Core Standards of the Course
ELP Standard 1
An ELL can...
construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through level-appropriate listening, reading, and viewing.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
use a developing set of strategies to:
ELP Standard 2
An ELL can...
participate in level-appropriate oral and written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses, in various social and academic contexts, responding to peer, audience, or reader comments and questions.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
- participate in conversations, discussions, and written exchanges about familiar topics, texts, and issues
- build on the ideas of others
- express his or her own ideas
- ask and answer relevant questions
- add relevant information and evidence
- restate some of the key ideas expressed
- follow rules for discussion
- ask questions to gain information or clarify understanding.
ELP Standard 3
An ELL can...
speak and write about level-appropriate complex literary and informational texts and topics.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
with support,
ELP Standard 4
An ELL can...
construct level-appropriate oral and written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
ELP Standard 5
An ELL can...
conduct research and evaluate and communicate findings to answer questions or solve problems.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
with support,
ELP Standard 6
An ELL can...
analyze and critique the arguments of others orally and in writing.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
with support,
ELP Standard 7
An ELL can...
adapt language choices to purpose, task, and audience when speaking and writing.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
- adapt language choices and style according to purpose, task, and audience with developing ease in various social and academic contexts
- use an increasing number of general academic and content-specific words and expressions in spoken and written texts
- show developing control of style and tone in spoken and written texts.
ELP Standard 8
An ELL can...
determine the meaning of words and phrases in oral presentations and literary and informational text.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
using context, questioning, and a developing knowledge of English and their native language(s)' morphology,
ELP Standard 9
An ELL can...
create clear and coherent level-appropriate speech and text.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
with support,
ELP Standard 10
An ELL can...
demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English to communicate in level-appropriate speech and writing.
By the end of English language proficiency level 3, an ELL can...
with support,