First Nations Experience

Now Showing on FNX

Future History

Sarain and Kris meet with First Nations Policy Analyst Russell Diabo in Innisfil who explains the history and impact of the Indian Act. They drop into an after-school youth program on Mnjikaning First Nation created by Social...


FNX Now on 9.3
Shirlee Silversmith
Chuck Foster


FNX at Super Reader Party
Frank Blanquet on FNX
FNX Experience
FNX Light up the World

First Nations Experience channel presents Native American stories and content to create a diverse and entertaining channel across all media platforms 24/7. The unique non-profit channel is the result of a shared vision and values between the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians and PBS/KVCR both located in San Bernardino, California.

UEN-TV 9.3 can be found on Comcast Cable Channel 387.


First Native American Woman in Space!

Other Resources

USBE American Indian Education

NHK World TV UEN American Indian Heritage Resources

France 24Utah Division of Indian Affairs