Core Standards of the Course
Strand: CREATE (1.D.CR.)
Students will conceptualize, generate, develop and organize artistic ideas and work. They will complete and refine dance works (Standards 1.D.CR.1-4).
Standard 1.D.CR.1:
Demonstrate willingness to try new ideas when creating dance.
Standard 1.D.CR.2:
Explore movement inspired by a variety of stimuli.
Standard 1.D.CR.3:
Express an idea, feeling, or image while improvising a dance that has a beginning, middle, and end.
Standard 1.D.CR.4:
Respond to suggestions and change movement through guided improvisational experiences or short remembered sequences.
Strand: PERFORM (1.D.P.)
Students will analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for performance. They will develop techniques and concepts to refine artistic work and express meaning through the presentation of dance works (Standards 1.D.P.1-7).
Standard 1.D.P.1:
Demonstrate moving safely through the space using a range of activities and in and out of spatial arrangements while maintaining personal space.
Standard 1.D.P.2:
Make still and moving body shapes that show contrast.
Standard 1.D.P.3:
Move body parts one at a time and in a variety of combinations.
Standard 1.D.P.4:
Demonstrate locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
Standard 1.D.P.5:
Recognize a steady beat and move to varying tempos.
Standard 1.D.P.6:
Demonstrate a variety of movement qualities while dancing.
Standard 1.D.P.7:
Dance for and with others using established performance etiquette.
Strand: RESPOND (1.D.R.)
Students will perceive and analyze artistic work and process. They will interpret intent and meaning and apply criteria to evaluate artistic work and process (Standards 1.D.R.1-2).
Standard 1.D.R.1:
Select movements from a dance, and explain how the movements suggest an idea.
Standard 1.D.R.2:.
Identify and demonstrate movements within a dance, and describe the characteristics .that make the movements interesting
Strand: CONNECT (1.D.CO.)
Students will synthesize and relate knowledge from personal and collaborative experience to make and receive art. They will relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding (Standards 1.D.CO.1-2).
Standard 1.D.CO.1:
Recognize and name emotions experienced when watching, improvising or performing dance, and relate it to a personal experience.
Standard 1.D.CO.2:
Describe and demonstrate movements organized around a specific topic.
Strand: CREATE (1.T.CR.)
Students will conceptualize, generate, develop and organize artistic ideas and work. They will complete and refine drama works (Standards 1.T.CR.1-5).
Standard 1.T.CR.1:
Develop imagination to create artistic ideas and work.
Standard 1.T.CR.2:
Arrange the physical playing space to communicate mood, time, and locale.
Standard 1.T.CR.3:
Create a scene or play with a beginning, middle, and end.
Standard 1.T.CR.4:
Define roles and responsibilities and participate in group decision-making.
Standard 1.T.CR.5:
Create character through imagination, physical movement, gesture, sound and/or speech and facial expression.
Strand: PERFORM (1.T.P.)
Students will analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for performance. They will develop techniques and concepts to refine artistic work, and express meaning through the presentation of dramatic works (Standards 1.T.P.1-9).
Standard 1.T.P.1:
Identify the character, setting, and essential events (plot) in a story that make up the dramatic structure, and use choices to shape believable and sustainable dramatic work.
Standard 1.T.P.2:
Demonstrate the ability to work effectively alone and cooperatively, with a partner or in an ensemble.
Standard 1.T.P.3:
Observe, listen, and respond in character to other actors.
Standard 1.T.P.4:
Use body to communicate meaning through space, shape, energy, and gesture.
Standard 1.T.P.5:
Use voice to communicate meaning through volume, pitch, tone, rate, and clarity.
Standard 1.T.P.6:
Use imagination to support artistic choices.
Standard 1.T.P.7:
Select materials to be used for scenery, properties, costumes, lighting, and sound effects for informal classroom presentations.
Standard 1.T.P.8:
Develop audience awareness in dramatic play and experiences.
Standard 1.T.P.9:
Share dramatic play and guided drama experiences within the classroom or with invited guests.
Strand: RESPOND (1.T.R)
Students will perceive and analyze artistic work and process. They will interpret intent and meaning, and apply criteria to evaluate artistic work and process (Standards 1.T.R.1-4).
Standard 1.T.R.1:
Demonstrate audience skills of observing attentively and responding appropriately.
Standard 1.T.R.2:
Share personal responses about classroom dramatizations and performances.
Standard 1.T.R.3:
Identify what drama is and how it happens.
Standard 1.T.R.4:
Give and accept constructive feedback, and use selective criteria to evaluate what is seen, heard, and understood in dramatizations.
Strand: CONNECT (1.T.CO.)
Students will synthesize and relate knowledge from personal and collaborative experience to make and receive art. They will relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding (Standards 1.T.CO.1-2).
