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Health Education Curriculum Health Education - 4th Grade
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Core Standards of the Course

Students will develop and practice basic skills for goal-setting, decision-making, and healthy relationships.

Standard 4.HF.1:
Set a specific and measurable short-term goal and track the progress.

Standard 4.HF.2:
Describe how choices can have positive and negative consequences and give examples of how a person's decisions can be positively or negatively influenced by others, including peers. „

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Standard 4.HF.3:
Recognize and accept that reasonable people can have differing opinions.

Standard 4.HF.4:
Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy relationships.

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Students will identify and practice strategies that promote positive mental and emotional health.

Standard 4.MEH.1:
Identify healthy ways to manage and reduce stress (for example, exercise, hobbies, mindfulness, time management, organization).

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Standard 4.MEH.2:
Practice strategies to manage inappropriate or harmful comments and behaviors from others.

Standard 4.MEH.3:
Define empathy and practice demonstrating empathy with peers.

Standard 4.MEH.4:
Identify ways to support self and others struggling with mental and emotional health and recognize when to seek help.

Students will apply information and develop personal plans to take responsibility for personal safety and disease prevention.

Standard 4.SDP.1:
Describe how immediate response increases a victim's chance for survival and demonstrate the proper use of basic first aid in a variety of situations.

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Standard 4.SDP.2:
Develop a personal safety plan to follow in case of emergency, which may include fire, earthquake, lock down, lock out, evacuate, and shelter in place for school, home, and community settings.

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Standard 4.SDP.3:
Identify and practice ways to prevent common childhood injuries.

Standard 4.SDP.4:
Discuss use and misuse of current technology and develop a personal safety plan for technology use.

Standard 4.SDP.5:
Explain facts about common chronic health conditions (for example, asthma, diabetes, allergies, anaphylaxis, seizures) and discuss empathy towards individuals living with these conditions.

Standard 4.SDP.6:
Describe procedures to follow when encountering another person's blood or body fluid.

Students will learn how refusing alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, and other drugs helps accomplish personal goals.

Standard 4.SAP.1:
Explain how choosing to refuse alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, and other substances relates to accomplishing personal goals.

Standard 4.SAP.2:
Explain the short and long-term physical, mental, social, financial, and emotional effects of alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, and substance use.

Standard 4.SAP.3:
Discuss marketing tactics regarding harmful substances by reviewing various media sources to identify misinformation and manipulative techniques.

Standard 4.SAP.4:
Describe the appropriate use of medicines (over-the-counter [OTC] and prescription) and potential dangers of drug interactions.

Strand 5: NUTRITION (N)
Students will identify the basics of nutrition, healthy eating habits, and advertising techniques. Students will also identify statewide food resources.

Standard 4.N.1:
Identify the basic nutrients and describe their functions (for example, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water).

Standard 4.N.2:
Locate key nutrition items on nutrition facts label.

Standard 4.N.3:
Recognize that calories are needed for growth and body function and that caloric needs change throughout the lifespan.

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Standard 4.N.4:
Examine how health can be managed through healthy eating and physical activity.

Standard 4.N.5:
Analyze marketing tactics used for food and beverages.

Standard 4.N.6:
Identify foods that are grown and produced in Utah.

Students will learn basic anatomy and physiology of body systems, universal precautions, and skills to build healthy relationships. Utah Code requires parental notification for instruction on child sexual abuse prevention.

Standard 4.HD.1:
Describe the skeletal and muscular systems and their basic functions.

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Standard 4.HD.2:
Explain reasons why having good hygiene is important for health and well-being.

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Standard 4.HD.3:
List multiple trusted adults (for example, parent, guardian, relative, teacher, counselor, clergy) to talk with if feeling uncomfortable, afraid, or unsafe about an interaction or other harmful situations. Explain the need to talk with more than one adult if the issue is not resolved.

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Jodi  Parker and see the Health Education website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - Jennifer  Throndsen.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.