
Bourgeois, Paulette, The Dirt on Dirt. Toronto, Kids Can Press, 2008.
Callery, Sean, 100 Things You Should Know About Rocks and Minerals. Broomall, Pa., Mason Crest Publishers. 2011.
Challoner, Jack. Find Out About Rocks and Minerals. Leicester, Armadillo Publishing, 2013.
Hirsch, Rebecca. The Rock Cycle. Minneapolis, Minnesota, Abdo Publishing, 2015.
Meredith, Susan Markowitz. Rocks, Minerals, and Soil. West Beach, Florida, Rourke Publishing, 2010.
Montgomery, Heather. How Is Soil Made? New York City, Crabtree Publishing, 2010.
Tomecek, Steve. Dirt. Washington, D.C., National Geographic Press, 2002.