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Health Education Curriculum Health Education - 3rd Grade
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Core Standards of the Course

Students will be introduced to conflict resolution, coping strategies, and resiliency.

Standard 3.HF.1:
Set a measurable short-term goal and identify people who can help achieve that goal.

Standard 3.HF.2:
Define verbal and nonverbal communication and demonstrate how people communicate in both ways and explain how effective communication resolves conflict.

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Standard 3.HF.3:
Describe how to interact with those who are different from oneself and demonstrate ways to treat others with dignity and respect.

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Standard 3.HF.4:
Describe the qualities of a healthy relationship.

Standard 3.HF.5:
Explain how trusted adults (for example, parent, guardian, relative, teacher, counselor, clergy) are resources for advice and guidance when making decisions.

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Students will learn how to cope with emotions and stress.

Standard 3.MEH.1:
Identify healthy strategies individuals may use to cope with disappointment, grief, sadness, and loss, including talking with a trusted adult.

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Standard 3.MEH.2:
Define positive and negative stress and identify how each type feels. Identify behaviors or ways to alleviate stress.

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Standard 3.MEH.3:
Describe how various sources (for example, media, internet, social media, other people) can influence mental and emotional health and identify appropriate ways to respond.

Students will practice procedures and methods that contribute to safety.

Standard 3.SDP.1:
Explain and practice procedures to follow in case of emergency which may include fire, earthquake, lock down, lock out, evacuate, and shelter in place for school, home, and community settings. Describe how to react and promptly report to a trusted adult or emergency services.

Standard 3.SDP.2:
Identify personal behaviors that contribute to a safe or unsafe environments and discuss safety rules at home, school, and in the community.

Standard 3.SDP.3:
Describe safety guidelines for internet and social media and describe various ways the media can influence thoughts and feelings that may lead one to take unnecessary risks (for example, dangerous activities, unsafe challenges, purchasing choices, eating behaviors).

Standard 3.SDP.4:
Describe procedures to follow when encountering another person's blood or other bodily fluids.

Students will explore the benefits of refusing to use harmful substances.

Standard 3.SAP.1:
Demonstrate how to respond when approached by an individual and asked to make a poor choice.

Standard 3.SAP.2:
Identify healthy alternatives (for example, physical activity, healthy eating, reading, recreation) to alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, and other harmful substances.

Standard 3.SAP.3:
Examine the consequences to the brain, body and lungs when oxygen is limited through inhaling substances (for example, smoking, vaping, inhalants, candy, dust, pollutants).

Standard 3.SAP.4:
Examine the consequences to the brain and body when harmful substances are ingested (for example, intoxicants, energy drinks, chemicals, poisons).

Strand 5 : NUTRITION (N)
Students will learn to make healthy nutritional choices and identify factors that influence food choices.

Standard 3.N.1:
Demonstrate healthy behaviors to maintain or improve personal nutrition, fitness, and oral health including encouraging healthy food behavior and physical activity.

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Standard 3.N.2:
Identify healthy foods, including snacks, in appropriate portion sizes.

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Standard 3.N.3:
Describe the benefits of eating a nutritious breakfast.

Standard 3.N.4:
Discuss how family, peers, culture, and media influence eating habits.

Students will learn basic anatomy, universal precautions, and skills to report abuse. Utah Code requires parental notification for instruction on child sexual abuse prevention.

Standard 3.HD.1:
Define hygiene and discuss its importance for health and well-being.

Standard 3.HD.2:
Identify the building blocks of the human body (for example, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms).

Standard 3.HD.3:
Discuss how to clearly say no, leave a situation or interaction, and identify and talk with a trusted adult when feeling uncomfortable, afraid, or unsafe.

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Jodi  Parker and see the Health Education website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - Jennifer  Throndsen.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.