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Digital Citizenship for Libraries

Main Core Tie

Secondary Library Media (6-12)
Strand 8: Standard 2:

Time Frame

2 class periods of 90 minutes each

Group Size

Large Groups


Shay Woodruff-Walton


Students will understand how their digital citizenship applies in library, reference, and education. They will see how those skills bridge into their everyday lives as well.




  • NetSafe Utah
    Select the video "A Conversation with the Internet."
  • Teach Thought
    Exploring a Teen's Digital Footprint in 6 clicks or less.
  • TED-Ed
    How to Choose your News Video
  • TED-Ed
    How False News Can Spread video

Students will need their laptops. They will need access to some type of image creation tool such as Powerpoint or Google Drawings. The teacher librarian will need the following videos.

Background for Teachers

The teacher librarian will need to know the basics of digital citizenship and how they directly affect the following library and research skills:

  • Responsible citation and reference skills
  • Plagiarism in their academic and personal lives
  • How to avoid information overload/real life balance
  • Trustworthy sources
  • Conscious online posting

Student Prior Knowledge

Students need to have experience with social media, presentation tools, and referencing resources.

Instructional Procedures

Day one:
Students will be provided examples of four different digital citizenship components (highlighted in parentheses next to each video title below).

The teacher librarian will explain the significance of those components in both students' academic/professional and personal lives.

Students should then watch a series of videos starting with "A Conversation with the Internet" (focusing on how being conscious of our Internet-posting choices, online interactions with others, and balancing digital time with real world interactions).

The second video will be about how we choose our news (focusing on reliability and validity of data and how it affects us personally, academically, and professionally). The next video is about how false news can spread (focusing on the importance of reliable sources and the citation/reference process).

The last video is about exploring a teen's digital footprint (focusing on social media interaction and safety and how that matters academically or professionally).

After viewing each video students will be given time to write down how each of the digital citizenship concepts in the videos impacts them both academically/professionally and personally.

Day two:
After reviewing the concepts displayed in the videos from the day before, students will create a graphic of how they understand digital citizenship and how digital citizenship affects them.

They will need to create a web or organizer of some type with Powerpoint, Google Drawings, or another type of graphic creator to demonstrate what they have learned.

Their graphic must show understanding of digital citizenship components on an academic or professional level, as well as on a personal level.

Students will later share their graphic as a whole class or in small groups.

Assessment Plan

Students will create a graphic that demonstrates their understanding of digital citizenship topics and how they pertain to both the academic/professional world and their personal lives.


Created: 03/30/2017
Updated: 02/05/2018