World Languages
Course Introduction
Core Standards of the Course
I can recognize a few memorized words and phrases when I hear them spoken.
Learning Indicator NL.IL.1
I can occasionally identify the sound of a character or a word.
Learning Indicator NL.IL.2
I can occasionally understand isolated words that I have memorized, particularly when accompanied by gestures or pictures.
Interpretive Reading
I can recognize a few letters or characters. I can identify a few memorized words and phrases when I read.
Learning Indicator NL.IR.1
I can occasionally recognize a few letters or characters.
Learning Indicator NL.IR.2
I can connect some words, phrases or characters to their meanings.
Interpersonal Communication
I can communicate on some very familiar topics using single words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized.
Learning Indicator NL.IC.1
I can greet my peers.
Learning Indicator NL.IC.2
I can introduce myself to someone.
Learning Indicator NL.IC.3
I can answer a few simple questions.
Presentational Speaking
I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using single words or memorized phrases.
Learner Indicator NL.PS.1
I can recite words and phrases that I have learned.
Learning Indicator NL.PS.2
I can state the names of familiar people, places, and objects in pictures and posters using words or memorized phrases.
Learning Indicator NL.PS.3
I can introduce myself to a group.
Learning Indicator NL.PS.4
I can recite short memorized phrases, parts of poems, and rhymes.
Presentational Writing
I can copy some familiar words or phrases.
Learning Indicator NL.PW.1
I can copy some characters or letters and words that I see on the wall or board, in a book, or on the computer.
Learning Indicator NL.PW.2
I can write words and phrases that I have learned.
Learning Indicator NL.PW.3
I can label familiar people, places, and objects in pictures and posters.
Interpretive Listening
NM.IL I can recognize some familiar words and phrases when I hear them spoken.
Learning Indicator NM.IL.1
I can understand a few courtesy phrases.
Learning Indicator NM.IL.2
I can recognize and sometimes understand basic information in words and phrases that I have memorized.
Learning Indicator NM.IL.3
I can recognize and sometimes understand words and phrases that I have learned for specific purposes.
Interpretive Reading
I can recognize some letters or characters. I can understand some learned or memorized words and phrases when I read.
Learning Indicator NM.IR.1
I can recognize words and phrases and characters with the help of visuals.
Learning Indicator NM.IR.2
I can recognize words, phrases, and characters when I associate them with things I already know.
Interpersonal Communication
I can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized.
Learning Indicator NM.IC.1
I can greet and leave people in a polite way.
Learning Indicator NM.IC.2
I can introduce myself and others.
Learning Indicator NM.IC.3
I can answer a variety of simple questions.
Learning Indicator NM.IC.4
I can make some simple statements in a conversation.
Learning Indicator NM.IC.5
I can ask some simple questions.
Learning Indicator NM.IC.6
I can communicate basic information about myself and people I know.
Learning Indicator NM.IC.7
I can communicate some basic information about my everyday life.
Presentational Speaking
I can present information about myself and some other very familiar topics using a variety of words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
Learning Indicator NM.PS.1
I can present information about myself and others using words and phrases.
Learning Indicator NM.PS.2
I can express my likes and dislikes using words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
Learning Indicator NM.PS.3
I can present information about familiar items in my immediate environment.
Learning Indicator NM.PS.4
I can tell about my daily activities using words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
Learning Indicator NM.PS.5
I can present simple information about something I learned using words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
Presentational Writing
I can write lists and memorized phrases on familiar topics.
Learning Indicator NM.PW.1
I can fill out a simple form with some basic personal information.
Learning Indicator NM.PW.2
I can write about myself using learned phrases and memorized expressions.
Learning Indicator NM.PW.3
I can list my daily activities and write lists that help me in my day-to-day life.
Learning Indicator NM.W.4
I can write notes about something I have learned using lists, phrases, and memorized expressions.
Interpretive Listening
I can often understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life. I can recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said.
Learning Indicator NH.IL.1
I can sometimes understand simple questions or statements on familiar topics.
Learning Indicator NH.IL.2
I can understand simple information when presented with pictures and graphs.
Learning Indicator NH.IL.3
I can sometimes understand the main idea of conversations that I overhear.
Interpretive Reading
I can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences within short and simple texts related to everyday life. I can sometimes understand the main idea of what I have read.
Learning Indicator NH.IR.1
I can usually understand short simple messages on familiar topics.
Learning Indicator NH.IR.2
I can sometimes understand short, simple descriptions with the help of pictures or graphs.
