English Language Arts Grades 11-12 (2023)
Lesson Plans
Writing (11-12.W)
Students will learn to write for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences using appropriate grammar/conventions, syntax, and style.
Standard 11-12.W.4:
Conduct research projects to craft an argument, answer a question, or provide an analysis.
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!: Simulating the Supreme Court
This lesson helps students learn about the judicial system through simulating a real court case involving student free speech rights. In addition to learning about how the Supreme Court operates, students will explore how the Supreme Court protects their rights, interprets the Constitution, and works with the other two branches of government.
Puzzles, not Pieces: Evaluating Sources (Day 4 of 5)
This is day four of a five day unit teaching students strong research skills for a "white paper" style research paper (can be modified for any procon research assignment). For the purpose of this assignment, the white paper is an argumentative piece which introduces a problem and argues a solution to that problem. In this team taught lesson, students will learn how to evaluate sources for credibility.
Puzzles, not Pieces: Smart Searching (Day 3 of 5)
This is day three of a five day unit teaching students strong research skills for a "white paper" style research paper (can be modified for any procon research assignment). For the purpose of this assignment, the white paper is an argumentative piece which introduces a problem and argues a solution to that problem. In this teamtaught lesson, students will continue to learn that researching is not a linear process. Students will learn to adjust their topic based on what information is available (with their presearch). Focus will be on finding good search terms and thinking outside of the box to gather evidence.
Puzzles, not Pieces: Topic Selection (Day 2 of 5)
This is Day 2 of a 5 day unit teaching students strong research skills for a "white paper" style research paper (can be modified for any pro-con research assignment). For the purpose of this assignment, the white paper is an argumentative piece which introduces a problem and argues a solution to that problem.In this team taught lesson, students will learn that researching is not a linear process. They will use "presearch" to help them test, adjust, or even abandon viable topics from their brainstorming. They will learn to narrow ideas to smaller, researchable concepts.
Puzzles, not Pieces: Using Sources (Day 5 of 5)
This is Day Four of a Five Day unit teaching students strong research skills for a "white paper" style research paper (can be modified for any procon research assignment). For the purpose of this assignment, the white paper is an argumentative piece which introduces a problem and argues a solution to that problem.In this team taught lesson, students will learn how to incorporate sources in their paper. Focus will be on treating previous discussion of their topic as a "conversation" they are taking part in.
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