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CTE/Health Science Curriculum Introduction to Physical Therapy
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Core Standards of the Course

Strand 1
Students will explore the fundamentals of rehabilitation medicine.

Standard 1
Explore the rehabilitation therapy pathway.

  1. Define rehabilitation therapy
  2. Explore the history of rehabilitation therapy.
  3. Identify careers in the rehabilitation therapy pathway

Standard 2
Investigate the professions in the field of Physical Therapy.

  1. Explore the history of physical therapy.
  2. Explore the members and roles of the physical therapy team.
  3. Examine the roles and responsibilities of a physical therapist.
    • Hospital Setting
    • Long-term care facility
    • Clinic
    • Schools
  4. Explore current trends and issues in physical therapy.
  5. Explore educational requirements, credentialing exams, and costs for a career in physical therapy.
    • Physical Therapist
    • Physical Therapy Assistant
  6. Explore specialty areas within the field of physical therapy as described by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS).
  7. Describe and understand the importance of involvement in organizations such as APTA to further career development.

Standard 3
Investigate the professions in the field of Occupational Therapy.

  1. Explore the history of occupational therapy.
  2. Explore the members and roles of the occupational therapy team.
  3. Examine the roles and responsibilities of an occupational therapist.
    • Hospital Setting
    • Long-term care facility
    • Clinic
    • Schools
  4. Explore current trends and issues in occupational therapy.
  5. Explore educational requirements, credentialing exams, and costs for a career in occupational therapy.
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Occupation Therapy Assistant
  6. Explore specialty areas within the field of occupational therapy as described by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA).
  7. Describe and understand the importance of involvement in organizations such as AOTA to further career development.

Standard 4
Investigate the professions in the field of Speech Therapy.

  1. Explore the history of speech therapy.
  2. Explore the members and roles of the speech therapy team.
  3. Examine the roles and responsibilities of a speech therapist.
    • Hospital Setting
    • Long-term care facility
    • Clinic
    • Schools
  4. Explore current trends and issues in speech therapy.
  5. Explore educational requirements, credentialing exams, and costs for a career in speech therapy.
    • Speech Therapist/Speech Language Pathologist
    • Audiologist
    • Speech Language Pathology Assistant
  6. Explore specialty areas within the field of speech therapy as described by the American Speech-language Hearing Association (ASHA).
  7. Describe and understand the importance of involvement in organizations such as ASHA to further career development.

Strand 2
Medical, Legal, & Ethical-Students will identify the medical, legal, and ethical issues governing the clinical practice of physical therapy.

Standard 1
Identify the rules and regulations of individually identifiable health information.

  1. Examine the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  2. Identify consequences of violating HIPAA.
  3. Explain personal responsibilities within the parameters of HIPAA.

Standard 2
Identify health and safety regulations in the workplace.

  1. Examine the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act).
  2. Identify common workplace safety hazards.
  3. Demonstrate proper cleanliness and sanitation practices.
    • Handwashing & Hygiene
    • Clinic cleaning (linens, tables, beds, equipment, etc.)
  4. Demonstrate proper glove use and removal.

Standard 3
Discuss desirable attitudes and behaviors when providing healthcare to diverse patients.

  1. Describe cultural sensitivity in relation to healthcare
  2. Explore ways to treat the underserved and under-represented populations
  3. Identify ways that people from different cultures and backgrounds are stereotyped
  4. Describe the importance of treating patients as individuals

Standard 4
Describe the required documentation related to physical therapy visits and treatment.

  1. Analyze medical records used in a physical therapy setting
  2. Create a SOAP note for one of the following conditions: musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, or integumentary.
  3. Understand components of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR).

Standard 5
Discuss the Utah Physical Therapy Act and how it relates to the roles and relationship between the physical therapy team.

  1. Identify the scope of practice of the following:
    • Physical Therapist
    • Physical Therapist Assistant
    • Physical Therapy Aide

Standard 6
Discuss the Utah Occupational Therapy Act and how it relates to the roles and relationship between the occupational therapy team.

  1. Identify the scope of practice of the following:
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Occupational Therapist Assistant
    • Occupational Therapy Aide

Standard 7
Discuss the Utah Speech Therapy Act and how it relates to the roles and relationship between the speech therapy team.

  1. Identify the scope of practice of the following:
    • Speech Therapist/Speech Language Pathologist
    • Audiologist
    • Speech Language Pathology Assistant
    • Speech Aide

Standard 8
Investigate the various types of health insurance and the reimbursement process for physical therapy.

  1. Describe health insurance plans.
    • Premium
    • Copay
    • Deductible
  2. Compare and contrast government funded plans and private insurance plans in regards to the number of reimbursed physical therapy visits

Strand 3
Professionalism-Identify professional standards and characteristics of a physical therapy team.

Standard 1
Describe the characteristics of an effective healthcare provider in personal and professional terms.

  1. Examine productivity and time management strategies
  2. Understand the implications the following have on healthcare employment:
    • Criminal Background Check
    • Drug Testing
  3. Discuss implications of dress and other personal behaviors within the healthcare setting
  4. Identify best practices in respect to client relations

Standard 2
Explain effective communication strategies of a therapist with patients and all members of the therapy team.

