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Roadtrip Nation

ROADTRIP NATION follows a group of roadtrippers as they traverse the United States and meet fascinating leaders who share stories of following their passions and realizing their dreams.

Roadtrip Nation  
  • Get The Ball Rolling
    Thursday, September 19
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The road-trippers take a much-needed meditative break in Yosemite National Park before continuing on to DEF CON, a Las Vegas conference that dispels some of their misconceptions about "hackers." Then it's off to Denver, where the team lets loose at Sphero, a robotics company that puts an emphasis on fun. In Chicago, 3D printer Dima Elissa encourages the team to embrace their unique identities.
  • It Doesn't End Here
    Monday, September 23
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    After traveling over 5,000 miles in 45 days, the Roadtrippers reach Massachusetts for the final week of their journey. There, they meet with Jeremy England, an MIT biophysicist, and Juan Enriquez, the CEO of Biotechnonomy LLC. Change is the topic of discussion with Juan, who tells the Roadtrippers to 'scare the hell' out of themselves sometimes because stagnancy is the enemy of personal growth. Moving onto the last interview of the trip, the Roadtrippers meet with Lydia Villa-Komaroff, an internationally-acclaimed molecular biologist and Chief Scientific Officer at CytonomeST. Lydia discusses the challenges of being a Mexican-American woman in a male-dominated field, and credits her passion for helping her to overcome obstacles. Afterwards, the team heads to the airport where they reflect on their personal growth and future paths before sharing one last group hug.
  • The Door's Wide Open
    Thursday, September 26
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The final week of the trip begins in New York, where the team sits down with the co-founders of New York on Tech, an organization providing tech-based training to low-income students in Brooklyn. The last leg of the journey takes the Green RV to Boston, Natalie's hometown. After conducting their final interview at MIT, the team reflects on the friendships and lessons they'll take home with them.
  • Whirlwind of Awesomeness
    Monday, September 30
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The keys to the Green RV go to three new road-trippers, all interested in design, who kick-start their cross-country journey of self-discovery with a visit to the art-tech spectacle of Two Bit Circus, where founders Brent Bushnell and Eric Gradman share their story of dabbling across domains and finding inspiration at the intersection of their interests.
  • Find Your Voice
    Thursday, October 3
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    A new road trip begins! Road-trippers Ariel, Elicia, and Regina set off in the green RV to meet inspiring women in STEM who've forged their own paths. In Boston, they hear why Harvard professor Evelynn Hammonds went from physics to the history of science, and artist Janet Echelman, whose awe-inspiring sculptures sway above cities across the world, shares the importance of finding your own voice.
  • East Meets West
    Monday, October 7
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The East Coast born and bred road-trippers experience a totally foreign way of life-laidback and Californian as they ride jet packs, talk to the creator of Frozen's Elsa in L.A., and venture north to Ventura where Patagonia designer John Rapp instructs them in the relaxed ways of West Coast work-life, finding what you love and digging in, and creating balance wherever you are.
  • Get Out There
    Thursday, October 10
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In NYC, the road-trippers meet the mechanical engineer who's pushing touch technology into the future. Katherine Kuchenbecker is working on haptic technologies that will shape medicine, commerce, and more. Next up, artist and activist Zaria Forman talks about the transformative power of travel, and entrepreneur Jewel Burks tells her gutsy story of building a company from the ground up.
  • Finding Contentment
    Monday, October 14
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In Oakland, Snap Judgment host Glynn Washington tells a story of fleeing his comfort zone and moving to Japan, where he found an unexpected teacher and an unexpected calling when he accidentally bought dog food for dinner one night. Santa Cruz Guitar founder Richard Hoover shares his philosophy of teaching and service and leads the road-trippers into Santa Cruz's misty, magical redwood forest.
  • Many Paths
    Thursday, October 17
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    As the road-trippers head south, they visit NASA's largest rocket engine test facility and meet two women who are launching America into space and proving that there isn't just one path to success. Then, with former MIT Media Lab professor Leah Buechley, the team sees how merging your interests can create something amazing, and inspire more girls to pursue STEM and create amazing things, too.
  • Challenge The Status Quo
    Monday, October 21
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The road-trippers head to Skywalker Ranch, where Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt recounts driving cross-country to California twice before his dreams of being a sound designer beat back his fear of change. Pixar animator Ralph Eggleston talks about getting beyond the world you inhabit and going deeper into what interests you, and Janice Levenhagen-Seeley of ChickTech advocates challenging the status quo.
  • Build The Future
    Thursday, October 24
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The road-trippers end their journey in San Francisco, where they meet Debbie Sterling and hear about the experiences that sparked her company, GoldieBlox, which makes engineering toys for girls. Last up, MythBusters' Kari Byron talks about experimentation, curiosity, being brave, and doing things you didn't think you could do; but her most important work is being a role model for young girls.
