Weather Resources - Internet Weather Links
Weather Information Weather Experiments
and Activities
Cloud Identification
Metric Conversion Information
Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids
The Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids has more facts, more fun, more activities, more stories, more of everything because you and other kids told us that you wanted more.
The Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids has more facts, more fun, more activities, more stories, more of everything because you and other kids told us that you wanted more.
Clouds and Precipitation
University of Illinois provides information about cloud types and percipitation.
University of Illinois provides information about cloud types and percipitation.
Weather Experiments
and Activities
Cloud Matching Game
Drag the photos of clouds on left to the correct name for that cloud on the right.
Drag the photos of clouds on left to the correct name for that cloud on the right.
Cloud Concentration
Click on a card to turn it over. Try to find the second card that matches the first.
Click on a card to turn it over. Try to find the second card that matches the first.