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Cultural Lit. 28: The Constitution & Treaties

Time Frame

2 class periods of 60 minutes each


Utah LessonPlans


Students will: Identify the Constitutional basis of treaty-making; evaluate the impact of treaty-making on the Indian nations; and, compare and contrast Indian treaties with other foreign treaties of the 18th and 19th centuries, after receiving direct instruction from instructor, reading selected texts, and working in group structures, within two class periods.


1. David DeJong. 2000. The Constitutional Basis of the Federal Indian Relationship. Casa Grande, AZ: Mountain Top Curriculum.
2. Indian Treaty Series--Mountain Top Curriculum
3. Journal or notebook.

Instructional Procedures

Anticipatory Set:
Review the words 'Treaty, Ordinance, Constitution' by posting on the board, on a flipchart, or on a projection device and ask the class if they are familiar with these words and their meaning. Conduct a collective brainstorming session (utilizing group structures) and add the generated vocabulary words to listed words. Allow students to postulate the meaning of words and their understanding of concepts.

Instructor will read aloud, while students follow along, the Key Terms and Concepts in Activity Two, of DeJong text.
Instructor will facilitate DeJong Activity Two--activities 1-4.

Assessment Plan

Students will record in their journals the ways in which the Northwest Ordinance and the US Constitution established and protects the nation-to-nation relationship that exists between the US and Indian Nations.

Created: 01/20/2005
Updated: 02/04/2018