Learning Indicator NH.IR.3
I can sometimes understand the main idea of published materials.
Learning Indicator NH.IR.4
I can understand simple everyday notices in public places on topics that are familiar to me.
Interpersonal Communication
I can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. I can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.
Learning Indicator NH.IC.1
I can exchange some personal information.
Learning Indicator NH.IC.2
I can exchange information using texts, graphs or pictures.
Learning Indicator NH.IR.3
I can ask for and give simple directions.
Learning Indicator NH.IC.4
I can make plans with others.
Learning Indicator NH.IC.5
I can interact with others in everyday situations.
Presentational Speaking
I can present basic information on familiar topics using language I have practiced using phrases and simple sentences.
Learning Indicator NH.PS.1
I can present information about my life using phrases and simple sentences.
Learning Indicator NH.PS.2
I can present a familiar experience or event in simple terms using phrases and simple sentences.
Learning Indicator NH.PS.3
I can present information about a familiar person, place, or thing using phrases and simple sentences.
Learning Indicator NH.PS.4
I can present information about others using phrases and simple sentences.
Learning Indicator NH.PS.5
I can give basic instructions on how to make or do something using phrases and simple sentences.
Learning Indicator NH.PS.6
I can present basic information about things I have learned using phrases and simple sentences.
Presentational Writing
I can write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life.
Learning Indicator NH.PW.1
I can write information about my daily life in a letter, blog, discussion board, or email message.
Learning Indicator NH.PW.2
I can write short notes using phrases and simple sentences.
Learning Indicator NH.PW.3
I can write about a familiar experience or event using practiced material.
Learning Indicator NH.PW.4
I can write basic information about things I have learned.
Learning Indicator NH.PW.5
I can ask for information in writing.
Investigation of Products and Practices
I can identify some products and practices of cultures.
Learning Indicator N.CPP.1
I can identify some common products related to home and community life of other cultures and my own.
Learning Indicator N.CPP.2
I can identify some common practices related to home and community life of other cultures and my own.
Understanding of Cultural Perspectives
I can identify some basic cultural beliefs and values.
Learning Indicator N.CP.1
I can identify some beliefs and values related to age, gender, social class and ethnicity.
Learning Indicator N.CP.2
I can identify some characteristics of national identity.
Learning Indicator N.CP.3
I can identify ways in which cultures are globalized.
Participation in Cultural Interaction
I can function at a survival level in an authentic cultural context.
Learning Indicator N.CIA.1
I can imitate some simple patterns of behavior in familiar settings across cultures.
Learning Indicator N.CIA.2
I can use memorized language and very basic cultural knowledge to interact with others.
Learning Indicator N.CIA.3
I can use memorized language, and very basic knowledge of the culture to accomplish simple, routine tasks.
I can understand the main idea in short, simple messages and presentations on familiar topics. I can understand the main idea of simple conversations that I overhear.
Learning Indicator IL.IL.1
I can understand the basic purpose of a message.
Learning Indicator IL.IL.2
I can understand messages related to my basic needs.
Learning Indicator IL.IL.3
I can understand questions and simple statements on everyday topics when I am part of the conversation.
Interpretive Reading
I can understand the main idea of short and simple texts when the topic is familiar.
Learning Indicator IL.IR.1
I can understand messages in which the writer tells or asks me about topics of personal interest.
Learning Indicator IL.IR.2
I can identify some simple information needed on forms.
Learning Indicator IL.IR.3
I can identify some information from news media.
Interpersonal Communication
I can participate in conversations on a number of familiar topics using simple sentences. I can handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.
Learning Indicator IL.IC.1
I can have a simple conversation on a limited number of everyday topics.
Learning Indicator IL.IC.2
I can ask and answer questions of factual information that is familiar to me
Learning Indicator IL.IC.3
I can use the language to meet my basic needs in familiar situations.
Presentational Speaking
I can present information on most familiar topics using a series of simple sentences.
Learning Indicator IL.PS.1
I can talk about people, activities, events, and experiences.
Learning Indicator IL.PS.2
I can express my needs and wants.
Learning Indicator IL.PS.3
I can present information on plans, instructions, and directions.
Learning Indicator IL.PS.4
I can present songs, short skits or dramatic readings.
Learning Indicator IL.PS.5
I can express my preferences on topics of interest.
Presentational Writing
I can write briefly about most familiar topics and provide information using a series of simple sentences.
Learning Indicator IL.PW.1
I can write about people, activities, events, and experiences.
Learning Indicator IL.PW.2
I can prepare materials for a presentation.
