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Revised Midterm Lesson Plan


Colleen Gardner


I will show the Power Point Presentation on Robin Hood to provide an outline for the lecture and discussion. Students will gain perspective on history. They will know when in time the story of Robin Hood took place and learn what society was like in this time period. Also, given a manipulative model of a time line, students will consistently demonstrate personal understanding of the concept of time lines. They will do this by creating their own time lines including B.C. and A.D. references. Students will briefly describe events and write the dates. They will see the Middle Ages(1100-1600)with the perspective of a time line dating from 2,650 B.C. to 1620 A.D.


Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will see that history is fascinating/ they will learn how to use math to figure out how much time lapsed between historic events/ they will associate future studies with Robin Hood, feudalism, and the middle ages and compare them in order of chronology.


Justification: I'd like to give the power point presentation. I have given this lesson without the Power Point technology. It was time consuming and costly to copy and enlarge illustrations and visual aids at Kinko's. The students were interested in seeing the illustrations of Robin Hood and photos of castles. Sometimes they'd even grab the book I was showing so they could study the picture longer; however, the students waiting for their turn to see it up close became restless. As teachers, parents, and community leaders we have a responsibility to prepare children for the future. This is the challenge I have set for myself as an educator; everything I devote classroom time to will be of value to each student now and in the future. Computers are a big part the work force. I want students to feel comfortable with computers so they can concentrate on learning the aspects of a new employment experience without feeling intimidated by the company computer system. Instead of punching a time card they will likely sign in on the computer. Customer service clerks, receptionists, bankers, tax accountants, those who work in health care offices, and people of many other professions use computers as an intricate part of their job. Word Perfect, the internet, e-mailing, and web sites are a big part of academia in colleges also. We need to prepare students for the world they will meet upon graduation. It doesn't help to prepare them for the world we have known. There is a great quote from a famous hockey player. I can't remember the guy by name, but I do remember what he said. It's ineffective to merely go to where the hockey puck is. By the time we get there, it will have been moved. We need to skate to where the puck will be. There is an interesting dynamic between society and technology. They have a constant back and forth with one another in that they influence each other. Some people call this 'the loupe'. The loupe, referring to both the effect technology has on society and the effect society has on technology. Both have an equally impacting effect on one another. Society changes and adapts to the innovations of technology; and technology adapts and changes to the demands of the market / society. One example is the telephone. One telephone is of no value. The people, whom you would like to communicate with, need a phone in order to answer your call. We need an educated society to feed the loupe.

Assessment Plan

I will be asking questions and making sure I have the students attention. Students will take a multiple choice test. Short Answer and Multiple Choice worksheet -- What kind of weapons did Robin Hood and people who lived in 1190 use? What was the name of Robin's good friend -- and was he little? What is that system called when you are born royalty, nobility, tradesman, or peasant and it's almost impossible to change what you will be? Multiple Choices What was the King's name who started the Crusades and also was known as The Lion Hearted? Multiple Choices Assignment- Draw a time line and arrange the following events in chronological order. The building of the pyramids in Egypt- the original Olympic games- Moses-gladiators- Crusades-Robin Hood-Columbus- Cortez and the Aztecs- Queen Elizabeth-Shakespeare. Write the year next to the event to show when it happened. Remember to write weather it was B.C. (before Christ) or A.D. (after death) Include the following events on your time line. Also, discuss with your parents, do some research, and find out about some other interesting events, inventions, or creations in history. Include these on your time line along with the assigned list of topics.


I will explain to students that originally this story was told in song. I'll read it aloud emphasizing the cadence and ask the class if they can imagine a traveling minstrel singing this song to entertain and relate news. The rooster character in Disney's, 'Robin Hood' cartoon, was a minstrel. I want them to know that in the middle Ages, the people had a different style of speaking and writing. A comparison is made between Maid Marian and Queen Helen, Rosamond, and Jane Shore. These are people we haven't heard of, but these women were famous and well known for their beauty by the people living in this time period. I'll talk about how this way of speaking is difficult for us to understand but it wasn't difficult for the people who lived in that time. It was written with the original audience in mind. People were accustomed this way of speaking and writing. If they were to hear how we write and communicate with each other now, they would find it very strange and foreign. I'll discuss this after slide #1 in the Power Point presentation. The verses in Old English are listed under an attachment in 'materials.' ROBIN HOOD AND MAID MARIAN Robin Hood and Maid Marian Edited by Stephen Knight and Thomas H. Ohlgren Originally Published in Robin Hood and Other Outlaw Tales Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University for TEAMS, 1997


Created: 11/24/2003
Updated: 01/07/2018