  • The Answer Is Within You
    Monday, October 28
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The road-trippers explore the Experience Music Project in Seattle, where experience designer Andrea Weatherhead advises that the best path toward happiness is getting to know yourself. In Colorado, the team meets interior designer Eiko Okura, who urges them to stop overthinking and see what emerges, and Michael Franti, who advocates for making lots of decisions and seeing what sticks.
  • Don't Forget Where You Came From
    Thursday, October 31
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Meet road-trippers Tehani, Traven, and Keakealani, three college students interested in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math (STEAM). All three are facing uncertainties-from choosing a major to finding a fulfilling career-and seek inspiration to help them navigate their futures. Their journey begins on the island of Hawai'i, where they meet the scientist who saved Hawaii's papayas.
  • Make It Your Own
    Monday, November 4
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The road-trippers try their hand at spinning molten glass with glassblower Jessica Schimpf. The world isn't looking for you, she says, you have to go out and find it. She recounts how she left a big-time welding gig to follow her dreams. In Texas, the team interviews Austinites on the street and goes for beignets and palm readings in New Orleans before hitting crowd-powered T-shirt purveyor Threadless in Chicago.
  • Cross The Ocean, Build Bridges
    Thursday, November 7
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Tehani, Traven, and Keakealani visit the U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory to explore an active volcano zone, and meet with geophysicist Dr. Jim Kauahikaua and engineer Kevan Kamibayashi. Then the road-trippers island-hop over to Maui, where their tour of the NOAA Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary is crashed by some surprise visitors.
  • Deciding What's Next
    Monday, November 11
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In Chicago, the team meets exhibition designer Olivia Castellini, a physics Ph.D. whose job combines her varied interests in science and the arts. In NYC, unstoppable inventor-turned-entrepreneur Ben Kaufman recounts flying to China to make his first product before he had even graduated from high school and shares why it's important to strike the right balance between jerk and pushover.
  • Know Where Home Is
    Thursday, November 14
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The road-trippers reach Oʻahu, their third and final island destination; while there, they take a once-in-a-lifetime trip up Mount Ka'ala-the island's highest mountain-and visit a private U.S. Army nature reserve at the peak. Then Tehani, Traven, and Keakealani head to the North Shore to check out the infamous Pipe Masters surfing contest and interview Surfline's lead forecaster Kevin Wallis.
  • Everything Is Design
    Monday, November 18
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The trip ends in NYC as the team meets designer Tina Roth Eisenberg, who left her tiny village in Switzerland to find her people in New York. Last up, Helvetica director Gary Hustwit shares the philosophy that connects all design: moving things forward. Though the road-trippers' forward movement on the Green RV ends here, nothing about what they've learned on this journey is over.
  • You Can Guide Your Future
    Thursday, November 21
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The trip across Hawaii comes to a close, but not before the team makes some major final breakthroughs: interviews with Governor David Y. Ige and environmental policy specialist Hoku Ka'aekuahiwi Pousima inspire Tehani to pursue her interest in law, and biologist Chrystie Naeole advises Keakealani and Traven on how they can maintain their unique identities while pursuing their ideas of success.


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  • Be Well-Rounded
    Monday, September 16
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In New York City, the team meets with Mariette DiChristina, Editor-in-Chief of Scientific American, who was able to combine her interests in writing, science, and art into a meaningful career. Mariette urges the Roadtrippers to incorporate their passions into their work-even if they face criticism from others. Moving north, the Roadtrippers arrange a visit with Vicki Smith, a game designer at Vicarious Visions. Vicki shares her circuitous route to game design, explaining that she initially abandoned her own dreams in favor of following her parents' expectations. In offering advice to the Roadtrippers, she stresses the importance of being well-rounded, and educating oneself in a wide range of disciplines-even if they don't particularly interest you. That way, you have an arsenal of knowledge to inform the work you do.
  • Breaking Down Barriers
    Thursday, September 12
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    The team starts to bond as they drive the Green RV into the heart of Silicon Valley, a major hub for innovation in technology. While there, they talk to Phillip Loya of CODE2040 and Laura Gomez of Atipica about using computer science to advance each of their respective communities. They also visit Netflix HQ, where Sabry Tozin, a first-generation Congolese immigrant, tells them, "Don't fit in."
  • Uncertainty Is Opportunity
    Monday, September 9
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    As they enter the 5th week of their 7-week Roadtrip, the team reflects on how comfortable they've become with the unpredictable eccentricities of the Road. Megan, who is naturally wired to adhere to routine, is learning to embrace uncertainly, and this helps her cope with an influx of job rejections. In New York, the team's interview with Radiolab radio host Jad Abumrad serves to reinforce Megan's newfound acceptance of the unknown. Jad describes his unsuccessful attempts at other careers, noting that although he never thought he would get into radio, he has found it to be a surprisingly satisfying assimilation of his interests. His ability to adapt to changing circumstance teaches the Roadtrippers although they might not end up where they planned in life, their ultimate trajectory might be even better than what they expected.