  1. Demonstrate appropriate verbal communication skills.
  2. Demonstrate appropriate nonverbal communication skills.
  3. Demonstrate appropriate listening skills.
  4. Demonstrate and understand the APTA Core Values.
    • Accountability
    • Altruism
    • Compassion/Caring
    • Excellence
    • Integrity
    • Professional Duty
    • Social Responsibility

Strand 4
Medical Terminology

Standard 1
Describe positional terminology in regards to the human body.

  1. Describe anatomical position
  2. Identify body planes and directional terms
    • Sagittal
    • Mid-sagittal
    • Coronal/frontal
    • Transverse/horizontal
    • Superior
    • Inferior
    • Anterior
    • Posterior
    • Medial
    • Lateral
    • Proximal
    • Distal
    • Superficial
    • Deep

Standard 2
Compare and contrast body movements.

  1. Flexion, extension, and hypertension
  2. Adduction and abduction
  3. Pronation and supination
  4. Retraction and protraction
  5. Elevation and depression
  6. Rotation and circumduction
  7. External rotation and internal rotation
  8. Lateral flexion (side-bending left and right)
  9. Inversion and eversion
  10. Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion
  11. Radial deviation and ulnar deviation
  12. Opposition

Standard 3
Define terms associated to physical therapy

  1. Activities of daily living (ADLs)
  2. Ataxia
  3. Base of support
  4. Bilateral
  5. Calcaneal valgum
  6. Calcaneal varum
  7. Cervical
  8. Contracture
  9. Core
  10. Deformity
  11. Dissociation
  12. Distal
  13. Dynamic
  14. Education
  15. Extension
  16. External rotation
  17. Fine motor
  18. Flexion
  19. Genu valgum
  20. Genu varum
  21. Gross motor
  22. Hamstrings
  23. Hyperextension
  24. Hypermobility
  25. Hypertonic
  26. Hypotonic
  27. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL)
  28. Instability
  29. Internal rotation
  30. Kinesthesia
  31. Kyphosis
  32. Leisure
  33. Long-sitting
  34. Lordosis
  35. Lumbar
  36. Manual therapy
  37. Midline
  38. Motor control
  39. Motor planning
  40. Obliquity
  41. Pes planus
  42. Prone
  43. Proprioception
  44. Proximal
  45. Quadriceps
  46. Range of motion
  47. Recurvatum
  48. Reflex
  49. Ring sitting
  50. Sacral
  51. Side-sitting
  52. Sleep
  53. Social Participation
  54. Spasticity
  55. Static
  56. Supine
  57. Symmetrical
  58. Tactile defensiveness
  59. Tailor-sitting
  60. Thoracic
  61. Tone (muscle)
  62. Unilateral
  63. Vestibular stimulation
  64. Weight shift
  65. Work

Standard 4
Define the following abbreviations/acronyms:

  1. L
  2. R
  3. B
  4. Tx
  5. Fx
  6. PT
  7. PTA
  8. OT
  9. OTA

Strand 5
Musculoskeletal System

Standard 1
Identify common Conditions and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System.

  1. General conditions
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Osteoporosis
    • Fibromyalgia
    • TMJ dysfunction
  2. Shoulder
    • Rotator cuff tear
    • Dislocation
    • Frozen shoulder
    • Tendinitis
    • Fracture
    • Shoulder impingement
    • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  3. Elbow
    • Golfer's elbow
    • Tennis elbow
    • Sprain
    • Strain
    • Fracture
  4. Wrist
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Sprain
    • Strain
    • Fracture
  5. Neck and back
    • Sprain
    • Strain
    • Disc herniation
    • Stenosis
    • Muscle spasm
    • Posture
    • SI joint dysfunction
    • Coccygodynia
  6. Hip
    • Acetabular labral tears
    • Bursitis
    • IT band tightness/syndrome
    • Tendinitis
    • Total knee replacement
  7. Ankle
    • Achilles tendinitis
    • Peroneal tendinitis
    • Sprain
    • Strain
    • Fracture
  8. Foot and Toe
    • Plantar fasciitis
    • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
    • Sprain
    • Strain
    • Fracture

Standard 2
Identify tests that are used to determine musculoskeletal injuries/deformities.

  1. Lachman's Test
  2. Anterior Drawer Test
  3. Phalen's Test
  4. Drop Arm Sign
  5. Hop Test
  6. Adam's Forward Bend Test
  7. Straight Leg Raise Test
  8. Push up Sign
  9. Goniometer

Standard 3
Describe therapeutic exercises and modalities used to treat musculoskeletal conditions and injuries.

  1. Strengthening
    • Therapeutic exercises
    • Stabilization
  2. Modalities
    • Traction
    • E-stimulation
    • Astym
    • Ultrasound
    • Laser
    • Taping
    • Heat/ice
  3. Home exercise program (HEP)
  4. Manual Therapy
    • Myofascial release
  5. Range of motion
    • Stretching

Strand 6
Neuromuscular Systems

Standard 1
Identify how to assess neuromuscular conditions.

