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CTE/Computer Science & Information Technology Curriculum Web Development Advanced
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Core Standards of the Course

Strand 1
Advanced Skills for Front-end Developers (Suggested time proportion 10%)

Standard 1
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Code to a priority one Strand.

  1. Create a sitemap.
  2. Understand the steps to submitting the site map to a browser.
  3. Read a robots.txt file to determine which pages the web crawler should not crawl.
  4. Title element should accurately describe each page with a brief but descriptive wording. title should be unique on every webpage of a website
  5. Use meta description tag on pages that interest and inform the users of the page content. Keep length of the descriptions easy to display by the search engine.
  6. Use brief but descriptive link text.
  7. Use heading tags like you are writing an outline for the webpage.
  8. Understand linking and link backs.
  9. Images should be optimized and include alt text.
  10. Use browser guidelines to create optimized pages using only white hat methods.

Standard 2
Webmaster tools

  1. Understand how to search queries.
  2. Understand how to prioritize design and navigation based on top pages.
  3. Create and submit an XML sitemap for your website.
  4. Understand how to use the security feature for hacked website and malware.

Standard 3
Understand the Purpose of nameservers to Domain Names

  1. Explain the steps to directing a name server to an IP address.
  2. Explain the steps to directing the name server on a shared server.

Standard 4
Understand the function of analytics for website development and web services decision making.

  1. Explain how to make a verified analytics account.
  2. Understand how to track the incoming data from your analytics.
  3. Insert the code for analytics tracking into an HTML page.

Standard 5
FTP file transmission protocol (optional)

  1. Students should upload a website to a server
  2. Students should understand the FTP protocol and Strand port number (20).

Standard 6
Understand appropriate file structure and naming conventions for teamwork purposes

  1. Use logical file structure to build websites.

Standard 7
Introduce Agile/Scrum project management tools to help the team with software methodology.

Strand 2
Fundamentals of Advanced HTML5 (Suggested time proportion 10%)

Standard 1
Use form control attributes

  1. Demonstrate the ability to code number, date, time, calendar, and range.
  2. Create a form that can connect and submit to a database.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to code , , and .

Standard 2
Use Advanced HTML5 elements.

  1. Demonstrate the ability to code: address, button, details, dialog, progress, and svg.
  2. Use Responsive Web design to form websites for tablets and mobile devices.
  3. Use a framework

Standard 3

  1. Input Types: color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url, and week.
    • Input Attributes: autocomplete, autofocus, form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, list, min and max, multiple, pattern (regexp), placeholder, required, and step.

Standard 4
Syntaxes for attributes.

  1. Understand the four different syntaxes for attributes. Empty, unquoted, double quoted, and single quoted.
  2. Use good coding practice to create well-formed pages.

Standard 5
Understand and use APIs.

  1. Understand HTML Geolocation
  2. Understand HTML Drag and Drop
  3. Understand HTML Local Storage. Use Local storage as a replacement for cookies.
  4. Understand HTML Application Cache
  5. Understand HTML Web Workers
  6. Understand HTML SSE

Standard 6
Use version control in projects.

  1. Utilize tools like Git/Github, Tortoise SVN, ect.

Strand 3
Advanced Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3) (Suggested time proportion 10%)

Standard 1
Apply CSS3.

  1. Add border border-radius and border-image.
  2. Add background-size, background-origin, background-image and background-clip.
  3. Add linear-gradient and radial-gradients.
  4. Add text-shadow and box-shadow.
  5. Add text properties: text-overflow, word-wrap, and word-break.
  6. Web based fonts:
    • rem - root element
    • vw - Relative to 1% of the width of the viewport*
    • em - Relative to the font-size of the element (2em means 2 times the size of the current font)
    • % - Relative to the parent element

Standard 2

  1. Implement transition, transition-delay, transition-duration, transition-property, and transition-timing- function.

Standard 3
CSS3 Animations

  1. Use @keyframes and animation to create animations on your website.
  2. Use animation-delay property for the start of an animation
  3. Use animation-timing-function property with the following values:ease(this is default), linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, and cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n).

Standard 4
CSS3 User interface

  1. Add resize
  2. Add outline-offset
  3. Understand user interface properties: ox-sizing, nav-down, nav-index, nav-left, nav- right, nav-up, outline-offset, and resize.

Standard 5
Use version control in projects.

  1. Utilize tools like Git/Github, Tortoise SVN, ect.

Strand 4
Database Technology (Suggested time proportion 15%)

Standard 1
Understand Database Technology used in Web Development.

  1. Understand when to use a database.
  2. Connect website to database
    • Connect form submit button to database

Standard 2
Understand how to build and use a database

  1. Understand how mySQL can execute queries against a database,
  2. retrieve data from a database
  3. insert records in a database
  4. update records in a database
  5. delete records from a database
  6. create new databases
  7. create new tables in a database
  8. set permissions on tables, procedures, and views

Standard 3
Create content for website.