Learning Indicator IL.PW.3
I can write simply about topics of interest.
Learning Indicator IL.PW.4
I can write basic instructions on how to make or do something.
Learning Indicator IL.PW.5
I can write questions to obtain information.
Interpretive Listening
I can understand the main idea in messages and presentations on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests and studies. I can understand the main idea in conversations that I overhear.
Learning Indicator IM.IL.1
I can understand basic information in ads, announcements and other simple recordings.
Learning Indicator IM.IL.2
I can understand the main idea of what I listen to for personal enjoyment.
Learning Indicator IM.IL.3
I can understand messages related to my everyday life.
Interpretive Reading
I can understand the main idea of texts related to everyday life and personal interests or studies.
Learning Indicator IM.IR.1
I can understand simple personal questions.
Learning Indicator IM.IR.2
I can understand basic information in ads, announcements and other simple texts.
Learning Indicator IM.IR.3
I can understand the main idea of what I read for personal enjoyment.
Learning Indicator IM.IR.4
I can read simple written exchanges between other people.
Interpersonal Communication
I can participate in conversations on familiar topics using sentences and series of sentences. I can handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering a variety of questions. I can usually say what I want to say about myself and my everyday life.
Learning Indicator IM.IC.1
I can start, maintain, and end a conversation on a variety of familiar topics.
Learning Indicator IM.IC.2
I can talk about my daily activities and personal preferences.
Learning Indicator IM.IC.3
I can use my language to handle tasks related to my personal needs.
Learning Indicator IM.IC.4
I can exchange information about subjects of special interest to me.
Presentational Speaking
I can make presentations on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
Learning Indicator IM.PS.1
I can make a presentation about my personal and social experiences.
Learning Indicator IM.PS.2
I can make a presentation on something I have learned or researched.
Learning Indicator IM.PS.3
I can make a presentation about common interests and issues and state my viewpoint.
Presentational Writing
I can write on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
Learning Indicator IM.PW.1
I can write messages and announcements.
Learning Indicator IM.PW.2
I can write short reports about something I have learned or researched.
Learning Indicator IM.PW.3
I can compose communications for public distribution.
Interpretive Listening
I can easily understand the main idea in messages and presentations on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests and studies. I can usually understand a few details of what I overhear in conversations, even when something unexpected is expressed. I can sometimes follow what I hear about events and experiences in various timeframes.
Learning Indicator IH.IL.1
I can easily understand straightforward information or interactions.
Learning Indicator IH.IL.2
I can understand a few details in ads, announcements and other simple recordings.
Learning Indicator IH.IL.3
I can sometimes understand situations with complicating factors.
Interpretive Reading
I can easily understand the main idea of texts related to everyday life, personal interests, and studies. I can sometimes follow stories and descriptions about events and experiences in various timeframes.
Learning Indicator IH.IR.1
I can understand accounts of personal events or experiences.
Learning Indicator IH.IR.2
I can sometimes follow short, written instructions when supported by visuals.
Learning Indicator IH.IR.3
I can understand the main idea of and a few supporting facts about famous people and historic events.
Interpersonal Communication
I can participate with ease and confidence in conversations on familiar topics. I can usually talk about events and experiences in various timeframes. I can usually describe people, places, and things. I can handle social interactions in everyday situations, sometimes even when there is an unexpected complication.
Learning Indicator IH.IC.1
I can exchange information related to areas of mutual interest.
Learning Indicator IH.IC.2
I can use my language to do a task that requires multiple steps.
Learning Indicator IH.IC.3
I can use my language to handle a situation that may have a complication.
Presentational Speaking
I can make presentations in a generally organized way on school, work, and community topics, and on topics I have researched. I can make some presentations on events and experiences in various timeframes.
Learning Indicator IH.PS.1
I can present information on academic and work topics.
Learning Indicator IH.PS.2
I can make a presentation on events, activities and topics of particular interest.
Learning Indicator IH.PS.3
I can present my point of view and provide reasons to support it.
Presentational Writing
I can write on topics related to school, work, and community in a generally organized way. I can write some simple paragraphs about events and experiences in various timeframes.
Learning Indicator IH.PW.1
I can write about school and academic topics.
Learning Indicator IH.PW.2
I can write about work and career topics.
Learning Indicator IH.PW.3
I can write about community topics and events.
Learning Indicator IH.PW.4
I can write about an entertainment or social event.
Investigation of Products and Practices
I can identify common patterns in the products and practices of a culture.