  • Pumped and Ready
    Thursday, September 5
    10:30 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Meet Natalie, Robin, and Zoed, three computer science students from three very different backgrounds, all of which are underrepresented in tech. This season, the team will embark on a cross-country road trip to meet and interview trailblazing leaders in their field. Their journey begins in sunny Los Angeles, where they visit NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab and meet infamous computer hacker, Samy Kamkar.
  • No More What If's
    Monday, September 2
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Leaving Houston, the team takes a brief hiatus from interviews with a 2-day drive to Chicago that allows them to reflect on the experience thus far. Once in the Windy City, they find themselves speaking with Zach Kaplan, the CEO and Co-founder of Inventables, a company that connects product developers with novel materials. Zach recounts the many rejections he's been dealt over the years, emphasizing perseverance in the face of challenge. Next, the team heads to Chicagoland Skydive to meet with skydiving instructor Ward Hessig. Once a policeman on track to becoming a lawyer, Ward discusses the fortuitous turn of events that led to his shift in paths. After their chat, the Roadtrippers nervously prepare for a skydive, but are ultimately able to let go of trepidation by following Ward's advice to "push through fear and embrace the reward."
  • Don't Feel Trapped
    Monday, August 26
    6:01 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In Texas, the Roadtrippers head to the Texas Instruments headquarters to meet Process Integration Engineer Byron Williams. Byron shares his struggle with self-doubt that almost stopped him from pursuing a career in science, and encourages the Roadtrippers to re-frame challenge as a motivator. Later, the crew heads to the ATT Foundry to speak with Senior Marketing Manager Tracy Parrish. Tracy discusses her switch from engineering to teaching, and helps Megan overcome her anxiety about teaching STEM subjects. The team ends the week at the National Space Biomedical Research Facility in Houston. There, Deputy Chief Scientist Dorit Donoviel discusses the courage it took to leave a comfortable job and try a new field. She encourages the team to never be afraid of venturing in new directions if they start to feel stagnant.
  • The Power of Serendipity
    Monday, August 19
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Outside of San Francisco, the team arrives at the Jelly Belly factory to meet with Elise Benstein, a food scientist who develops new Jelly Belly flavors. Elise encourages the Roadtrippers to be open to unplanned opportunity; after all, she never would have thought her job would consist of making Root Beer-flavored candy, but she loves it. From California, the crew winds east to Arizona, where they meet with Deon Clark, a nuclear engineer. Deon joined the navy as a teenager to escape the drugs and violence of his neighborhood, and stresses the importance of rejecting peer pressure. Moving onto New Mexico, the team meets two-time Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Paul Salopek, whose non-linear life experiences teach the Roadtrippers to embrace serendipity.
  • Embracing Change
    Monday, August 12
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    After settling into life on the Road (which includes dumping septic tanks and sleeping 3 feet away from each other), the team heads towards Hollywood. There, they meet Dr. Valerie Weiss, a film director who went through the trouble of getting a Ph.D in Biophysics so she could determine whether she really wanted to pursue science or filmmaking. Valerie's decision to set aside her Ph.D shows the Roadtrippers that it's never too late to alter your course. Later, the team heads to Facebook headquarters to meet with Delfina Eberly, the Director of Data Operations, who, as a confident Hispanic woman overseeing a mostly-male staff, inspires Jackie. Later, the team takes a zip-line adventure through Redwoods guided by Suzy Clark, the Director of the Mount Hermon Outdoor Science School. Suzy recounts the many jobs she's had, and allays the team's quarter-life anxiety by telling them that they don't need to know exactly where they're going in life.
  • Breaking Out of the Comfort Zone
    Monday, August 5
    6:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    Joined by the common desire to get out of their comfort zones, a new team of Roadtrippers embarks on a cross-country journey to interview innovative Leaders who can provide insight on building a fulfilling life. Roadtripper Jackie has just earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry at the University of Texas, and left her home in Mexico to do so. With her family's high hopes hinging on her success, she seeks to find a balance between her academic demands and outside interests. Recent-grad Megan has always wanted to become a teacher, but feels she must break out of her insulated surroundings to determine whether that dream is still right for her. Zachariah, an animated student at Ohio State, seeks to channel his many interests into one concrete path. After meeting each other (and their 36-foot home-on-wheels), the crew hits the beach to interview Dr. Graeme Rae, the Chief Scientist for Surfline.com, who discusses leaving the world of academia to help surfers score waves.