  1. Create and prepare graphic elements: <svg> and <canvas>.
  2. Prepare media elements using the: <audio>, <embed>, <source>, <track> and <video> and the supported file types.
  3. Identify when to use v
  4. Optimize images for web content. Utilize vector images.
  5. Insert navigation bars, rollover images, or buttons created in graphics editor.
  6. Understand the use of favicons.

Standard 4
Uploading and maintaining a site.

  1. Understand and be able to describe the capabilities of web servers.
  2. Upload pages to a web server.
  3. Conduct basic technical tests such as validating the website (wc3 compliant), accessibility, SEO, etc.
  4. Present web pages to others for quality assurances (QA) such as team members and clients for feedback and evaluation on technical merits and usability.
  5. Identify methods for collecting site feedback, such as using counters, feedback forums, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools.
  6. Provide site maintenance using bug reports, backups, and promotion. g. Document all aspects of website maintenance.

Strand 5
Java Script: Students will code using JavaScript. (Suggested time proportion 20%)

Standard 1
Demonstrate the use Javascript.

  1. Add interactivity to your website using JavaScript.
  2. Utilize JavaScript libraries to add interactivity to your website.
  3. Use JavaScript to change HTML5 content.
  4. Use JavaScript to change HTML5 attributes.
  5. Use JavaScript to change HTML5 styles.
  6. Use JavaScript to validate HTML5 form data.
  7. Code an object in JavaScript for use on a website.
  8. Code an event handler using JavaScript.

Strand 6
PHP: Students will understand and use PHP programming. (Suggested time proportion 15%)

Standard 1
Understand PHP programming.

  1. Understand PHP can generate dynamic page content
  2. Code using proper php syntax
  3. Code using the “echo” and print ()function
  4. Understand variable names are case sensitive
  5. PHP can send and receive cookies
  6. PHP can be used to control user-access

Standard 2
PHP variables

  1. Understand local and global variables.
  2. Understand the following data types: String, Integer, Float, Boolean, Array, Object, NULL, and Resource.

Strand 7
Introduction to UX/UI and website development (Suggested time proportion 20%)

Standard 1
UX Understand the purpose and audience for a website.

  1. Using a project management method prepare for producing a website. Agile or scrum is the recommended method adopted.
  2. Identify a Journey Map, Competitive Analysis, and a user persona.
  3. Research and Present information for a website project using information gathered using a Journey Map, Competitive Analysis, and User Persona.

Standard 2
UX Ideate

  1. Identify User Flow, Low and High fidelity mockup, Wireframe, and Prototype.
  2. Plan a website based on user flow based on the following questions
    • Who is the user?
    • What is the goal?
    • What steps do the users need to take to reach the goal? (finding information, buying a product, or connecting digitally)

  3. Create a mock-up for a website
    • Create a low fidelity mock-up for a website.
    • Create a high fidelity mock-up for a website for the client.

  4. Create a wireframe for a website for the developer to use to code the website.
  5. Create a Prototype for a website.
  6. Communicate with others (such as peers and clients) about design and content plans.
  7. Produce website designs that work on various devices and browser versions/configurations.
  8. Plan, communicate, or present a client’s website before, during or after website development.

Standard 3
Create a Style Guide or an Interface Inventory

  1. Include color scheme
  2. Typography- Headings, subheadings, lists, and text.
  3. Images-logo, icons, and images

Standard 4
Create content for website.

  1. Create and prepare graphic elements: svg and canvas.
  2. Prepare media elements using the: audio, embed, source, track and video and the supported file types.
  3. Optimize images for web content. Utilize vector images.
  4. Insert navigation bars, rollover images, or buttons.
  5. Add a favicon to a website

Standard 5
Uploading and maintaining a site.

  1. Understand and be able to describe the capabilities of web servers.
  2. Upload pages to a web server.
  3. Conduct basic technical tests such as validating the website (wc3 compliant), accessibility, SEO, etc.
  4. Identify methods for collecting site feedback, such as using analytics, comments, feedback, forums, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, etc.
  5. Provide site maintenance using bug reports, backups, and broken link detection.
  6. Document all aspects of website maintenance.
  7. Present web pages to others for quality assurances (QA) such as team members and clients for feedback and evaluation on technical merits and usability.
  8. Understand and be able to describe the capabilities of web servers.

Strand 8
Exploration & Preparation for Careers in Web Development: Students will explore careers in Web Development and prepare a portfolio of projects created.

Standard 1
Explore IT Web Development careers.

  1. Identify job roles in the Information Technology (IT) industry as they apply to web development.
  2. Understand the responsibilities, tasks, and skills each job requires.

Standard 2
Create a responsive database driven website that uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP

Standard 3
Create a student portfolio.

  1. Prepare an online portfolio of projects developed in the class.
  2. Prepare an online resume with references.
  3. Research the current job postings.
  4. Compare current skills to the skills required to be hired.
  5. Research Freelance Web Design.
  6. Develop a marketing plan for a web design business.

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Kristina  Yamada and see the CTE/Computer Science & Information Technology website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - THALEA  LONGHURST.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.