Core Standards of the Course
Strand: CREATE (L1.MC.CR.)
Students will conceptualize, generate and organize artistic ideas and work. They will complete and refine musical works (Standards L1.MC.CR.1-6).
Standard L1.MC.CR.1:
Listen to and discuss a variety of musical styles and ideas with guidance.
Standard L1.MC.CR.2:
Sing a consequent phrase for a given antecedent phrase.
Standard L1.MC.CR.3:
With guidance, improvise/generate rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas and phrases.
Standard L1.MC.CR.4:
Develop aural skills: intervals, major/minor modality, and rhythmic and melodic dictation.
Standard L1.MC.CR.5:
Develop, organize and notate, with guidance, basic rhythmic and melodic ideas and phrases with guidance.
Standard L1.MC.CR.6:
Evaluate musical ideas, with guidance, and identify and rehearse elements of musical expression that lead to a creative interpretation of a musical work.
Strand: PERFORM (L1.MC.P.)
Students will analyze, interpret and select artistic work for performance. They will develop techniques and concepts to refine artistic work, and express meaning through the presentation of musical works (Standards L1.MC.P.1-7).
Standard L1.MC.P.1:
Select appropriate music, with limited guidance, to perform for a short solo or ensemble performance, and explain why each was chosen.
Standard L1.MC.P.2:
Discuss, with guidance, various elements of a musical work such as form, phrasing, and style.
Standard L1.MC.P.3:
Sing with an appropriate tone over an appropriate range with consideration of the following skills in combination:
- Vowels and diction
- Intonation
- Placement
- Correct breathing and singing posture
- Vocal physiology and vocal care
- Flow phonation
Standard L1.MC.P.4:
Demonstrate technical performance skills by singing correct pitches and rhythms in skill appropriate literature.
Standard L1.MC.P.5:
Demonstrate notational literacy in correctly sight-singing simple melodies, harmonies, and rhythms.
Standard L1.MC.P.6:
Demonstrated productive rehearsal habits, both as an individual and as an ensemble member.
Standard L1.MC.P.7:
Perform an artistic work with technical accuracy, responding appropriately to the conductor and using musical elements to express ideas and emotions.
Strand: RESPOND (L1.MC.R.)
Students will perceive and analyze artistic work and process. They will interpret intent and meaning, and apply criteria to evaluate artistic work and process (Standards L1.MC.R.1-5).
Standard L1.MC.R.1:
Respond to a musical performance by identifying the musical elements within a piece and in a given context, discuss their effect on both listener and performer, and exhibit appropriate performance demeanor and audience concert etiquette.
Standard L1.MC.R.2:
Identify and discuss how musical elements are embedded within a musical work to express possible meanings, and consider how the use of musical elements helps predict the composer's possible intent.
Standard L1.MC.R.3:
Identify and describe, with guidance, the musical and structural elements that contribute to a quality musical work.
Standard L1.MC.R.4:
Identify and describe, with guidance, the technical and musical skills evident in a quality performance.
Standard L1.MC.R.5:
Judge and improve the quality of student's own musical performance using self-assessment.
Strand: CONNECT (L1.MC.CO.)
Students will synthesize and relate knowledge from personal and collaborative experience to make and receive art. They will relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding (Standards L1.MC.CO.1-4).
Standard L1.MC.CO.1:
Examine how music relates to personal development and enjoyment of life.
Standard L1.MC.CO.2:
Self-assess and document personal growth as a musician.
Standard L1.MC.CO.3:
Experience how music connects us to history, culture, heritage, community and to other academic subjects.
Standard L1.MC.CO.4:
Demonstrate and understand, with limited guidance, how musical works are influenced by the composer's heritage and experiences.