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Social Studies Curriculum Social Studies - Kindergarten (2024)
Course Preface Course Preface
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Core Standards of the Course

Strand 1: History
Students will understand that history is the study of events, people, and places of other times.

Compelling Questions:

  • Who are the people in our families and communites that we honor? Why are these people honored and remembered? Whom do we honor in United States history?
  • Why are some events and people from history remembered?
  • What are some of the ways families and communities remain the same over time?
  • What are some of the ways families and communities change over time?

Standard K.1.1
Compare how people lived in earlier times and how their lives would be different today (for example, growing food, making clothing, living by different rules and laws).

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Standard K.1.2
Use a variety of texts to analyze and retell the stories of a diverse range of key historical figures, including some from United States history, and make inferences about why they are remembered and honored as people who exemplify the traits of honesty, integrity, morality, civility, duty, honor, service, respect, and obedience to law.

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Standard K.1.3
Explain how families provide physical, social, and emotional support and how each family has its own unique history.

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Strand 2: Geography
Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic physical and human geographical concepts.

Compelling Questions:

  • What stories do maps and globes tell?
  • What new things can we learn from studying maps?
  • How do you find your place on a map?

Standard K.2.1
Construct a simple map, and explain how the map represents a place.

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Standard K.2.2
Explain how a globe is a model of the Earth.

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Standard K.2.3
Recognize and describe geographical features in their community that make it unique (for example, mountains, rivers, lakes, roads).

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Standard K.2.4
Describe and use relative location terms of objects (for example, left/right, above/below, up/down, near/far) while using maps and globes.

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Strand 3: Civics
Students will learn and exhibit traits of good citizenship.

Compelling Questions:

  • Why are rules important? What can happen when rules are broken?
  • What are ways we feel like we belong and are welcome in our school and community?
  • What are your responsibilities at home and at school?
  • What purposes do symbols of our school, community, and country serve?
  • Who in your community promotes the welfare and safety of others?

Standard K.3.1
Describe some of the rules students or family members follow and why they are important as a member of a family, class, and school.

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Standard K.3.2
List and describe the essential qualities needed to learn and work together as friends, neighbors, and family members (for example, honesty, integrity, morality, civility, duty, honor, service, respect, obedience to law).

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Standard K.3.3
Identify ways that people work together to build a strong community (for example, parents, religious leaders, teachers and other school personnel, police officers, firefighters, soldiers, business owners).

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Standard K.3.4
Explain why national, state, and other symbols and actions (including the United States flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, the bald eagle, the Utah flag) are considered important. What rules and traditions have been made to reflect that importance?

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Strand 4: Economics
Students will identify basic economic concepts of needs, wants, spending, saving, sharing, and the value of work.

Compelling Questions:

  • What happens when you have to choose between two things you need or want?
  • How might saving money improve someone’s life in the future?
  • Why do people save money?

Standard K.4.1
Make distinctions between basic human needs and individual wants and how that can change over time.

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Standard K.4.2
Relate how different types of work can help people and communities meet their needs and wants.

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Standard K.4.3
Identify ways that people use money, including spending, saving, and sharing.

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Robert  Austin and see the Social Studies website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - Jennifer  Throndsen.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.