English Language Arts Grades 11-12 (2023)
Lesson Plans
Reading (11-12.R)
Students will learn to proficiently read and comprehend grade level literature and informational text, including seminal U.S. documents of historical and literary significance, at the high end of the grade level text complexity band, with scaffolding as needed.
*Standard R.4 includes an asterisk to refer educators back to the Text Complexity Grade Bands and Associated Lexile Ranges in the introduction of the standards.
Standard 11-12.R.7:
Analyze how an author develops a text through complex and/or dynamic characters, interaction with other characters, and advancement of the plot or development of the theme. (RL)
Analyze how the author develops a text through an analysis or argument, including the sequence, the introduction and development and connections of ideas. (RI)
A Wrinkle in Time: The Board Game
This lesson invites students to reconfigure Meg?s journey into a board game where, as in the novel itself, Meg?s progress is either thwarted or advanced by aspects of her emotional responses to situations, her changing sense of self, and her physical and intellectual experiences.
Let Freedom Ring: The Life & Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Students listen to a biography of Martin Luther King, Jr., view photographs of the March on Washington, and study King's use of imagery and allusion in his "I Have a Dream" speech.
http://www.uen.org - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education
(USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education
(USHE). Send questions or comments to USBE
Specialist -
and see the Language Arts - Secondary website. For
general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director
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