Super Science Resources from UEN

We have gathered this collection of excellent web resources to help 7-12th grade Science educators teach the Utah core. You will find high quality web sites, videos, lesson plans, student interactives, and more. Contact us if you would like to share a resource for this page.
7th Grade 8th Grade
Earth Systems
Science Safety, Tools, Scientific Process Science Fairs/Competitions
Science Careers
Professional Resources Other Great Science Sites

Videos include:
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans to help you teach the 7th Grade Integrated Science core curriculum.
A few of the available lesson plans:
- Air Has Pressure
- Leaf Classification
- Using Adjectives to Describe Observations
- A Matter of State
- Temperature Changes Everything
- Make a Model Cell
- Plant Parents

Videos include:
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans to help you teach the 8th Grade Integrated Science core curriculum.
A few of the available lesson plans:
- Candy Quakes
- Converting Energy
- Exploring Pendulums
- Harnessing Solar Energy
- Physical Processes in Shaping Places
- The Acid Test
- Inventors and Innovators
- The Bicycle as a System Great

Videos include:
- Geography of Utah. Climate, Soil, and Vegetation of Utah.
- Global Warming: The Signs and the Science.
- NOVA Galileo's Battle for the Heavens.
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans to help you teach the Earth Systems Core Curriculum.
A few of the available lesson plans:

Videos include:
- Biology Classics: Poster Image
- Inside the Living Cell. How Cells Reproduce
- NOVA. Life's Greatest Miracle
- American Experience. The Monkey Trial
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans to help you teach Utah's Biology Core Curriculum.
A few of the available lesson plans:
Characteristics of Living Things
What Goes Around Comes Around!

Videos include:
- Chemistry: Reactions and Energy Changes
- The Annual Faraday Lecture 2001
- The Ascent of Man. The Hidden Structure
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans to help you teach the Chemistry Core Curriculum.
A few of the available lesson plans:

Science Safety, Tools, Scientific Process

Videos include:
- Digital Science Online: Lab Equipment Safety
- Digital Science Online: Safety in Science
- Digital Science Online: The Microscope
Videos from Annenberg Media
Annenberg Media's multimedia resources help teachers increase their expertise in their fields and assist them in improving their teaching methods.
Videos include:

Science Mailing List
If you are interested in learning more about Utah science events and professional development, subscribe to the mailing list.

- Digital Science Online
- Science Now and Write Now writing prompt videos in eMedia