Standard 1.T.CO.1:
Identify similarities between story elements and personal experiences in dramatic play or guided drama experiences.
Standard 1.T.CO.2:
Identify connections to other content areas in dramatic play or guided drama experiences.
Strand: CREATE (1.M.CR.)
Students will conceptualize, generate, and organize artistic ideas and work. They will complete and refine musical works (Standards 1.M.CR.1-4).
Standard 1.M.CR.1:
Generate musical ideas for a specific purpose using limited tone sets and simple meters.
Standard 1.M.CR.2:
Demonstrate and discuss personal reasons for choosing favorite musical ideas.
Standard 1.M.CR.3:
Organize personal musical ideas using iconic notation or recordings.
Standard 1.M.CR.4:
Apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback to refine personal musical ideas.
Strand: PERFORM (1.M.P.)
Students will analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for performance. They will develop techniques and concepts to refine artistic work, and express meaning through the presentation of musical works (Standards 1.M.P.1-4).
Standard 1.M.P.1:
State personal interest in various music selections to be performed, and discuss basic elements of music to be performed.
Standard 1.M.P.2:
Explore the effects of various timbres, dynamic levels and tempos, using voice, movement, and simple instruments
Standard 1.M.P.3:
Develop techniques and concepts to refine work for presentation by:
- Exploring the range and various qualities of the voice.
- Singing a variety of simple songs.
- Responding to visual representations of melodic contour and pitch patterns.
- Performing a rhyme or song with one rhythmic ostinato.
- Performing beat versus rhythm.
- Responding with body percussion, voice, or simple instruments to visual representation of rhythm patterns.
- Demonstrating persistence and cooperation in refining performance pieces.
Standard 1.M.P.4:
Watch and follow the conductor to start, stop, and stay together, and demonstrate appropriate performance behavior.
Strand: RESPOND (1.M.R.)
Students will perceive and analyze artistic work and process. They will interpret intent and meaning, and apply criteria to evaluate artistic work and process (Standards 1.M.R.1-3).
Standard 1: M.R.1:
Listen to and interact with a variety of contrasting music while recognizing steady beat, repeating patterns, and expressive elements.
Standard 1: M.R.2:
Describe feelings conveyed by a music selection, identify elements in a music selection that elicit feelings, show feelings conveyed by music through movement, and predict the use of a music selection.
Standard 1: M.R.3:
Identify which of two strongly contrasting selections of music is the favorite, and tell why by naming the element or feeling.
Strand: CONNECT (1.M.CO.)
Students will synthesize and relate knowledge from personal and collaborative experience to make and receive art. They will relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding (Standards 1.M.CO.1-2).
Standard 1.M.CO.1:
Describe how music relates to personal experience, use life experience and additional content knowledge to inspire and respond to music, and deepen understanding of another content area through music.
Standard 1.M.CO.2:
Sing folk songs and singing games from other cultures, and share a favorite song learned at home or describe a musical family tradition.
Strand: CREATE (1.V.CR.)
Students will generate artistic work by conceptualizing, organizing, and completing their artistic ideas. They will refine original work through persistence, reflection, and evaluation (Standards 1.V.CR.1-3).
Standard 1.V.CR.1:
Engage collaboratively in exploration and imaginative play with art materials, and use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.
Standard 1.V.CR.2:
Explore the use of materials and tools to create works of art or design; use art materials, tools, and equipment in a safe way; and identify and classify uses of everyday objects through drawings, diagrams, sculptures, or other visual means.
Standard 1.V.CR.3:
Use art vocabulary to describe choices while creating art.
Strand: PRESENT (1.V.P.)
Students will analyze, interpret, refine, and select artistic work for presentation. They will convey meaning in the manner in which the art is presented (Standards 1.V.P.1-3).
Standard 1.V.P.1:
Explain why some objects, artifacts, and artworks are valued over others.
Standard 1.V.P.2:
Ask and answer questions such as where, when, why, and how artwork should be prepared for presentation or preservation.
Standard 1.V.P.3:
Identify the roles and responsibilities of people who work in and visit museums and other art venues.
Strand: RESPOND (1.V.R.)
Students will understand, evaluate, and articulate how works of art convey meaning for the observer as well as the creator (Standards 1.V.R.1-3).
Standard 1.V.R.1:
Select and describe works of art that illustrate daily life experiences of one's self and others, and compare images that represent the same subject.
Standard 1.V.R.2:
Interpret art by categorizing subject matter and identifying the characteristics of form.
Standard 1.V.R.3:
Classify artwork based on different reasons for preferences.
Strand: CONNECT (1.V.CO.)
Students will relate artistic skills, ideas, and work with personal meaning and external context (Standards 1.V.CO.1-2).
Standard 1.V.CO.1:
Identify times, places, and reasons by which students make art outside of school.
Standard 1.V.CO.2:
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding that people from different times and places have made art for a variety of reasons.