Standard 1:
Determine a wide range of general and specific sources.
Develop an information search strategy.
Identify potential information sources and access tools.
Standard 2:
Select relevant sources.
Evaluate print and digital sources for relevancy, accuracy, validity, credibility, availability, currency, authority, accessibility within time limits, and ease of use.
Apply an understanding of the difference between primary and secondary sources.
Strand 4:
Locating sources and access information.
Standard 1:
Locate identified sources and access information within sources.
Understand the library layout, the library classification system, and the circulation process.
Demonstrate how to navigate library catalogs, web browsers, and databases.
Locate sources with divergent perspectives that answer research questions by considering primary and secondary sources, general and subject-specific references, and scholarly and popular articles.
Locate potential digital, print, artifacts and human sources to meet the research need.
Revise and focus search by demonstrating the effective use of location skills and advanced search strategies.
Standard 2:
Access information within sources.
Apply relevant information access skills using table of contents, indexes, keyword searches, and related subjects.
Strand 5:
Engaging with and extracting information.
Standard 1
Engage with information by reading, listening, and viewing sources in a variety of formats.
Use appropriate reading, viewing, and listening skills and strategies to gather evidence to support the research task.
Build connections between prior knowledge and new information through engaging with information, and collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding.
Gather information by surveying and interviewing others.
Modify questions, sources, or strategies as needed to accomplish the research task.
Monitor gathered information for gaps or weaknesses and seek additional sources as necessary.
Standard 2:
Extract relevant information that answers the information problem and meets task requirements.
Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate and select information in terms of relevance, accuracy, validity, reliability, currency, authority, completeness, format, point-of- view, and timeliness.
Distinguish between fact and opinion and evaluate for the presence of bias, prejudice, or propaganda.
Validate and compare information in sources, noting differences, contradictions, and types of data or research.
Use a variety of note-taking strategies.
Abstract, summarize, and paraphrase.
Credit appropriate sources using accepted citation format.
Strand 6:
Organizing, synthesizing, and presenting information
Standard 1:
Organize information from multiple sources.
Establish a clear purpose for the learning product.
Analyze and organize information to support conclusions.
Use technology and other information tools to integrate and organize textual, numerical, and pictorial information from multiple sources.
Evaluate critically whether or not the selected information supports the proposed conclusions.
Follow ethical and legal guidelines in using information, avoiding plagiarism and copyright violations.
Create, revise, and refine drafts of the learning product.
Finalize the learning product by applying criteria for quality and craftsmanship based on existing models, including assignment criteria and personal standards.
Standard 2:
Present research learning products.
Present research learning products, using a variety of media formats effectively to promote new understanding.
Update and publish learning products, individually or collaboratively, considering fair use and Creative Commons licensing.
Strand 7:
Evaluating the process and product
Standard 1:
Assess the process and product for efficiency and effectiveness.
Compare and evaluate the process and product with criteria from the original task definition.
Assess ability to select sources that are current, valid, authoritative, and relevant to the task.
Reflect on personal growth, development of technology skills, ability to collaborate, and personal performance during the research process.
Assess development of time-management skills during and after the research process.
Critique the quality and effectiveness of the process and product and determine areas needing improvement and how to make changes in the future.
Strand III Literacy: Media Engagement
In order to make informed decisions, students must successfully discern and interpret the messages surrounding them in media. Through collaboration with classroom teachers, these skills can be integrated into curricular units throughout a wide range of core and elective subjects.
Strand 8:
Demonstrating that media literacy is a life skill integral to modern citizenship and informed decision-making.
Standard 1:
Understand and use basic terms and concepts of media with their potential impact, advantages and limitations.
Standard 2:
Evaluate and select media for appropriate personal, educational, and professional use.
Consult reliable sources to critique and evaluate personal media choices.
Evaluate and select media materials to meet educational, personal, and career needs.
Determine whether the amount of time and attention devoted to media, including social networking, Internet gaming, and texting, is in balance with other activities. - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education
(USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education
(USHE). Send questions or comments to USBE
Specialist -
and see the Library Media website. For
general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director
These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the
State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced
for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials,
credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These
materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other
format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of
Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah