Our World

Kindergarten - Content
Standard 3:
Students will develop an understanding of their environment.
Objective 3: Recognize symbols and models used to represent features of the environment.
- Recognize that maps and globes are symbols for actual places.
- Identify items on a map of the classroom.
- Explore basic map and globe directions and characteristics (e.g., top, bottom, right, left, land, water, Arctic Ocean, Antarctica).
- Make representations of things observed in the environment (e.g., drawing, painting, building structures with blocks, making models with clay).
1st Grade - Content
Standard 3: Students will develop an understanding of their environment.
Objective 3: Demonstrate how symbols and models are used to represent features of the environment.
- Use map skills to identify features of the neighborhood and community.
- Create representations that show size relationships among objects of the home, classroom, school, or playground.
- Identify map and globe symbols (e.g., cardinal directions, compass rose, mountains, rivers, lakes).
- Locate continents and oceans on a map or globe (i.e., North America, Antarctica, Australia, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean).

Standard 3: Students will develop an understanding of their environment.
Objective 4: Demonstrate how symbols and models are used to represent features of the environment.
- Identify and use information on a map or globe (i.e., map key or legend, compass rose, physical features, continents, oceans).
- Use an atlas and globe to locate information.
- Locate continents and oceans on a map or globe (i.e., North America, Antarctica, Australia, Africa, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean).
5th Grade - Social Studies
Standard 5: Students will address the causes, consequences and implications of the emergence of the United States as a world power.
Objective 3: Evaluate the role of the United States as a world power.
6th Grade - Social Studies
Standard 4: Students will understand current global issues and their rights and responsibilities in the interconnected world.
Objective 1: Analyze how major world events of the 20th century affect the world today.
Objective 2: Explore current global issues facing the modern world and identify potential solutions.
Objective 3: Determine human rights and responsibilities in the world.
Grades 9 - 12 World Geography
World Geography is designed as a semester course, but is recommended
to be a year-long course. A semester course will include map skills with
physical and human geography essentials, beginning with North America,
South America, Europe and their connections to other world regions. The
year-long course continues to use previously learned geography skills
connected to the remaining areas of the world.
Grades 10 - 12 World Civilizations
World Civilizations emphasizes the increasing interrelationships
over time of the world's peoples. These interrelationships have developed
in two major arenas. First, they have developed among six major regions
of the world: East Asia, South Asia, Southwest Asia (Middle East), Africa,
Europe (including the United States and Canada) and Latin America. Second,
they have developed within all aspects of human activity: political and
diplomatic, economic, social, philosophical and religious, scientific
and technological, and artistic.
AsiaSouth America
North America
Utah Core Connection