Utah State Board of Education
Pearl Hart, Family and Consumer Sciences Specialist
Mary Shumway, CTE Director, Utah State Board of Education
Patti Harrington, State Superintendent, Utah State Board of Education
The Utah State Board of Education would like to extend its sincere appreciation to the following individuals for making significant contributions to the Adult Roles & Responsibilities
and Adult Roles & Financial Literacy courses.
Nikki Sue Larkin, Project Director
Ashlee Christiansen
Camie Sunderland
Celeste Giron
Desirae Roden
Jerrie Lin Hansen
Nancy Dexter
Sherrie Davis
Sherry Heaps
Sue E. Winkler
Timothy Ward
This project was funded by a grant from the Utah Marriage Commission with Pearl Hart as Grant Facilitator.
We would also like to express our appreciation to Career and Technical Education District Directors and School Coordinators, and other Administrators for their continued support and encouragement.