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Driver Education Curriculum Driver Education
Course Preface Course Preface
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Core Standards of the Course

Strand 1: Parent or Guardian Involvement in Modeling Good Driving Habits
Parent or guardian involvement is a major part of the driver education process. Studies show that children who have higher parent or guardian involvement tend to be safer drivers and have fewer crashes over their lifetimes. The Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) laws require the parent or guardian to become more involved in their teen driver's learning period. Utah's GDL law was passed in 1999 and according to the Utah Department of Health; there has been a 62% decrease in the fatalities of teens age 15-17. Educating parents or guardians on their involvement with their teen's driving safety and GDL laws is imperative to the success of the novice driver.

Standard 1.1
Students will identify and understand the current Utah GDL laws and provide evidence of a discussion about the laws with a parent or guardian.

Standard 1.2
Students will identify and understand the steps in obtaining an original Utah driver license.

Standard 1.3
Students will describe how emotional situations can lead to dangerous driving behaviors and provide evidence of a discussion with a parent or guardian.

Standard 1.4
Students will describe the responsibilities of owning and operating a vehicle. These responsibilities include environmental impact, especially air quality, fnancial and legal responsibility, and vehicle operation and maintenance. Provide evidence of a discussion with a parent or guardian.

Strand 2: Rules of the Road
Understanding and obeying rules of the road is essential to the safe operation and maneuvering of a vehicle. Rules of the road include signs, signals, pavement markings, and trafc controls that students must act on while behind the wheel.

Standard 2.1
Students will identify roadway signs by shape and color and recognize meaning.

Standard 2.2
Students will describe the diferent types of trafc signals.

Standard 2.3
Students will identify various pavement markings and recognize meaning.

Standard 2.4
Students will describe the diferent rights of way.

Strand 3: Risk Management in All Driving Situations
Risk, to some degree, is always present in any driving situation. Risk management includes understanding the concepts of proper vision, space cushion, appropriate decision-making, and defensive driving skills. Risk management also includes avoiding the fve most common deadly driving behaviors: drowsy, distracted, aggressive, impaired, and not buckling up.

Standard 3.1
Students will apply the concepts of proper vision needed to safely operate a motor vehicle.

Standard 3.2
Students will apply the concepts of proper space cushioning needed to safely operate a motor vehicle.

Standard 3.3
Students will understand and demonstrate efective defensive driving strategies.

Standard 3.4
Students will analyze data that identifes the fve most common deadly driving behaviors (drowsy, distracted, aggressive, impaired, and not buckling up) and describe the necessary steps drivers must take to avoid each of them.

Strand 4: Motor Vehicle Maneuvers and Operations
The acquisition and development of driving skills necessary to safely maneuver and operate a motor vehicle. Maneuvers and operation include the physics of driving; especially speed in relationship to stopping, starting, turning, and all other driving maneuvers. Driver-assistance technology continues to advance. Understanding how to use these systems safely is critical.

Standard 4.1
Students will locate and explain safety, communication, and comfort controls used inside and outside a motor vehicle.

Standard 4.2
Students will utilize and demonstrate an established pre-driving routine.

Standard 4.3
Students will demonstrate the steps of safe driving maneuvers.

Standard 4.4
Students will analyze and apply data relating to the science and physics of driving, specifcally the importance of controlling speed in all driving maneuvers to increase safety.

Standard 4.5
Students will evaluate information that describes current technology available in motor vehicles and how to use the technology to increase driver safety.

Standard 4.6
Students will perform map reading and trip planning exercises using current and emerging technology.

Strand 5: The Driving Environment
Recognizing and responding to the driving environment is essential for safe driving. Driving environment includes-but is not limited to-weather and lighting conditions, rural and urban roadways, emergency situations, sharing the road with pedestrians, trains, tractor-trailers, and other non-typical vehicles.

Standard 5.1
Students will compare and contrast urban and rural driving conditions.

Standard 5.2
Students will describe the responsibilities of sharing the road with bikes, pedestrians, motor vehicles, trains, tractor-trailers, and emergency vehicles.

Standard 5.3
Students will recognize and react safely to adverse conditions.

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Jennifer  Throndsen and see the Driver Education website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - Jennifer  Throndsen.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.