UEN-TV is operated by the Utah Education Network. Our goal is to educate, engage, and enrich the lives of Utah residents through broadcast programs and services.
Centracom maintenance: 2020-05-05 @ 11:00 PM Description: Circuit: CENT_4353000214 mil-pe-a Twe1/0/48
Contacts: Jason
UEN ticket: NOC-714
Update: This maintenance completed on time. Impact: Affecting Sites: Millard Pe and Millard DO (all sites off these devices)
Stata Maintenance: 2020-05-06 @ 4:00 AM Description: Strata is replacing a fiber optic
The outage should be very brief
Travis Henderson (with Strata)
Update: This maintenance completed on time. Impact: Athenian Charter Ballard
CenturyLink outage: 2020-05-07 @ 12:40 AM Description: Centurylink is investigating a loss in signal on a link between Logan and Salt Lake City.
Update: CenturyLink is seeing a loss of signal on a main link between Clearfield and Kaysville. They are investigating cause as a priority. Earlier reports from Logan to SLC were incorrect. There are some UEN backbone links involved that may be causing some outages in the Davis County area.
Update: This outage was resolved at 1:47 AM. Impact: There are several sites down, that will be listed in further updates. Many are being routed around the problem area. More info will be posted as it becomes available.
Tonaquint Data Center Maintenance: 2020-05-12 @ 4:30 AM Description: UETN Networking staff will be upgrading hardware at the Tonaquint Data Center to provide additional capacity and bandwidth for backbone upgrades as well as improve redundancy for customers, including the University of Utah, by diversifying connectivity across multiple line cards. New line cards and network modules will be added to the core router while older cards and modules will be moved or re-moved.
Update: This maintenance will begin in 5 minutes.
Update: This maintenance completed on time. Impact: Connectivity to the Internet 2 and commodity Internet will be affected, however this site serves mostly as a secondary site for these services and connectivity should be re-routed to other UETN links. To minimize outages to the University of Utah, networking staff will methodically move the universities back up circuits one at a time to ensure that there is not a total loss of connectivity. UofU networking staff will be contacted once the maintenance is completed to verify connectivity and functionality. The expected downtime for any one circuit should be minimal and the overall maintenance should be completed well within the scheduled maintenance window.
The Layer 2 MPLS service for SLCC at TDC will also be impacted during this maintenance.
UEN DIX POP Maintenance: 2020-05-12 @ 11:00 PM Description: UEN Field and Engineering Ops will be performing fiber work at our Dixie State University POP.
Update: This maintenance will begin in 5 minutes.
Update: This maintenance completed at 2:44 AM. Impact: The following customers will experience a loss of service during the maintenance window:
Dixie State University
Dixie Technical College
Valley Acedemy
Tuachan Arts
Dixie Montessori
Washington School District
UIT MPLS service from DDC to DIX
South Central Maintenance: 2020-05-13 @ 12:00 AM Description: Replace Router in Central Office
Update: This maintenance completed on time. Impact: Loa and Torrey, Utah area.
Sites may be impacted as jumpers are moved.
Garfield School District
(possibly) Wayne School District
UEN Hosting network maintenance: 2020-05-23 @ 9:00 PM Description: We will be upgrading the datacenter border firewalls. Active sessions should be failed over to the HA standby. Most traffic will only see short (five second) interruptions, but it is possible that some sessions will be reset and have to reconnect.
Update: This maintenance will begin in 5 minutes.
Update: This maintenance completed at 10:22 PM. Impact: All UEN Hosted services including web sites and utilities, streaming, backups, video recording and scheduling may see short interruptions.
All West Fiber Maintenance: 2020-05-26 @ 11:55 PM Description: All West will be splicing fiber due to UDOT’s request.
Update: This maintenance will begin in 5 minutes.
Update: This maintenance completed on time. Impact: All All West services will be down at some point during this window. The following UEN customers will be affected:
USU Extension Office - Coalville
Kimball Junction Main Library Branch
Coalville Library Branch
Kamas Library Branch
Silver Summit Academy
Bridgerland ATC - Rich County Campus
South Summit School District
North Summit School District
Outage Types:
Outage: An observed outage, not scheduled.
Normal: A planned outage, 24 hours in advance.
Urgent: A planned outage, 12 hours in advance
Emergency: Immediate outage required
Third Party Maintenance: A planned outage performed by an organization other than UEN
Additional Information:
Normal maintenance outages, if necessary, are scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 11pm. If any additional information about outages is required, please contact the UEN Operations Center at noc@uen.org, 801-585-7440 or 800-836-4396.
Outage Notifications:
By Email: If you would like to be added to our outage notification email list please click here.