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Physical Education Curriculum Physical Education - Grade 5 [Spring 2016]
Course Preface Course Preface
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Core Standards of the Course

Strand 1
Students will achieve a level of competency in motor skills and movement patterns.
Skill development includes various locomotor and non-locomotor skills. Locomotor skills, which include walking, hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping, leaping, and jumping, are the foundation of movement. Non-locomotor skills using balance and weight transfer include curling, stretching, twisting, and bending. Competency progresses into manipulative skills such as catching, rope jumping, underhand and overhand throwing, dribbling, passing and receiving a ball with hands or feet.

Standard 5.1.1
Demonstrate a well-developed pattern of locomotor skills in small group practice tasks and dance.

Standard 5.1.2
Demonstrate a combination of locomotor and manipulative skills in a variety of small group activities.

Standard 5.1.3
Create a combination of moving and shooting skills to a scoring target.

Standard 5.1.4
Run various distances, demonstrating an understanding of pace for highest performance.

Standard 5.1.5
Use locomotor skills in cultural as well as creative dances with correct rhythm and pattern.

Standard 5.1.6
Participate in a small group activity or dance using curling, twisting, and stretching actions.

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Standard 5.1.7
Catch a ball above the head, chest, at waist level, and along the ground using a well-developed pattern, with or without a partner.

Standard 5.1.8
Throw and catch a ball while both partners are moving.

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Standard 5.1.9
Catch and throw a ball with accuracy in small group activities.

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Standard 5.1.10
Combine foot dribbling with other skills in practice using one-on-one tasks.

Standard 5.1.11
Use feet to dribble and pass while moving with a partner.

Standard 5.1.12
Dribble with one hand or foot with accuracy in a small group activity.

Standard 5.1.13
Volley a ball using a two-hand overhead pattern, sending it upward to a target.

Standard 5.1.14
Combine manipulative skills while moving toward a target to execute a score.

Standard 5.1.15
Create a jump rope routine with a partner, using either a short or long rope.

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Strand 2
Students will apply knowledge to attain efficient movement and performance.
Students will use space, pathways, shapes, levels, speed, direction, force, and strategy for effective movement in an activity setting.

Standard 5.2.1
Combine spatial concepts with locomotor and non-locomotor movement in small group and dance activities.

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Standard 5.2.2
Use movement strategies in small game situations.

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Standard 5.2.3
Apply direction and force when striking an object with a long-handled implement, sending it toward a designated target.

Standard 5.2.4
Use basic offensive and defensive strategies and tactics in small group games.

Standard 5.2.5
Distinguish the type of throw, volley or striking action needed for different activities and sporting games.

Strand 3
Students will understand the components necessary to maintain a healthy level of fitness to support physical activity.
Students will understand how applied knowledge of physical activity and nutrition can result in overall wellness.

Standard 5.3.1
Chart and analyze physical activity outside physical education class, identifying the fitness benefits.

Standard 5.3.2
Engage in a wide variety of physical activities.

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Standard 5.3.3
Identify the components of skill-related fitness (e.g., agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, speed).

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Standard 5.3.4
Recognize the need for warm-up and cool-down relative to various physical activities.

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Standard 5.3.5
Chart results of fitness assessment (pre and post). Compare the results as they relate to good health.

Standard 5.3.6
Design a fitness plan to address ways to use physical activity to enhance fitness.

Standard 5.3.7
Analyze the impact of food choices and hydration relative to physical activity, sports, and personal health.

Standard 5.3.8
Select physical activities to reduce stress outside of class.

Strand 4
Students will develop cooperative skills and positive personal behavior through communication and respect for self and others.
Students will exhibit personal responsibility in a group setting by working well with others, accepting feedback, and understanding how rules and etiquette contribute to a safe and enjoyable environment.

Standard 5.4.1
Demonstrate interpersonal behavior with peers and teachers during physical activity.

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Standard 5.4.2
Exhibit respect for self with appropriate behavior while engaging in physical activity.

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Standard 5.4.3
Respectfully give feedback to peers.

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Standard 5.4.4
Accept, recognize, and actively involve others with both higher and lower skill abilities into physical activities and group projects.

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Standard 5.4.5
Apply safety principles while engaged in age-appropriate physical activities.

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Strand 5
Students will appraise the personal value of physical activity as a tool for wellness, challenges, and interacting with appropriate social skills with friends and family.
Students will identify activities that bring satisfaction and pleasure through participation and reflect how physical activity promotes a lifetime of wellness.

Standard 5.5.1
Compare various physical activities and the benefits derived from participation.

Standard 5.5.2
Express (in a written essay, visual art, or creative dance) the enjoyment and/or challenge of participating in a favorite physical activity.

Standard 5.5.3
Analyze different physical activities for enjoyment and challenge; identify reasons for positive or negative responses.

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Standard 5.5.4
Describe the social benefits gained from participating in physical activity.

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UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Jodi  Parker and see the Physical Education website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - Todd  Call.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.