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Science - Secondary Curriculum SEEd - Meteorology
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Core Standards of the Course

The atmosphere has different layers and composition which can be identified from its properties. Observable changes in solar radiation affect both the atmosphere and the surface of Earth.

Standard METR.1.1
Construct an explanation describing the properties and structure and function of the atmospheric layers. Emphasize the properties of temperature, density, chemical composition, pressure, humidity, and moisture.

Standard METR.1.2
Develop a model that explains observable seasonal variations (changes) in insolation. Emphasize the length of daylight hours, angle of midday sun, and Earth’s axial tilt.

Standard METR.1.3
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate what happens to solar radiation (energy) as it moves through the atmosphere and interacts with Earth’s surface (matter). Emphasize the role of the greenhouse effect on supporting life.

Standard METR.1.4
Analyze and interpret data to determine the cause and effect of changes in Earth’s surface conditions. Examples of data to analyze could be humidity, density, temperature, dew point, wind direction, cloud types, and precipitation.

Standard METR.1.5
Ask Questions to obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the scale, proportion, and quantity of different types of clouds and precipitation. Emphasize the formation process and their effects on Earth’s surface.


Standard METR.2.1
Ask questions to analyze data to compare the relationships between different weather systems. Emphasize air masses, source regions, weather fronts, pressure systems, and the changes associated with frontal passage. Examples could include air density, temperature, dew point, wind direction, cloud types, and precipitation.

Standard METR.2.2
Develop and use a model which displays different scales, proportions, and quantities of measurements and can be used to predict the weather. Emphasize using weather maps as models. Examples of measurements could include high- and low -pressure systems, isobars, wind barbs, and fronts.

Standard METR.2.3
Plan and carry out an investigation to identify patterns in how hazardous meteorological events are formed. Emphasize the formation of severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and winter storms.

Standard METR.2.4
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate the role of technology and public awareness systems on weather forecasting. Examples could include NOAA/NWS observation data network, instrumentation, satellites, radar, weather balloons, models, watch/warning criteria.

Standard METR.2.5
Use mathematics and computational thinking to design and evaluate a safety plan that protects (affects) against common weather events for a local geographic location. Define the problem, identify criteria and constraints, develop possible solutions using models, analyze data to make improvements from iteratively testing solutions, and optimize a solution.

Various climate systems are present across the world with a variety of characteristics and conditions. Weather, climate, and society interact and affect each other. Climate change is defined as any systematic change in the long-term statistics of climate elements (such as temperature, pressure, or winds) sustained over several decades or longer. Climate change can have a variety of causes and effects. Technology and regulation can aid in minimizing property damage, preserving life, and reducing the impacts of climate change.

Standard METR.3.1
Analyze and interpret data to construct explanations for various global climate systems. Emphasize climatic characteristics such as latitudinal variations in insolation, distribution of land and water, prevailing winds, average temperature and precipitation, atmospheric circulation, physical geography, altitude, and ocean currents.

Standard METR.3.2
Engage in argument from evidence to identify the patterns that exist in the relationships between weather, climate, and society. Examples could include hazardous weather, urban heat island, smog formation, air pollution, air quality, stratospheric ozone.

Standard METR.3.3
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the potential individual and societal effects of changing weather patterns and climate conditions. Emphasize the effects on economic, social, health (physical and emotional), political, and ecological systems.

Standard METR.3.4
Plan and carry out an investigation to determine the natural and human caused factors that produce changes in global climate. Emphasize Milankovitch and ENSO cycles, role of greenhouse gases, and changes in physical geography.

Standard METR.3.5
Evaluate proposed designed solutions intended to minimize property damage and preserve life by reducing the impacts (effect) of climate change and hazardous weather. Define the problem, identify criteria and constraints, analyze available data on proposed solutions, and determine an optimal solution.

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Milo  Maughan and see the Science - Secondary website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - Todd  Call.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.