English Language Arts Kindergarten (2023)
Lesson Plans
Reading (K.R)
Students will learn to proficiently read and comprehend grade level literature and informational text, including seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance, at the high end of the grade level text complexity band, with scaffolding as needed.
*Standard R.4 includes an asterisk to refer educators back to the Text Complexity Grade Bands and Associated Lexile Ranges in the introduction of the standards.
Standard K.R.6:
Retell familiar stories. (RL) Share key details from a text. (RI)
Adaptation of The Boy Who Cried "Wolf"
Students retell a story to reinforce sequencing.
Camp Paws and Claws & Farm Animals
This 3-day activity reinforces what students have learned about animals. The activities focus on farm animals: cows, pigs, hens and ducks.
Cowboys and Castles: Interacting With Fractured Texas Tales
What do cowboy hats have to do with fairy tales? Two traditional fairy tales and their Texas-based counterparts set the stage for five different ways to respond to text.
Fairy Tale Maps
Students will begin to understand the concept of maps by describing the path that Little Red Riding Hood took on the way to Grandma's house.
Kindergarten Lesson Ideas: Code & Go Mouse
This is a list of potential ideas based off a specific technology. None of these ideas are fully developed lessons. Please make changes and adaptations as necessary for the students in your class.
Kindergarten Qobo Robot: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This is a potential lesson plan derived from a summer camp activity. It was based off a specific technology. Please make changes and adaptations as necessary for the students in your class.
Retelling Folktales Through Short Films
This is a fun lesson plan is meant to help students master the ability to retell a story with a beginning middle and end, and identify important characters and settings in the story. It will also help students learn the very basics of film making including story boarding, creating props and scenery, the importance or lighting and camera placement, copyright, and audio.
Retelling the African Folktale Abiyoyo
Students will learn about retelling and performing stories from other cultures.
The Cinderella Projects
The use of multicultural versions of the story Cinderella helps students make comparisons and observations.
http://www.uen.org - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education
(USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education
(USHE). Send questions or comments to USBE
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and see the Language Arts - Elementary website. For
general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director
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