Learning Indicator I.CPP.1
I can explore and reference current and past examples of authentic cultural products and practices.
Learning Indicator I.CPP.2
I can compare and contrast some common products of other cultures and my own.
Learning Indicator I.CPP.3
I can compare and contrast some behaviors or practices of other cultures and my own.
Understanding of Cultural Perspectives
I can compare familiar cultural beliefs and values.
Learning Indicator I.CP.1
I can describe some basic cultural viewpoints.
Learning Indicator I.CP.2
I can make some generalizations about a culture.
Participation in Cultural Interaction
I can interact at a functional level in familiar cultural contexts.
Learning Indicator I.CIA.1
I can handle short interactions with peers and colleagues in familiar situations at school, work, or play.
Learning Indicator I.CIA.2
I can recognize and refer to elements of traditional and pop culture.
Learning Indicator I.CIA.3
I can sometimes recognize when I have caused a cultural misunderstanding and try to correct it.
I can understand the main idea and some supporting details in organized speech on a variety of topics of personal and general interest. I can follow stories and descriptions of some length and in various timeframes. I can understand information presented in a variety of genres on familiar topics, even when something unexpected is expressed.
Learning Indicator AL.IL.1
I understand descriptions and stories of events that have happened or will happen.
Learning Indicator AL.IL.2
I can understand the main idea of popular genres.
Interpretive Reading
I can understand the main idea and some supporting details on a variety of topics of personal and general interest. I can follow stories and descriptions of some length and in various timeframes and genres.
Learning Indicator AL.IR.1
I can find and use information for practical purposes.
Learning Indicator AL.IR.2
I can read texts that compare and contrast information.
Learning Indicator AL.IR.3
I can follow simple written instructions.
Interpersonal Communication
I can participate in conversations about familiar topics that go beyond my everyday life. I can talk in an organized way and with some detail about events and experiences in various timeframes. I can describe people, places, and things in an organized way and with some detail. I can handle a familiar situation with an unexpected complication.
Learning Indicator AL.IC.1
I can participate in conversations on a wide variety of topics that go beyond my everyday life.
Learning Indicator AL.IC.2
I can compare and contrast life in different locations and in different times.
Learning Indicator AL.IC.3
I can resolve an unexpected complication that arises in a familiar situation.
Learning Indicator AL.IC.4
I can conduct or participate in interviews.
Presentational Speaking
I can deliver organized presentations appropriate to my audience on a variety of topics. I can present information about events and experiences in various timeframes.
Learning Indicator AL.PS.1
I can deliver short presentations on a number of academic and workplace topics.
Learning Indicator AL.PS.2
I can deliver short presentations on social and cultural topics.
Learning Indicator AL.PS.3
I can explain issues of public and community interest, including different viewpoints.
Learning Indicator AL.PS.4
I can deliver presentations for a specific audience.
Presentational Writing
I can write on general interest, academic, and professional topics. I can write organized paragraphs about events and experiences in various timeframes.
Learning Indicator AL.PW.1
I can meet basic school and academic writing needs.
Learning Indicator AL.PW.2
I can meet basic work and career writing needs.
Learning Indicator AL.PW.3
I can meet basic social and civic writing needs.
Interpretive Listening
I can understand the main idea and most supporting details on a variety of topics of personal and general interest, as well as some topics of professional interest. I can follow stories and descriptions of some length and in various timeframes. I can understand information presented in most genres, even when not familiar with the topic.
Learning Indicator AM.IL.1
I can understand the main idea and many details of descriptions or interviews.
Learning Indicator AM.IL.2
I can understand accounts of events.
Learning Indicator AM.IL.3
I can understand directions and instructions on everyday tasks.
Interpretive Reading
I can understand the main idea and most supporting details on a variety of topics of personal and general interest, as well as some professional topics. I can follow stories and descriptions of considerable length and in various timeframes. I can understand texts written in a variety of genres, even when I am unfamiliar with the topic.
Learning Indicator AM.IR.1
I can follow the general idea and some details of what is written in a variety of stories and autobiographical accounts.
Learning Indicator AM.IR.2
I can understand general information on topics outside my field of interest.
Learning Indicator AM.IR.3
I can handle a complication or unexpected turn of events.
Interpersonal Communication
I can express myself fully not only on familiar topics but also on some concrete social, academic, and professional topics. I can talk in detail and in an organized way about events and experiences in various timeframes. I can confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication. I can share my point of view in discussions on some complex issues.
Learning Indicator AM.IC.1
I can communicate effectively on a wide variety of present, past, and future events.
Learning Indicator AM.IC.2
I can exchange general information on topics outside my fields of interest.
Learning Indicator AM.IC.3
I can handle a complication or unexpected turn of events.
Presentational Speaking
I can deliver well-organized presentations on concrete social, academic, and professional topics. I can present detailed information about events and experiences in various timeframes.
Learning Indicator AM.PS.1
I can present information about events of public or personal interest.
Learning Indicator AM.PS.2
I can convey my ideas and elaborate on a variety of academic topics.
Learning Indicator AM.PS.3
I can give presentations with ease and detail on a wide variety of topics related to professional interests.
Presentational Writing
I can write on a wide variety of general interest, professional, and academic topics. I can write well-organized, detailed paragraphs in various timeframes.
Learning Indicator AM.PW.1
I can write well organized texts for a variety of academic purposes.
Learning Indicator AM.PW.2
I can write well-organized texts for a variety of professional purposes.
Learning Indicator AM.PW.3
I can write well organized texts for a variety of general interest purposes.
Interpretive Listening
I can easily follow narrative, informational and descriptive speech. I can understand discussions on most topics that deal with special interests, unfamiliar situations, and abstract concepts. I can sometimes follow extended arguments and different points of view.
Learning Indicator AH.IL.1
I can easily understand detailed reports and exposés.
Learning Indicator AH.IL.2
I can often understand various viewpoints in extended arguments.
Learning Indicator AH.IL.3
I can understand discussions and presentations on many concrete and abstract topics.
Interpretive Reading
I can easily follow narrative, informational, and descriptive texts. I can understand what I read on most topics that deal with special interests, unfamiliar situations, and abstract concepts. I can sometimes understand extended arguments and different points of view.
Learning Indicator AH.IR.1
I can understand narrative, descriptive, and informational texts of any length.
Learning Indicator AH.IR.2
I can read about most topics of special interest.
Learning Indicator AH.IR.3
I can read most general fiction and non-fiction.
Interpersonal Communication
I can express myself freely and spontaneously, and for the most part accurately, on concrete topics and on most complex issues. I can usually support my opinion and develop hypotheses on topics of particular interest or personal expertise.
Learning Indicator AH.IC.1
I can exchange complex information about academic and professional tasks.
Learning Indicator AH.IC.2
I can exchange detailed information on topics within and beyond my fields of interest.
Learning Indicator AH.IC.3
I can support my opinion and construct hypotheses.
Presentational Speaking
I can deliver detailed presentations, usually with accuracy, clarity and precision, on a variety of topics and issues related to community interests and some special fields of expertise.
Learning Indicator AH.PS.1
I can present complex information on many concrete topics and related issues.
Learning Indicator AH.PS.2
I can present a viewpoint with supporting arguments on a complex issue.
Learning Indicator AH.PS.3
I can use appropriate presentational conventions and strategies.
Presentational Writing
I can write extensively with significant precision and detail on a variety of topics, most complex issues, and some special fields of expertise.
Learning Indicator AH.PW.1
I can write using target language and culture conventions to present and elaborate a point of view.
Learning Indicator AH.PW.2
I can write using target language and culture conventions for informal purposes.
Learning Indicator AH.PW.3
I can write using target language and culture conventions for formal purposes.
Investigation of Products and Practices
I can explain some diversity among the products and practices in other cultures and my own.
Learning Indicator A.CPP.1
I can explain some of the factors that contribute to why products and practices vary across cultures.
Learning Indicator A.CPP.2
I can analyze how peoples' practices and behaviors reflect their cultures.
Learning Indicator A.CPP.3
I can explore topics of personal and professional interest.
Understanding of Cultural Perspectives
I can analyze and explain some cultural perspectives of individuals and institutions within a society.
Learning Indicator A.CP.1
I can explain how peoples' actions reflect their cultural beliefs.
Learning Indicator A.CP.2
I can explain how social, political, religious, and economic institutions reflect cultural beliefs.
Participation in Cultural Interaction
I can interact at a competent level in familiar and some unfamiliar cultural contexts.
Learning Indicator A.CIA.1
I can comfortably interact and converse with peers and colleagues at school, work, or play.
Learning Indicator A.CIA.2
I can interact with people in some situations outside of my normal routine.
Learning Indicator A.CIA.3
I can navigate some formal and official procedures.
Learning Indicator A.CIA.4
I can understand that a cultural faux pas has occurred and understand how to correct it. - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE). Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Karl Bowman and see the World Languages website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - Jennifer Throndsen. These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.