Learn @ Home

Student - Science

General Information

It is the desire of all science teachers and leaders that while students are continuing to learn from home during the temporary soft closure due to COVID-19 that science instruction remains effective, meaningful, and aligned to state standards to support continued learning. This is a living document that will be updated and adjusted as more information and resources are created.


Keeping Students Engaged in Meaningful Experiences

We recognize that solutions to our current educational situation will not be – nor should be – “school as usual,” simply delivered in a virtual environment. A Guiding Distance-Learning Document, developed by the Council of State Science Supervisors, provides guidance about how to support student science learning during these unique circumstances. It also suggests important things to consider, includes a list of features for supportive resources, attends to issues of equity, and recommends actions to take. The Utah student science experiences were developed based on these guiding principles. 

Document Translation

Google Translate is a resource that can help translate materials to different languages to support students and parents with limited English proficiency. It is not a perfect tool but does a fairly good job.


General Resources

While this page is intended for teacher prepared student science experiences a list of other general science resources is also available on UEN.


Resources by Grade/Course

The resources provided focus on the SEEd standards. It’s understood that while Grade 6-8 teachers are currently using the SEEd Standards, K-5 and high school teachers in Utah are using two different sets of science standards (Utah Science Standards or the new Utah Science with Engineering Education [SEEd] standards). Looking toward the future, and with the suspension of end-of-year state assessments, the student science experiences were developed using the K-12 SEEd standards, which will be fully implemented in the 2020-2021 school year.


Student Science Experience Format

These experiences were designed to support students in engaging in science investigations with siblings and/or parents at home and then report back about what was discovered. They were created in a way that is easily adaptable for both online and printed formats. They are formatted to help students wonder about and investigate the science phenomena happening in the world around them. These experiences do not describe how students should write up and return work to their teacher. It is up to each teacher to adapt them to best meet student needs. When individualized by the teacher, a student could be asked to engage in one or more of these experiences a week and report back. This format aligns closely to the vision and expectation of the SEEd standards and will be a strong starting point for classroom instruction in the Fall of 2020.


Grade/Course Science Resources

Click on the grade or course below to find the student science experiences that can be used with students:

Coming Soon...

  • Biology SEEd
  • Chemistry SEEd
  • Physics SEEd