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Doing Our Jobs

Main Core Tie

Social Studies - 1st Grade
Standard 2 Objective 2

Additional Core Ties

English Language Arts Grade 1
Reading: Literature Standard 1

English Language Arts Grade 1
Speaking and Listening Standard 1 a.

English Language Arts Grade 1
Speaking and Listening Standard 1 b.


Utah LessonPlans


Students will learn that there are rules to be followed or jobs to be done in the classroom. Students will also learn how to listen and speak to others.


  • Stellaluna

A and B Listening

Green Light-Go Behaviors

  • 4” x 5” paper
  • Crayons (red and green)

Doing Our Jobs

Additional Resources


  • Stellaluna, by Janell Cannon; ISBN 05904837X

Background for Teachers

In a democratic society, citizens are expected to be responsible for their own actions by following and obeying the laws (rules) of the land. The purpose of this lesson is to teach the students there are rules to be followed or jobs to be done in the classroom. If students choose to follow rules or do their job, there are positive consequences. If students choose to not follow the rules, there are negative consequences. In this lesson, students also learn how to listen and speak to others. This lesson is best taught at the beginning of the year.

Intended Learning Outcomes

2. Develop social skills and ethical responsibility.
3. Demonstrate responsible emotional and cognitive behaviors.
6. Communicate clearly in oral, artistic, written, and nonverbal form.

Instructional Procedures

Invitation to Learn
Before reading Stellaluna to the class, ask students to pay close attention to how Stellaluna behaves or acts with the birds. Also ask them to be thinking about why Stellaluna acts like she does. After reading the story, lead a discussion using the previous questions. Explain that throughout the day or week, students will be learning about important life skills. Some skills they will need to know at school, while many will be used outside of school, just as Stellaluna used different skills in different situations in the story. Help students understand how this is similar to Stellaluna.

Instructional Procedures

A and B Listening

  1. Teach students how to be good listeners (make eye contact, lean forward, nod in acknowledgement) and speakers (speak loud and clear, make eye contact with audience). Talk about what a good listener does and list ideas on a Looks Like/Sounds Like Chart. Then complete another Looks Like/Sounds Like Chart about what a good speaker does.
  2. Model for the class what it looks like and sounds like to be a good speaker and a good listener. Have a few students role play these skills.
  3. Give half the class a paper die cut of the letter A and half the class a paper die cut of the letter B. Have students partner with someone with the opposite letter. Students with an A will listen, and students with a B will speak. The teacher assigns a topic for“B” students to discuss for 20-30 seconds. Then have “A” students be speakers and “B” students be listeners and assign a new topic.
  4. Have students find a new partner with the opposite letter and repeat the previous step. Repeat as necessary.

Green Light-Go Behaviors and Red Light-Stop Behaviors

  1. Discuss what happens when you are in a car and come to a green or red light.
  2. Explain there are red and green lights at school. Appropriate behavior is called “Green Light-Go Behavior,” such as sharing, taking turns, etc. “Red Light-Stop Behaviors” are kicking, namecalling, etc.
  3. Give students a 4” x 5” piece of paper. Have them draw a circle on each side. Color one circle green and one circle red. Have them practice their listening and speaking skills by coming to the front and giving an example of either a “Red Light-Stop Behavior” or a “Green Light-Go Behavior.” As they give examples, have students hold up the correct stoplight to identify which kind of behavior was just demonstrated.

Doing Our Jobs
Now that the students understand how to be good listeners and speakers, as well as what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable, they are ready to learn what their jobs are as first graders.

  1. Talk about the different jobs the students’ parents do. Discuss the value of these jobs.
  2. Tell the students that everyone has a job to do at school, too, just like their parents. Explain that the teacher’s job is to prepare the lessons each day, to teach students what they need to know, grade papers, etc. Students also have many jobs at school.
  3. At this point the teacher will pull out a briefcase or bag with picture cards giving job descriptions inside (the rules of your classroom). Tell students the pictures represent student jobs.
  4. Have a student choose a card out of the briefcase, read it to the class, and discuss what it means. Have the class help you act out correct and incorrect ways to do that job. Repeat this process with each job card.
  5. Discuss why it is important for each student to do his/her job. Talk about what would happen if no one did his/her job, verses what would happen if everyone did his/her job.
  6. Explain that, as part of the teacher’s job, you are willing to support students with reminders, practice, and self reflection to help them do their jobs.
  7. Teach students how to self reflect. Have them give you a thumbs up or down, depending on whether or not they did their jobs. Another method is to have them show you 1, 2, or 3 finger(s) rating themselves on how well they preformed their jobs. Or each student may complete a Self-Reflection Log using smiley/frowny faces.


Students write in a journal and reflect on how they performed their job and how it made them feel.

Family Connections

  • Students interview a family member about their job at work and record what their jobs are, as well as any consequences they may have at work.
  • Discuss with a parent their jobs at home.
  • Report to class similarities of home and school.

Assessment Plan

  • While students role play good listening and speaking skills, the teacher should monitor and assess student progress.
  • Use information to assess who really understands their job and when they are correctly performing it by recording or observing as students self-reflect.
  • Use the writing assignment as an informal assessment.


Research Basis

Faye, J. & Funk, D. (1995). Teaching with Love and Logic. Taking Control of the Classroom. Love and Logic Press.

Research shows that when children are taught responsibility for their behavior, they are prepared to function more readily in the real world. It also helps develop independent thinking.

Young, K.R., West, R.P., Marchant, M., Morgan, C.J., & Mitchem, K. (1997). Prevention Plus: A comprehensive school program approach for the prevention of antisocial behavior. Logan: Utah State University, Institute for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families at Risk.

This study states that modeling is the most effective way to communicate specific positive student behaviors. Further more, it is essential that we have the students practice behaviors themselves through role play situations.

Created: 09/09/2005
Updated: 02/05/2018