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CTE/Computer Science & Information Technology Curriculum Python 1, Introduction
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Core Standards of the Course

Strand 1
Python Basics

Standard 1

  1. Students will understand the history of programming languages.
  2. Students will understand the different levels of programming languages:
    • Binary
    • Assembly
    • Compiled
    • Interpreted

  3. Students will use an editor/IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to compile and run programs Students will always use best practices to coding tasks
    • Sequencing algorithms
    • Indenting
    • Eliminating redundancy
    • Commenting
    • Naming conventions

Standard 2
Variable & Data Types

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to use variables in a program.
  2. Students will demonstrate the use of different data types.
    • Integer
    • Float
    • String
    • Boolean

  3. Students will use appropriate naming conventions
    • Snake case (first_name)

  4. Students will give descriptive names to variables

Standard 3

  1. Students will use arithmetic operators in a program (+, -, *, /)
  2. Students will demonstrate the use of order of operations
    • Parentheses Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (PEMDAS)

  3. Students understand the single equal sign performs an assignment
  4. Students understand the += and the -= operators are used for incrementing and decrementing

Standard 4

  1. Students will identify errors and debug a program
  2. Students will identify the three types of errors:
    • Syntax
    • Logic
    • Runtime

Standard 5
Input and Output Functions

  1. Students will demonstrate the use of input and print functions
    • input()
    • print()

  2. Students will demonstrate the use of formatting methods
    • Concatenation
    • Type Casting
      • Integer
      • Float
      • String

Standard 6
Students will be able to:

  1. Understand the input() function.
  2. Apply the input() and print() function in programs.

Performance Skill

  • Use a programing editor to write working code
  • Demonstrate the use of variables with different data types
  • Demonstrate the use of input & output formatting methods
  • Demonstrate the use of #comments

Strand 2

Standard 1

  1. Students will understand the conditional logic of >, <, >=, <=, ==, != operators when comparing

Standard 2
If Statements

  1. The student will control flow with an if statement in a program

Standard 3
Elif Statements

  1. The student will control flow with an Elif statement in a program

Standard 4
Else Statements

  1. The student will control flow with an Else statement in a program

Performance Skill

  • Understand conditional logic
  • Understand and use If, Elif, and Else statement

Strand 3

Standard 1

  1. Students will use loops (iteration) to efficiently repeat code
  2. Students will know which type of loop to use in a program
    • For loop
    • Nested loops
    • Indentation conventions

Standard 2

  1. Students will use a range in a loop
  2. Students will design a loop with a range so they iterate the correct number of times

Standard 3

  1. Students will use variables in the argument of a loop

Standard 4

  1. Students will use incrementing and decrementing (+=. -=) in the body of a loop

Performance Skill

  • Students will use a range in a loop
  • Students will use variables in the argument of a loop
  • Students will use nested loops

Strand 4

Standard 1

  1. Students will understand the difference between pre-defined and user-defined functions
  2. Students will understand the purpose of using functions for eliminating redundancy and reusability

Standard 2

  1. Students will create user-defined functions
    • Students will use appropriate naming conventions
    • Snake case (first_name)
    • Students will give descriptive names
    • Students will understand that a user-defined function will perform a single task
    • Students will use one or more parameters in a function definition

Standard 3

  1. Create forever loops using while and break.
  2. Use incrementing variables in a while loop.

Standard 4

  1. Students will call (use) functions
    • Students will be able to call a function with arguments

Performance Skill
Students will be able to create and call a function with a parameter

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Kristina  Yamada and see the CTE/Computer Science & Information Technology website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - THALEA  LONGHURST.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.