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Know your Keyboard

Main Core Tie

Keyboarding - (Fifth Grade) [2002]
Standard 1 Objective 1

Additional Core Ties

Keyboarding - (Fourth Grade) [2002]
Standard 1 Objective 1

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size

Small Groups

Life Skills

  • Communication
  • Employability


Michael Bowen


During this class period the students will learn and reinforce their knowledge of the keys' position on a standard qwerty keyboard. The students will also demonstrate their knowledge of the function and purpose of the keys.


* LCD projector * Computer with 2007 PowerPoint * Copies of: Know your keyboard Quiz.docx for each student. * Pointing device such as a ruler or pointing stick.

Background for Teachers

knowledge of how to use PowerPoint and a general knowledge of the keyboard and the function of the various keys.

Student Prior Knowledge

This lesson is for new students learning the keyboard or as a review for more advanced students.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will begin to develop a knowledge of the positions of keys on a keyboard and the function and purpose of the various keys.

Instructional Procedures

Begin by asking the students the following questions:When was the standard keyboard invented? What was the purpose of the keyboard? What is the name of the keyboard? Tell students that these questions will be discussed in today's lesson. Show the powerpoint "Keyboarding_Fundamentals 2007.pptx". Either have each student come to the front and point to a sequential letter of the alphabet or have students volunteer and point to these letters until they miss identifying a correct letter. Continue this process until all keys have been correctly identified. After showing the rest of the powerpoint have students complete: Know your "keyboard Quiz.docx."

Strategies for Diverse Learners

Pair students when having them complete the quiz placing the diverse students with good learners who can help them learn and identify keys on the keyboard.


Create puzzle pieces for each letter on the keyboard. Divide students into small groups of 3-4 students. Have the students race to see which group can put the puzzle together the most quickly.

Assessment Plan

This lesson is one that can be used as many times as necessary to help students learn and recognize keys and their positions on a keyboard. Rather than testing the whole keyboard, with new students just grade them on the alphabet keys the first time and then add to your expectations as the students' knowledge grows.


Utah State Office of Education Keyboarding Standards for Students


Created: 07/26/2008
Updated: 01/23/2018