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Energy Switch

Energy and climate are intertwined, two of the most important topics in the world today. Yet viewers know very little about them. This show aims to change that. 'Energy Switch' brings together two renowned experts from government, NGOs, academia and industry, with differing perspectives on important energy and climate topics, such as: Could solar and wind power our future? Or could hydrogen be the dominant energy source? Should we have more or less nuclear power? How should we respond to climate change? What policies most effectively reduce emissions? How could we pay for them? These lively discussions and more are moderated by renowned energy scientist and communicator Dr. Scott Tinker. The show is produced, written and directed by Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker Harry Lynch, creator of the celebrated PBS series 'Great Performances: Now Hear This' and 'Stories of the Mind.'

Energy Switch  
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  • How to Decarbonize Industry, Part 1
    Wednesday, July 24
    11:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Cement and steel have created the modern world: they make our buildings, roads, machines and products. These two industries emit nearly as much CO2 as our entire electricity system -- but they're difficult to decarbonize. We'll talk about challenges and potential solutions to do so, including changing their production processes, replacing the coal they now require, and more efficient use.
  • Food: Energy & Emissions
    Wednesday, July 17
    11:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Everything in our modern lives has energy inputs and emissions outputs -- and that's certainly the case for our food. It's not just all the energy that powers the equipment required to grow, transport and process our food. And the energy inputs for fertilizer required by global agriculture. But also the emissions from land, and livestock, and particularly from food loss and food waste.
  • Nuclear Fusion
    Wednesday, July 10
    11:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Fission, the splitting of atoms, makes the heat that drives our nuclear reactors. Fusion, the fusing together of atoms, powers the stars, including our sun -- which means that fusion already powers Earth, just not in a way that we can control. If we could harness fusion, it would transform our world, producing limitless energy, safely and without emissions -- the holy grail of energy.
  • India's Energy and Climate Policies, Part 2
    Wednesday, July 3
    11:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    In part 1, we focused on India's electricity, and the potential to expand it using coal and/or solar. We continue with the growth of 2- and 3-wheel electric vehicles in India, the potential to manufacture their batteries domestically, the growth of air conditioning to combat heat waves, decarbonization targets, green building and the importance of efficiency.
  • India's Energy and Climate Policies, Part 1
    Wednesday, June 26
    11:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    India is the third largest energy consumer and carbon emitter in the world, with the fastest growing energy demand. Today coal makes three-quarters of their electricity, with the other 25% solar and other non-carbon sources. If they follow China's path and develop further on coal, it may be impossible for the world to meet its climate targets -- making India's energy choices of vital importance.
  • India's Energy and Climate Policies, Part 2
    Saturday, June 22
    1:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    In part 1, we focused on India's electricity, and the potential to expand it using coal and/or solar. We continue with the growth of 2- and 3-wheel electric vehicles in India, the potential to manufacture their batteries domestically, the growth of air conditioning to combat heat waves, decarbonization targets, green building and the importance of efficiency.
  • India's Energy and Climate Policies, Part 2
    Thursday, June 20
    8:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    In part 1, we focused on India's electricity, and the potential to expand it using coal and/or solar. We continue with the growth of 2- and 3-wheel electric vehicles in India, the potential to manufacture their batteries domestically, the growth of air conditioning to combat heat waves, decarbonization targets, green building and the importance of efficiency.
  • Students' Energy and Climate Opinions
    Wednesday, June 19
    11:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    For our ongoing 'youth voice' series, we created an energy and climate survey and asked two current and recently graduated university students to help administer it to hundreds of peers across the country, from diverse political backgrounds. The results provide a broad look at the energy and climate opinions, and knowledge, of young Americans -- and will test yours too.
  • India's Energy and Climate Policies, Part 1
    Saturday, June 15
    1:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    India is the third largest energy consumer and carbon emitter in the world, with the fastest growing energy demand. Today coal makes three-quarters of their electricity, with the other 25% solar and other non-carbon sources. If they follow China's path and develop further on coal, it may be impossible for the world to meet its climate targets -- making India's energy choices of vital importance.
  • India's Energy and Climate Policies, Part 1
    Thursday, June 13
    8:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    India is the third largest energy consumer and carbon emitter in the world, with the fastest growing energy demand. Today coal makes three-quarters of their electricity, with the other 25% solar and other non-carbon sources. If they follow China's path and develop further on coal, it may be impossible for the world to meet its climate targets -- making India's energy choices of vital importance.
  • Electric Grid Reliability
    Wednesday, June 12
    11:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Everything in the modern world relies on the electric grid. To keep the grid reliable, system operators order electricity from dispatchable generation, like coal, gas, hydro and nuclear, to balance intermittent generation, like wind and solar. Together, these must meet our enormous electricity demand, which varies by the second. It's a hugely complicated task, and it's facing real challenges.
  • Students' Energy and Climate Opinions
    Saturday, June 8
    1:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    For our ongoing 'youth voice' series, we created an energy and climate survey and asked two current and recently graduated university students to help administer it to hundreds of peers across the country, from diverse political backgrounds. The results provide a broad look at the energy and climate opinions, and knowledge, of young Americans -- and will test yours too.
  • Students' Energy and Climate Opinions
    Thursday, June 6
    8:00 pm on UEN-TV 9.1
    For our ongoing 'youth voice' series, we created an energy and climate survey and asked two current and recently graduated university students to help administer it to hundreds of peers across the country, from diverse political backgrounds. The results provide a broad look at the energy and climate opinions, and knowledge, of young Americans -- and will test yours too.
  • Critical Risks to Energy Systems
    Wednesday, June 5
    11:30 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    The US energy system, particularly our electric grids and pipelines, is constantly at risk -- from extreme events, like hurricanes, winter storms, heat waves and wildfires. And increasingly from cyber attacks, from hostile foreign powers and criminal elements. Enough that the energy industry and the US government are investing billions of dollars and working together to counter these threats.
  • Electric Grid Reliability
    Saturday, June 1
    1:00 am on UEN-TV 9.1
    Everything in the modern world relies on the electric grid. To keep the grid reliable, system operators order electricity from dispatchable generation, like coal, gas, hydro and nuclear, to balance intermittent generation, like wind and solar. Together, these must meet our enormous electricity demand, which varies by the second. It's a hugely complicated task, and it's facing real challenges.