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Three Little Pigs

Main Core Tie

English Language Arts Kindergarten
Reading: Literature Standard 3

Time Frame

4 class periods of 30 minutes each


Miquelle Black


This is a language arts lesson using The Three Little Pigs. The lesson uses online interactive games, art activities, and story telling. It is made for preschool-kindergarten age, but can be adapted for older students.




  • Classroom Blog
    This is where students will go to complete the Three Little Pigs unit. Students will answer three simple questions about the activities from the unit. Students will also be able to post pictures and drawings of the projects they did.
  • DLTK - Three Little Pig Houses
    Art project that uses milk cartons to recreate the Three Little Pigs houses of straw, sticks, and bricks. Supplies needed are listed on the site.
  • Super Why! Alpha Bricks
    Alphabet recognition game. Player identifies the letter being said by the Third Pig. All the alpha-bricks need to be put in place before the Big Bad Wolf can get into the house. Levels include capitol letters (A), lower case letters (a), and combination (Aa).
  • Three Little Pigs Activity
    This is an activity where students will listen to and follow along with the Three Little Pigs story and then put important events in order.

Background for Teachers

This lesson was planned to be implemented as follows: First Day 1. Read the story The Three Little Pigs. Any version will work. 2. Work on making the Story Map, either as a class or individually. Second Day 1. Re-read The Three Little Pigs, pausing occasionally to help the students recall main details. 2. Split the students into groups. One group should work on the Alpha Bricks online activity. Depending on the size of the class, either divide the remaining students into three groups or have them work together to make the Pigs' Houses found on the dltk-kids website. The groups should rotate so all the students have an opportunity to work on both the computer and the art project. Third Day 1. Read the Three Little Pigs again, this time allowing the kids to tell even more of the details themselves. 2. Again the group is split into two groups. The first group will get online to do the Three Little Pigs story activity. The second group will have time to practice telling the Three Little Pigs story using the milk carton props made the previous day. The groups should again rotate so all students do all activities. Fourth Day 1. Have the students tell the story of the Three Little Pigs using the milk carton props or Story Map. The students can take turns telling the story or each student can have a specific part to tell, so that everyone is included. 2. The students should log into the class blog to enter their reflections on the Three Little Pigs activities. Pictures can be drawn/taken and added, and teachers can help students type out responses to the questions provided.

Student Prior Knowledge

Students should be able to listen attentively to a short story, recognize most of the letters of the alphabet, and recognize the important parts of the story.

Intended Learning Outcomes

This series of activities should re-enforce students' letter recognition, and teach them how to organize and sequence stories. It will build the students short and long-term memory.

Created: 09/29/2012
Updated: 02/04/2018