Core Standards of the Course
Strand 1
Students will achieve a level of competency in motor skills and movement patterns.
Skill development includes various locomotor and non-locomotor skills. Locomotor skills, which include walking, hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping, and jumping, are the foundation of movement. Non-locomotor skills using balance and weight transfer include curling, stretching, twisting, and bending. Competency progresses into manipulative skills such as catching, rope jumping, underhand and overhand throwing, dribbling, passing and receiving a ball with hands or feet.
Standard K.1.1
Perform hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, jumping, and landing while maintaining balance.
Standard K.1.2
Perform locomotor skills in response to teacher-led creative dance.
Standard K.1.3
Contrast the actions of curling and stretching the body.
Standard K.1.4
Maintain momentary stillness on different bases of support.
Standard K.1.5
Form wide, narrow, curled, and twisted body shapes.
Standard K.1.6
Transfer weight from one foot to another using various speeds.
Standard K.1.7
Roll sideways in a narrow body shape.
Standard K.1.8
Drop a ball and catch it before it bounces twice.
Standard K.1.9
Catch a large ball tossed by a skilled thrower.
Standard K.1.10
Toss underhand with opposite foot forward.
Standard K.1.11
Dribble a ball with one hand, attempting the second contact.
Standard K.1.12
Tap a ball using the inside of the foot sending it forward.
Standard K.1.13
Kick a stationary ball from a stationary position.
Standard K.1.14
Volley a lightweight object (e.g., a balloon), sending it upward.
Standard K.1.15
Strike a lightweight object with a short-handled implement.
Standard K.1.16
Execute a single jump with self-turned rope.
Standard K.1.17
Jump a long rope with teacher-assisted turning.
Strand 2
Students will apply knowledge to attain efficient movement and performance.
Students will use space, pathways, shapes, levels, speed, direction, force, and strategy for effective movement in an activity setting.
Standard K.2.1
Differentiate between movement in personal space and general space.
Standard K.2.2
Travel in three different pathways.
Standard K.2.3
Travel in general space with different speeds.
Strand 3
Students will understand the components necessary to maintain a healthy level of fitness to support physical activity.
Students will understand how applied knowledge of physical activity and nutrition can result in overall wellness.
Standard K.3.1
Identify active play opportunities outside physical education class.
Standard K.3.2
Actively participate in physical activities in class.
Standard K.3.3
Recognize that when you move fast, your heart beats faster and you breathe more heavily.
Standard K.3.4
Recognize that food provides energy for physical activity.
Standard K.3.5
Recognize the role proper hydration is necessary during physical activity.
Strand 4
Students will develop cooperative skills and positive personal behavior through communication and respect for self and others.
Students exhibit personal responsibility in a group setting by working well with others, accepting feedback, and understanding how rules and etiquette contribute to a safe and enjoyable environment.
Standard K.4.1
Follow directions in a group setting (e.g., safe behaviors, following rules, taking turns) and recognize responsible behavior while following instruction with teacher prompt and minimal reminders.
Standard K.4.2
Share equipment and space with others.
Standard K.4.3
Understand established procedures for class activities.
Strand 5
Students will appraise the personal value of physical activity as a tool for wellness, challenges, and interacting with appropriate social skills with friends and family.
Students will identify activities that bring satisfaction and pleasure through participation and reflect how physical activity promotes a lifetime of wellness.
Standard K.5.1
Recognize that physical activity is important for good health.
Standard K.5.2
Acknowledge that some physical activities are challenging and difficult.
Standard K.5.3
Identify physical activities that are enjoyable.
Standard K.5.4
Discuss the enjoyment of participating in activities with others.