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CTE/Agricultural, Food & Natural Resources Curriculum Guide Dog Training
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Core Standards of the Course

Strand 1
Student will participate in personal and leadership development activities through the FFA or another appropriate career and technical student organization.

Standard 1
Student will use communication skills to effectively communicate with others.

  1. Understand when it is appropriate to listen and to speak.
  2. Understand and follow verbal and written instructions for classroom and laboratory activities.

Standard 2
Student will effectively use teamwork to respectfully work with others.

  1. Identify and understand different roles in working with a team

Standard 3
Student will use critical thinking and problem-solving skills

  1. Analyze the cause of the problem.
  2. Develop a solution to address the problem.
  3. Implement the plan.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.

Standard 4
Student will be dependable, reliable, steady, trustworthy and consistent in performance and behavior.

  1. Set and meet goals on attendance and punctuality.
  2. Prioritize, plan and manage work to complete assignments and projects on time.

Standard 5
Student will be accountable for results.

  1. Use an achievement chart for activities and behaviors in class that encourages a personal evaluation of classroom performance.
  2. File a weekly/bi-weekly written report on progress toward completion of assignments and projects.

Standard 6
Be familiar with the legal requirements and expectations of the course.

  1. Be familiar with the course disclosure statement and all requirements for successful completion of the course.
  2. Demonstrate workplace ethics, e.g. fair, honest, disciplined.

Strand 2
Student will participate in work-based learning activities through the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Program.

Standard 1
Student will demonstrate employability skills.

  1. Use a career search network to find career choices.
  2. Identify appropriate CTE Pathway for selected career choice.
  3. Write a resume including a list of demonstrated skills.
  4. Complete a job application.

Standard 2
Student will participate in a work-based learning experience outside the classroom

  1. Student will plan and implement a Supervised Agricultural Experience Program from at least one of the following areas; ownership/entrepreneurship, placement/internship, research, school-based enterprise, and/or service-learning experiences

Standard 3
Student will develop a job portfolio specific to their selected work-based learning experience.

  1. Student will keep a personal record/journal/log of their work-based learning experience; including pictures, financial records, skills learned, hours associated with project, goals, reflection, etc.

Strand 3
Students will understand and use Guide Dog processes and procedures.

Standard 1

  1. Understand the history of dog training and significant people in the training industry.
  2. Use the vocabulary terms used by Guide Dog trainers.
  3. Learn about and use the types of equipment that is used in the dog training industry.

Standard 2
Students will be given hands-on opportunity to train dogs.

  1. Understand Guide Dog's Rules for raising a puppy.
  2. Understand and use Guide Dog's Goal Behaviors.
  3. Use goal setting skills during a training session.
    • Set a criterion
    • Get the dog to achieve the goal behavior
    • Assess the dog's success using the goal behavior scoring; Ideal, Acceptable, Less desirable
    • If less desirable, problem-solve how to improve.
  4. Understand and use the four Training Methods.
    • Operant conditioning/Clicker Training
    • Compulsory
    • Luring
    • Placement

Strand 4
Students will understand and apply Ethology (science of animal behavior) in dog training.

  • Define Ethology (a scientific field, that studies behavior from a biological perspective).
  • Understand and use an ethogram (a computation of individual behavioral motor patterns).
  • Understand and apply dog ethology.
  • Understand and apply the principals of Behavior modification
  • Understand and apply the eight different methods of behavior modification.
  • Understand the common behavioral problems in dogs
  • Apply principals of prevention and good management, when necessary use corrections to solve behavior problems as they work with dogs.

Strand 5
Student will apply methods of animal husbandry as they care for a dog.

Standard 1
Provide the appropriate environment/management for dog care.

  1. Grooming
  2. Exercise
  3. Nutritious diet
  4. Appropriate health care, vaccinations, first aid
  5. Evaluating structure
  6. Enrichment and socialization

Standard 2
Understand and appropriately adapt to the stages of Dog Development.

  1. Neonatal stage
  2. Transitional stage
  3. Socialization stage
  4. Juvenile stage
  5. Adolescent stage
  6. Adult stage
  7. Senior stage
  8. Geriatric stage

Standard 3
Understand the different methods of breeding

  1. Natural Breeding
  2. Artificial Insemination (AI)

UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - WILLIAM  DEIMLER and see the CTE/Agricultural, Food & Natural Resources website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - THALEA  LONGHURST.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.