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The Adventures of Abdi

Time Frame

2 class periods of 30 minutes each

Group Size


Life Skills

  • Thinking & Reasoning
  • Communication
  • Employability


Whitney Smith


This lesson will be an introduction to the topic of eastern countries. The book the adventures of Abdi allow the children to see into a world that they may not be familiar with. Abdi is a young boy who must go to present the queen a necklace for her birthday. He crosses many deserts and ends up at the castle of the king and queen. Although this story is set long ago we are able to see modes of transportation and the importance of celebration in other cultures. Google maps will be used as an addition to allow for the kids to go on the same adventure.


a. The adventures of Abdi- Madonna b. Google maps c. Computers d. Paper and Pencil

Background for Teachers

This lesson is to add to students understanding foreign cultures and communities that they may have never seen before, or even heard of. It is important for children to see a variety of cultures in order to be more accepting of others.

Student Prior Knowledge

Students need to have a bit of google maps experience, in order to properly navigate the activity. The more they now about sudi arabian countries the better.

Intended Learning Outcomes

This lesson is to look at other cultures, and countries other then that of the students. We will also look at past cultures, fantasy writing based on the past. The students will also learn the basics of Google maps, and how to use a program to explore another part of the globe.

Instructional Procedures

a. Read the story of abdi, in detail and as a group talk about what id going on in the story. things that may be different or the same as the students. Discuss the region of where abdi is and how that affects the story. b. Demonstrate the use of Google maps c. Show the students how to open the file for the lit. trip d. Allow students to explore the lit. trip, give your students and accurate amount of time to really explore on their own the google lit trip. it is important with these activities that students have adequate time to complete them and they dont feel too rushed. e. Have students turn in lit. trip questions and assignments as they finish.

Assessment Plan

Assessment will be done based on the children's comprehension of the story, their answers to the deep thinking questions, and their drawings.


Abdi Written by Madonna


Created: 12/02/2012
Updated: 01/29/2018