  1. Impact on life expectancy
  2. Involvement of organ systems
  3. Family, social, community roles
  4. Impact of daily functioning
    • Ambulation
    • ADLs
    • Communication
    • Nutritional status
    • Community mobility
    • Work performance
    • Functional Tasks
  5. Muscle strength
  6. Joint contractures
  7. Pulmonary function
  8. Cardiomyopathy
  9. Intellectual capacity

Standard 2
Identify conditions and injuries associated with the neuromuscular system.

  1. Parkinson's disease
  2. Guillian-Barre Syndrome
  3. Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  4. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy
  5. Cerebral palsy
  6. ALS
  7. Traumatic Brain Injury

Standard 3
Identify tests that are used to determine neuromuscular injuries/deformities.

  1. Neurological classification of spinal cord injury
  2. Dermatomes
  3. Rancho Los Amigos Scale-Level of Cognitive Functioning

Standard 4
Describe therapeutic exercises and modalities used to treat neuromuscular conditions and injuries.

  1. Assistive and Adaptive devices
    • Canes
    • Crutches
    • Prostheses
    • Transfers
    • Wheelchairs
    • Walkers
  2. Modalities
    • E-stimulation
    • Ultrasound
    • Traction
    • Heat/ice
    • Aquatic therapy
  3. Range of Motion
  4. Manual therapy
  5. Home exercise program (HEP)

Strand 7
Cardiovascular System

Standard 1
Identify how to assess cardiovascular conditions.

  1. Onset and duration of symptoms
  2. Previous and ongoing medical and/or surgical treatment
  3. Lab results and diagnostic tests
  4. Social history
  5. Prior functional endurance level
  6. Home environment
  7. Family/caregiver support
  8. Family, professional, social, and community roles
  9. Patient's goals and expectations of returning to previous life roles
  10. Prior drug, tobacco, and alcohol use
  11. Current medications

Standard 2
Identify conditions and defects/injuries associated with the cardiovascular system.

  1. Pulmonary Embolism
  2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
  3. Myocardial Infarction
  4. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
  5. High Blood Pressure/Hypertension
  6. Pacemaker
  7. Left Ventricular Assist Device
  8. Heart Transplant
  9. Aortic Aneurysm
  10. Cardiomyopathy

Standard 3
Identify tests that are used to determine cardiovascular injuries/deformities.

  1. Pulse oximeter
  2. Blood pressure
  3. Pulse
  4. Respirations
  5. VO2 max
  6. 6-minute walk test
  7. Step up test
  8. Pulmonary drainage
  9. Spirometry
  10. Spirometry

Strand 8
Integumentary System

Standard 1
Identify conditions and injuries associated with the integumentary system.

  1. Burns
  2. Contusions
  3. Pressure ulcers
  4. Neuropathic ulcers
  5. Infection
  6. Surgical wounds
  7. Vascular disease
  8. Abscess
  9. Traumatic injury

Standard 2
Identify tests that are used to determine integumentary injuries/deformities.

  1. Wound location and size
  2. Wound characteristics
  3. Tunneling and undermining
  4. Phases of wound healing

Standard 3
Describe therapeutic exercises and modalities used to treat integumentary conditions and injuries.

  1. Hydrotherapy
  2. Thermotherapy
  3. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  4. Compression therapies (IPC, VAC)
  5. Electrotherapy
  6. Manual therapy
  7. ROM stretching
  8. Strengthening exercises
  9. Adaptive, protective, or assistive equipment

Standard 4
Explain the progress of a patient through the phases of physical therapy for integumentary injuries.

  1. Pain management
  2. Range of motion and strengthening
  3. Wound debridement and dressing application
  4. Minimize scar/contracture development

Strand 9
Pediatric Patients

Standard 1
Understand the stages of Child Development.

  1. Normal child development
  2. Developmental milestones

Standard 2
Identify pediatric Diseases and Disorders.

  1. Developmental Disorders
  2. Club foot
  3. Scoliosis
  4. Tortocollis
  5. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
  6. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  7. Down Syndrome
  8. Cerebral Palsy
  9. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  10. Cystic Fibrosis
  11. Developmental Coordination Disorder
  12. Neural Tube Defects
  13. Osteogenesis Imperfecta
  14. Hip Dysplasia

Standard 3
Identify Special Considerations when it comes to pediatric patients.

  1. Child abuse
  2. Size of patient
  3. Modifications to therapeutic treatment

Strand 10
Geriatric Patients

Standard 1
Identify Common conditions that may be treated in geriatric patients.

  1. Osteoarthritis
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis
  3. Osteoporosis
  4. Hip fractures
  5. Diabetes
  6. Polio

Standard 2
Define Common facilities where geriatric patients may be treated.

  1. Hospital
  2. Long-term rehab
  3. Skilled nursing
  4. Short-term rehab
  5. Assisted living
  6. Memory care
  7. Home health
  8. Hospice

Standard 3
Understand Special Considerations that must me understood when working with geriatric patients.

  1. Elderly abuse
  2. Age
  3. Modifications to therapeutic treatment

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - MAREN  HANSEN and see the CTE/Health Science website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - THALEA  LONGHURST.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.