Business Office Specialist
Printable Version (pdf)
Course Introduction
This course applies advanced concepts and principles using word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and electronic presentation software. Students may have the opportunity to obtain a Microsoft Office Specialist industry certificate through Microsoft and Certiport per district discretion. The certification is recognized worldwide as the best method for employers to validate computer skill proficiency. Students will integrate applications learned. This course builds on skills included in Digital Literacy.
Core Standards of the Course
Strand 1
Students will build on basic word processing skills to create and manage documents.
Standard 1
Review basic editing and formatting tools within a document
Format and edit text options
- Apply various font styles and font sizes to text within a document
- Apply advanced text options using superscript, subscript, capitalization (lowercase, uppercase, title case)
- Apply and modify styles, insert hyperlinks (to a web page, email, within a document), and clear formatting to text within a document
- Format styles for use in text, tables, and lists (Normal, Heading, Title)
Format and edit paragraph options
- Apply before and after paragraph spacing
- Identify text alignment (vertical and horizontal)
- Apply various indent options to a paragraph (left, right, hanging, and first line)
- Edit and customize text bullets and numbering (customize and list levels)
Standard 2
Identify and navigate through common software application (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database) screen components
Locate the various toolbars, menus, and document window
Utilize the ruler to edit a document
Explain the purpose of the status bar
Identify and explore the different options within the navigation pane
Apply and edit the different zoom options
Utilize the scroll bars to navigate through a document
Standard 3
Customize graphic objects within a document
Identify the purpose for different graphic objects (WordArt, image/picture, shapes, and text boxes)
Apply and edit different graphic object formats (size and position, text wrapping, borders and shading, shape fill/outline, rotate/flip)
Standard 4
Review, navigate and edit a document
Navigate through a document using Find and Replace
Edit a document using spell check
Use the thesaurus to explore alternative words
Apply current formatting throughout a document using the format painter
Explore and utilize different design themes within a document
Create bookmarks to help navigate through a document
Standard 5
Create and modify a table within a document
Insert a table and modify rows/columns (add, delete, select entire table)
Format cells within a table (add, delete, size, merge, split)
Enhance the appearance of a table using borders, shading/color, and styles
Align text within a table and a cell (top, bottom, right, left, center)
Sort data within a table alphabetically, chronologically, and numerically
Standard 6
Create and manage simple references within a document
Apply simple references appropriately to a document (cover page, table of contents, citations, footnote/endnote, bibliography)
Apply and modify caption properties to an image, textbox and figure
Review and insert comments throughout a document
Standard 7
Format and customize page layout options within a document
Understand the purpose of templates to enhance productivity
Create, modify and apply custom margins within a document
Identify and insert various section and page breaks within a document
Edit page orientation
Insert and customize headers and footers and page numbers within a document
Apply and customize columns within a document (multiple columns, spacing between columns, lines between columns)
Customize and set tabs within a document
Customize background color/page color
Standard 8
Code macros within a document
Record and play a macro
Assign a keyboard shortcut to run a macro
Standard 9
(Optional for Industry Certification) Apply advanced document setting, properties, formatting, and options
Edit document properties (title, keywords/tags, subject)
Edit display options (enable/disable print background color, always show paragraph marks)
Edit save option (auto recovery options, embed fonts)
Edit advanced options (print pages in reverse order)
Inspect the document for hidden properties and personal information
Apply a theme (color, font style, effects)
Insert and customize a page border
Performance Skills
Use word processing software to create:
Reports that include: Title/cover page, headings, table of contents, page numbers, header or footer, section / page break(s), in-text citations, and footnotes / endnotes
Table with merged / split cells, borders and shading, and sorted data (this table may be included in reports, letters, etc.)
Code and record a macro and assign it to a keyboard shortcut
Strand 2
Students will build on spreadsheet skills to create and manage worksheets.
Standard 1
Create and edit worksheets and workbooks
Create new workbooks and add worksheets from existing workbooks
Open / Import files into an existing worksheet
Copy and move worksheets within a workbook
Standard 2
Identify and navigate through common software application screen components
Identify and manage cell data using the formula bar
Explain the purpose of the name box
Manage and customize sheet tabs options (rename, tab color)
Standard 3
Customize formatting and layout options within a workbook / worksheet
Insert and customize headers and footers
Edit and customize text formatting (Merge & center, wrap text, align text)
Edit and customize number formatting (general, currency, accounting, date & time, decimal, etc.)
