SEEd - Grade 6
Lesson Plans
Matter and energy are fundamental components of the universe. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Transfer of energy creates change in matter. Changes between general states of matter can occur through the transfer of energy. Density describes how closely matter is packed together. Substances with a higher density have more matter in a given space than substances with a lower density. Changes in heat energy can alter the density of a material. Insulators resist the transfer of heat energy, while conductors easily transfer heat energy. These differences in energy flow can be used to design products to meet the needs of society.
Standard 6.2.2
Develop a model to predict the
effect of heat energy on states of matter and density. Emphasize the arrangement of particles in states of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) and during phase changes (melting, freezing, condensing, and evaporating). (PS1.A, PS3.A)
Candy Bar Density
Once students have had an introductory density lesson and practice calculating density from mass and volume measurements, this lesson serves as follow-up to allow students to think critically about what makes one object more or less dense than another and to conduct an experiment to measure density of similar objects.
Does Coke Float?
The students will predict if these items will float or sink. Coke, Diet Coke, and Diet Caffeine Coke.
Energy Affects Matter
A google site that has a lesson plan for UT.SEEd.6.2.1, UT.SEEd.6.2.2, UT.SEEd.6.2.3, and UT.SEEd.6.2.4.
Matter is Made of Particles
Students will observe as the teacher performs a variety of chemical and/or physical reactions. The teacher will guide a discussion that reinforces the concepts that atoms and molecules are too small to see but that we know about them through their behavior.
Natural Gas: How This Energy Source was Formed
Students will identify different states of matter, make a model of the effect of heat energy on particles and connect Utah?s natural resources to Utah?s daily life and industry.
Phases Action Heroes
Students will design an "action Hero" based on the characteristics of a solid, liquid or gas.
UT.SEEd.6.2.1|UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Cont E.8
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 8 from Explores how thermal energy affects matter on an atomic level.
UT.SEEd.6.2.1|UT.SEEd.6.2.2 E.4
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 4 from Explores phenomenon of water in different states of matter. Introduces density.
UT.SEEd.6.2.1|UT.SEEd.6.2.2 E.5
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 5 from Explores phenomenon of how thermal energy affects matter by looking at water.
UT.SEEd.6.2.1|UT.SEEd.6.2.2 E.7
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 7 from Explores phenomenon of what makes hot air balloons fly. Includes more exploration with density.
UT.SEEd.6.2.1|UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Models of Matter Lesson Plan|Resources
Phenomenon-based, 5E lessons that align to the SEEd standards. Lesson folders include lesson plans, a slideshow, and supporting materials for teaching the lesson to your students.
Nearpod version of UT.SEEd.6.2.1-UT.SEEd.6.2.2 Episode 6 from Students construct an explanation of how thermal energy transfers through matter. Based on phenomenon of toothpicks hot glued to metal stick above a candle.
Whats Up With Our Air? worksheet 5.2.2 & 6.2.2 & 8.1.2 & 8.4.1
Google Slides presentations and activities created by Breathe Utah. This lesson studies the phenomenon of inversion and pollution in Utah during the wintertime. - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education
(USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education
(USHE). Send questions or comments to USBE
Specialist -
and see the Science - Secondary website. For
general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director
These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the
State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced
for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials,
credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These
materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other
format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of
Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah