African American History Resources
February is Black History History Month - Investigate the contributions that African Americans have made to the history and cultural development of the United States.
General Information
Lesson Plans
Videos in eMedia

Educators can find images, audio and videos files and more from the Library of Congress, National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution and other organizations. Don't miss their African American History Month collection.

Put the power of primary sources to work in the classroom. Browse ready-to-use lesson plans, student activities, collection guides and research aids.

Learn about the Civil Rights Movement - from 1954 to present day. You can also access related lesson plans.

This web site aggregates information on almost 35,000 slaving voyages that forcibly embarked over ten million Africans for transport to the Americas.

This web site chronicles the history of racial slavery in the U.S. - from the start of the Atlantic slave trade to the end of the Civil War.

A showcase of the African American collections of the Library of Congress.

This exhibit marks the publication of The African-American Mosaic: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture.

The history of African Americans covers the rise from enslavement to accomplishments in every field of human endeavor--literature, art, science, business, industry, education, government, diplomacy, athletics, exploration.

In this lesson, students will learn about the life and work of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. (Grades K-2)

This lesson explores ways to help students identify with Dr. King through activities that provide a glimpse into his life. (Grades K-2)

Students meet African American individuals who lived in the North in the years between the American Revolution and the Civil War. (Grades 6-8)

Students learn how Birth of a Nation influenced racial attitudes, and they analyze the efforts of the NAACP to prohibit showing of the film. (Grades 9-12)

In this lesson, students put Barack Obama's election as the first African American President of the United States in historical context by studying two of his speeches. (Grades 9-12)

This lesson focuses on the constitutional arguments for and against the enactment of federal anti-lynching legislation in the early 1920s. (Grades 9-12)

Students will become members of a newspaper editorial board preparing a retrospective report about the NAACP's anti-lynching campaign of the 1930s. (Grades 9-12)

High School lessons related to Black history, including an introduction to the Almost Emancipated series that examines the Civil War and Reconstruction eras for Social Studies teachers.(Grades 9-12)

Utah educators and students can login to UEN's eMedia and download the following videos.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. examines the legacy of the Civil Rights movement since the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Citizen King explores the last five years in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life by drawing on the personal recollections and eyewitness accounts of friends, movement associates, and historians.

Both a powerful orator and a pompous autocrat, Garvey inspired the loyalty of millions of African Americans while infuriating many black leaders.

The murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till, a black boy who whistled at a white woman in a Mississippi grocery store in 1955, was a powerful catalyst for the civil rights movement.

In a reflective tribute to the African-American community of old, noted poet Ntozake Shange recalls her childhood home and the close-knit group of innovators that often gathered there.

To memorialize the life and work of Dr. King, Coretta Scott King is joined by others to remember highlights in Dr. King's career and trace his leadership in the civil rights movement.

The 10 episodes of this Ken Burn's film cover the history of jazz music in the US, from its origins at the turn of the twentieth century to the present day. Visit web site.

By following the directions in a song, "The Drinking Gourd," runaway slaves journey north along the Underground Railroad to freedom in Canada.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. travels throughout the U.S., taking viewers on an engaging journey through African-American history.

This six-part documentary presents a dramatic interpretation of the African-American religious experience through powerful storytelling.

The program traces the illustrious career of the first black person appointed as a Supreme Court justice.

Although few in number, Utah's African Americans have profoundly influenced the course of Utah history since the early 1800s