Define and explore options with conditional formatting
Insert, move, delete, and copy ranges of a worksheet
Apply and modify styles to cell or table
Apply and manage view options (Freeze panes, split window, zoom)
Continue a series or pattern into neighboring cells using the fill handle
Edit and customize cell size (row height, column width, AutoFit)
Sort and filter data within a worksheet (ascending, descending, multiple fields)
Standard 4
Create and code formulas and functions within a workbook / worksheet
Create customized formulas
Identify relative and absolute cell references
Differentiate and apply basic functions (MAX, MIN, COUNT, AVERAGE, SUM)
Differentiate and apply logical functions (SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, COUNTIF)
Differentiate and apply text functions (PROPER, RIGHT, LEFT, MID, LOOKUP, CONCATENATE)
Name and reference a range of cells
Record and play a macro
- Assign a keyboard shortcut to run a macro
Standard 5
Create and edit charts/graphs within a worksheet
Differentiate between chart / graph types (pie, bar, column, line)
Create a chart in a new sheet or within a worksheet
Customize chart elements (styles, legends, titles, labels, axis, borders, fill)
Embed a chart as an object in current worksheet
Understand the purpose of the "switch row/column data" option when editing a chart / graph
Standard 6
Set and manage page layout and print settings within a workbook
Understand and manage printing options (Fit worksheet to specified number of pages, scaling, print area, print multiple sheets, print selection of cells)
Understand and manage page layout options (Turn on / off gridlines, print row / column headings, Repeat rows and / or columns headings)
Prepare a worksheet for review through show / hide formulas tool
- Keyboard shortcut ctrl + ` (grave accent key)
Standard 7
(Optional for Industry Certification) Apply advanced document setting, properties, and options
Edit document properties (title, keywords / tags, subject)
Manage save options (auto-recovery options)
Apply banded rows and columns within a worksheet
Performance Skills
Use spreadsheet software to create:
Workbooks (with two or more worksheets) that include:
- References to other worksheet cells in the workbook
- Formulas with absolute and relative cell references
- Coding functions including MAX, MIN, COUNT, COUNTIF
- Print options including formulas, gridlines, row/column headings, scaling
- Sort and filter data
- Pie, bar, column, line
- Apply various formatting
Code and record a macro and assign it to a keyboard shortcut
Strand 3
Students will build on electronic presentation skills to create and manage slideshows.
Standard 1
Create and modify a slideshow
Apply appropriate design principles (professional business presentation)
Edit basic slide master options (size, theme, font style)
Arrange and customize content placeholders
Apply custom animation effects (entrance, emphasis, exit, motion path)
Edit animation timing and order (stat, duration, delay)
Apply a transition to a slide(s) within a presentation
Insert and edit objects (picture, table, chart, diagram, sound, and video)
Insert hyperlinks and action buttons
Add speaker notes to slides
Standard 2
(Optional for Industry Certification) Apply advanced document setting, properties, and options
Customize slide master (header/footer,
Insert custom slides (slide layout, slides from outline, reuse slides)
Create custom slide show (hide slides, record timing)
Performance Skills
Use presentation software to create:
Slideshows, demonstrating professional quality design following generally accepted presentation guidelines that include:
- Transitions with automatic timing
- Custom animations
- Objects (charts, diagrams, tables, sound, video)
- Links and action buttons
Speaker notes, handouts, and outlines
Strand 4
Students will acquire basic database skills in order to create and manage data.
Standard 1
Create and modify a database
Define database and database management systems
Define and identify database terminology (data Source, field, record, table, primary key, queries, reports)
Create and edit fields within a database (create new records, add/delete fields, change field names and properties)
Preview and print reports within a database
Standard 2
Navigate effectively within a database
Understand and demonstrate how to navigate to specific records
Set navigation options (filter)
Alternate between view options (database view, design view)
Performance Skills
Use database software to create a table including fields and records. Complete a project that combines the use of at least two of the following: word processing, spreadsheet, and electronic presentation software. - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education
(USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education
(USHE). Send questions or comments to USBE
Specialist -
and see the CTE/Business, Finance and Marketing website. For
general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director
These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the
State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced
for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials,
credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These
materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other
format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of
Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah