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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Utah

Time Frame

1 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size


Life Skills

Social & Civic Responsibility


Mary Gould


This activity introduces students to the history of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Utah, and how this day became a federal holiday. This activity is designed to be used in conjunction with a larger lesson on African-American history, the Civil Rights Movement, or African America experiences in Utah. This activity is taken from the lesson plan "African American Experience in Utah."




  • Infoplease
    History of Martin Luther King Day in the United States.

Terry Lee Williams story from Missing Stories.

Background for Teachers

Teachers should have an understanding of the history of Martin Luther King Day in the United States and Utah. Reading Terry Lee Williams' story will provide some of this background. More information and a timeline can be found here:

Student Prior Knowledge

Students should know about Martin Luther King, Jr. and why a federal holiday was designated in his honor. Most students will not be aware of the history of MLK Day in Utah.

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • Students will learn the history of MLK Day in Utah.
  • Students will learn about the first black legislature in Utah.
  • Students will learn about their own perspective on MLK Day.

Instructional Procedures

As a class (out loud or silently) read Terry Lee Williams story in Missing Stories (attached--"Terry Lee Williams story").

Write the following questions on the board:

  • Are you glad that the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday passed here in Utah? Why or why not?
  • Is it important for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to be a federal holiday? Why or why not?

Discuss student responses as a class. Encourage each student to share one thought/idea.


More questions can be added to the list asked of the class. Students can also be given a research assignment for homework. Students could be asked to research the incorporation of MLK Day in other states.


Kelen, L.G, & Stone, E.H. (2000). Missing Stories: An Oral History of Ethnic Minority Groups in Utah. Utah State University Press. Logan, UT.

Created: 01/07/2009
Updated: 01/24/2018