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CTE/Engineering & Technology Curriculum Plastics 1
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Core Standards of the Course

Strand 1
Students will follow safety practices.

Standard 1
Identify potential safety hazards and follow general laboratory safety practices.

  1. Assess workplace conditions regarding safety and health.
  2. Identify potential safety issues and align with relevant safety standards to ensure a safe workplace/jobsite.
  3. Locate and understand the use of shop safety equipment.
  4. Select appropriate personal protective equipment.

Standard 2
Use safe work practices.

  1. Use personal protective equipment according to manufacturer rules and regulations.
  2. Practice a culture of safety, maintain an attitude of safety in daily operations.
  3. Follow correct procedures when using any hand or power tools.

Standard 3
Complete a basic safety test without errors (100%) before using any tools or shop equipment.

Strand 2
Students will research the importance of plastics in our society.

Standard 1
Describe the history of plastics and their origin (i.e. petroleum industry).

Standard 2
Investigate how the use of plastic molding helps drive innovation.

Standard 3
(Optional) Investigate how plastic products used in the health care industry to improve and save lives.

Strand 3
Students will outline the basic methods of plastic processing.

Standard 1
Identify a variety of plastic processing methods. For example:

  1. Injection molding
  2. Extrusion
  3. Thermoforming
  4. Blow molding
  5. Compression molding

Standard 2
List a variety of everyday products/parts that are made from various plastic processing methods.

Standard 3
Define what plastic injection molding is.

Standard 4
Give a brief history of the plastics molding process and its development.

Strand 4
Students will identify the basic materials used in the plastic injection molding process.

Standard 1
Identify the types of materials used in the plastics injection process.

  1. Thermoplastic (properties and examples)
  2. Thermoset (properties and examples)

Standard 2
Develop a basic understanding of resins and identify their properties.

  1. Explain why different materials are better for certain applications than others.

Standard 3
Provide examples of products manufactured by Utah's plastic injection molding industry.

Strand 5
Students will identify components of a plastic injection molding machine.

Standard 1
Identify what a hopper is and describe its function.

Standard 2
Identify what an injection unit is and describe its function.

  1. Barrel
  2. Screw

Standard 3
Identify what a nozzle is and describe its function.

Standard 4
Identify what a mold is and describe its function.

Standard 5
Identify what a clamping unit is and describe its function.

Standard 6
Identify what an ejection unit is and describe its function.

  1. Outline the part ejection/removal process.

Strand 6
Students will identify basic components of an injection mold.

Standard 1
Identify and label the following:

  1. mold base
  2. locating ring
  3. cavity
  4. core
  5. material delivery system
    • sprue
    • runners
    • gates
  6. part ejection system

Strand 7
Students will produce simple injection molded parts.

Standard 1
Establish a repeatable process.

Standard 2
Identify the common quality defects.

  1. Short shot
  2. Flash
  3. Sink marks, blush, flow lines & knit lines
  4. Material degradation (burning, discoloration, black specs)

Standard 3
Ensure that the product meets quality specifications.

Performance Skills

Standard 1
Produce simple injection molded parts to specification.

Standard 2
Demonstrate practice of the Technology & Engineering Professional Workplace Skills.

Standard 3
Participate in a significant activity that provides each student with an opportunity to render service to others, employ leadership skills, or demonstrate skills they have learned through this course, preferably through participation in a Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) such as SkillsUSA.

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Doug  Livingston and see the CTE/Engineering & Technology website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - THALEA  LONGHURST.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.