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CTE/Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Curriculum Law Enforcement
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Core Standards of the Course

Strand 1
Students will be able to understand law enforcement history, crime awareness, and causes of crime.

Standard 1
Explain the history of law enforcement in relation to (Chapter 1)

  1. Police role in society.
  2. Philosophy of law enforcement
  3. Reformers of law enforcement

Standard 2
Describe Peace Officer authority in the United States. (Chapter 1)

  1. Federal
  2. State

Standard 3
Explain the Bill of Rights. (Chapter 1)

  1. History of the Bill of Rights
  2. Reasons for the Bill of Rights
  3. Rights for citizens and police

Standard 4
Describe different methods of crime data collection and reporting. (Chapter2)

  1. Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)
  2. National incident-based reporting systems (NIBRS)
  3. Persons arrested
  4. Clearances rates
  5. Why crime rates fluctuate

Standard 5
Identify possible causes of crime. (Chapter 3)

  1. Psychological explanations
  2. Sociological explanations
  3. Biological theory
  4. Integration of theories
  5. Typological theory
  6. Mental illness and crime
  7. Crisis intervention training (CIT)
  8. Suicide prevention

Strand 2
Students will be able to understand the law, criminal justice system, and trial proceedings.

Standard 1
Examine Utah Law. (Chapter 4)

  1. Title 76 Chapter 1, General Provisions
  2. Title 76 Chapter 2, Principles of Criminal Responsibilities
  3. Elements of crime
  4. Title 76 Chapter 3, Punishment
  5. Title 76 Chapter 4, Inchoate Offenses
  6. Title 76 Chapter 5, Crime Against Persons
  7. Title 76 Chapter 6, Crimes Against Property
  8. Title 76 Chapter 7, Offenses Against the Family
  9. Title 76 Chapter 8, Offenses Against Administration of Government
  10. Title 76 Chapter 9, Offenses Against Public Order and Decency
  11. Title 76 Chapter 10, Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, Welfare, and Morals
  12. Controlled Substances
  13. Alcohol-Related Offences
  14. Local Law And Ordinances
  15. Expungement

Standard 2
Describe the components of the criminal justice system. (Chapter 5)

  1. Police
    • Citation arrest
    • Citation arrest
  2. Courts
    • Judge selection and retention
    • Appellate courts
    • Trial courts
    • Pre-trial proceedings
    • Indeterminate sentence
    • Forfeiture
    • Summons
  3. Corrections
    • Corrections history
    • Diversion
    • Recidivism
    • Furlough

Standard 3
Describe the trials process. (Chapter 6)

  1. Principles of criminal responsibilities.
  2. Roles of the judge
  3. Roles of the prosecutor and defense attorney
  4. Plea Bargaining
  5. The jury
  6. Who must testify
  7. Rules of evidence
  8. Costs of conviction
  9. Appeal

Strand 3
Students will be able to understand the corrections system and juvenile justice.

Standard 1
Identify the need and purpose of corrections. (Chapter 7)

  1. Goals of corrections
  2. Corrections mission
  3. State Prison
  4. County jails
  5. Prisoner rights
  6. Trends in corrections
  7. The death penalty (Capital Punishment)

Standard 2
Explain the juvenile justice system. (Chapter 8)

  1. Jurisdiction
  2. Delinquent Act
    • Criminal offense
    • Status offense
  3. Diversion
  4. Juvenile rights
  5. Commissioners
  6. Interstate compact
  7. Serious youth offender law
  8. Certification hearing
  9. Division of Youth Services
  10. Detention center
  11. Expungement

Strand 4
Students will be able to understand the arrest procedures, policies, and ethics of law enforcement officers.

Standard 1
Outline the laws of arrest. (Chapter 9)

  1. Arrest with a warrant
  2. Arrest without a warrant
  3. Arrest elements
    • Intent
    • Authority
    • Subjection
    • Understanding
  4. Summons
  5. Use of force in making an arrest
  6. Use of deadly force by a peace officer

Standard 2
Explain search and seizure. (Chapter 9)

  1. Probable cause
  2. Search warrant
  3. Search without a warrant
    • Consent search
    • Plain view
  4. Search of a person
  5. Search of a vehicle
  6. Stop and frisk law
  7. Exclusionary rule

Standard 3
Define agency policies and professional ethics. (Chapter 10)

  1. Law, policy and ethics
  2. The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics
  3. Law enforcement disciplinary action

Strand 5
Students will be able to understand procedures relating to traffic investigations and patrol functions.

Standard 1
Explore basic law enforcement activities. (Chapter 11)

  1. Report writing
  2. Use of emergency equipment
  3. Pursuit driving
  4. Command structure
  5. Radio procedure
  6. Use of force
  7. Use of firearms

Standard 2
Illustrate traffic investigations. (Chapter 12)

  1. Traffic laws
  2. Traffic stop procedures.
  3. Accident investigations
  4. Driving under the influence (DUI)
    • Utah DUI law
    • DUI procedures

Standard 3
Describe patrol functions. (Chapter 14)

  1. Goals of patrolling
  2. Field interviews
  3. Domestic disturbances
  4. Civil problems

Strand 6
Students will be able to understand investigative work, evidence collecting and handling.

Standard 1
Explore investigative techniques. (Chapter 15)

  1. Developing leads
  2. Interviews
  3. Interrogations
  4. Miranda warning

Standard 2
Identify proper evidence handling. (Chapter 13)

  1. Physical evidence
  2. Chain of evidence
  3. Locating and collecting evidence
  4. Evidence analysis
  5. Autopsy
  6. Fingerprinting
  7. DNA

Strand 7
Students will be able to understand law enforcement as an occupation.

Standard 1
Explore career paths in Law Enforcement. (Chapter 17)

  1. Job Opportunities
  2. Minimum qualifications and testing
  3. Application process

Standard 2
Describe different specialized units. (Chapter 16)

  1. Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
  2. Gang unit
  3. Narcotics unit
  4. Vice squad
  5. K-9 unit
  6. Community-oriented policing unit (COP)
  7. School resource officer (SRO)
  8. Major accident team
  9. Court services
  10. Training unit
  11. Criminal intelligence unit (CIU)
  12. Chaplain corps
  13. Reserve corps
  14. Search and rescue

Standard 3
Recognize rewards and challenges of law enforcement careers. (Chapter 17)

  1. Rewards
    • Public recognition
    • Community Services
    • Job promotion
    • Variety
  2. Challenges
    • Shift schedules
    • Societal influences
    • Emotional/Physical challenges
  3. Work/Life Balance

Performance Skills

  1. Insert crime statistics into a graphic representation (such as a crime clock, graph or other tool) and evaluate the crime trend illustrated.
  2. Write a proper probable cause statement based on a given scenario.
  3. Correctly label a traffic accident diagram.
  4. Apply team skills to a group project.
  5. Complete a job application.

Workplace Skills

  1. Communication
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Teamwork
  4. Critical Thinking
  5. Dependability
  6. Accountability
  7. Conflict Resolution
  8. Legal Requirements/ Expectation

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - MAREN  HANSEN and see the CTE/Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - THALEA  LONGHURST.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.