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Library Media Curriculum Elementary Library Media (K-5)
Course Preface Course Preface
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Core Standards of the Course

Reading Engagement is a foundational skill for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. The degree to which students can read and understand text in all formats and all contexts is a key indicator of success in school and in life. The goal is to actively promote reading and provide equitable access to literary and informational texts in a variety of subjects, genres, and formats. The standards facilitate the acquisition of tools, knowledge and skills to allow every student to read for interpretation and the development of new understandings.

Strand 1
Reading for intellectual, personal, and emotional growth

Standard 1
Establish reading behaviors for lifelong learning and growth.

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  1. Select texts from a variety of formats and genres to read for enjoyment, acquire knowledge, and answer questions.
  2. Gain understanding and make connections while reading and interacting with text.
  3. Demonstrate perseverance and stamina when reading or listening to a variety of texts.
  4. Listen to, view, read, and integrate information to build a knowledge base.

Standard 2
Differentiate between literary (fiction) and informational (non-fiction) text.

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  1. Categorize text as literary or informational.
  2. Use selection criteria (e.g., interest, content) when choosing materials for a defined purpose.

Strand 2
Meaning of text through format and text features

Standard 1
Demonstrate knowledge of the physical features (e.g., cover, spine, title page, cursor, scroll bar) of reading materials, both electronic and print.

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Standard 2
Read, view and listen for information presented in a variety of formats (e.g., textual, visual, media).

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Standard 3
Identify the elements of story.

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Standard 4
Identify the roles, tools, and purposes of authors, illustrators, and other contributors for a text.

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Strand 3
Library purpose and function

Standard 1
Exhibit library etiquette.

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Standard 2
Understand the library layout, the library classification system, and the circulation process.

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Standard 3
Contribute to a reading and learning community, including recommending reading materials to peers and respecting others' reading choices.

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Standard 4
Make use of personal, community and global libraries, both physical and electronic.

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Information and Research: Through engagement in the research process, students will apply critical thinking skills (e.g., analysis, evaluation, organization, synthesis) to draw conclusions and construct new understandings. Additionally, students will engage in research processes (e.g., inquiry-based, information problem solving). Such experiences will develop student self-confidence in solving problems in an environment where information resources and technologies are increasingly complex.

Strand 4
Defining an information problem and identifying information needed

Standard 1
Define an information problem.

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  1. Analyze the task to identify the information problem.
  2. Seek clarification from teachers and others.
  3. Select and narrow (or broaden) topics into a manageable focus.
  4. Conceptualize the form of the final product based on target audience and criteria for evaluation.

Standard 2
Identify the information needed

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  1. Analyze the task and information needed.
  2. Generate essential questions for new understanding and to guide inquiry.
  3. Select, narrow (or broaden) keywords and phrases in search terms.

Strand 5
Identifying, evaluating, and selecting sources

Standard 1
Identify information sources (e.g., texts, places, people).

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Standard 2
Evaluate and select sources based on predetermined criteria (e.g., relevancy, currency, credibility).

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Strand 6
Locating sources and accessing information

Standard 1
Locate identified sources.

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  1. Demonstrate how to navigate library catalogs, the internet, and databases.
  2. Apply effective location skills, asking for help as needed.
  3. Revise and focus search as necessary to yield more effective results.

Standard 2
Access information within sources by using relevant tools (e.g., table of contents, indexes, keyword searches, sidebars, related subjects).

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Strand 7
Engaging with and extracting information.

Standard 1
Engage with information by reading, listening, and viewing sources in a variety of formats.

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  1. Use questions to guide reading, listening, and viewing of sources while building connections between prior knowledge and new information.
  2. Analyze and make sense of information (e.g., identifying main ideas, supporting details, bias, point of view, misconceptions, conflicting information).

Standard 2
Select, extract and record information that addresses the information problem, answers guiding questions, and meets evaluation criteria.

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  1. Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate and select information in terms of relevancy, currency, and credibility including fact and opinion, bias, prejudice, propaganda.
  2. Validate and compare information in sources, noting differences, contradictions, and types of data or research methods.
  3. Use a variety of note-taking strategies, including summarizing and paraphrasing, while noting sources.
  4. Monitor gathered information for gaps and weaknesses and modify questions, sources, or strategies as needed to elicit adequate information.

Strand 8
Organizing, synthesizing, and presenting information

Standard 1
Organize information from multiple sources.

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  1. Organize, evaluate, and synthesize selected information to support conclusions.
  2. Select format of the learning product for the designated audience and use technology or other tools to integrate, organize, and present information from multiple sources.
  3. Follow ethical and legal guidelines in using and citing information to avoid plagiarism and copyright violations.
  4. Apply evaluation criteria to create, revise, and finalize the learning product.
  5. Collaborate with others to exchange ideas, make decisions, create products, and peer edit as appropriate.

Standard 2
Present a learning product using a variety of presentation techniques (e.g., writing, speaking, media) to communicate new understandings.

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Strand 9
Evaluate the process and product

Standard 1
Evaluate the execution of the product for efficacy and quality, and identify areas needing improvement to determine how to proceed in the future.

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  1. Assess product based on pre-established evaluation criteria.
  2. Reflect upon how the product could be improved or modified.
  3. Solicit, reflect, and act upon peer reviews and teacher comments about the product.

Standard 2
Identify areas of the processes that were successfully executed, as well as those needing improvement, to determine how to proceed in the future.

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  1. Reflect upon how the product could be improved or modified.
  2. Reflect upon and describe the level of personal satisfaction with the process and product.
  3. Identify areas of personal growth, technology, and time-management skills, including the ability to collaborate.

Media Literacy is the competent application of literacy skills to media and technology messages. Its goal is to help students develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active, digital citizens in today’s world. By learning the standards and objectives, students will acquire an understanding of the elements, construction, and potential impact of media messages while learning to make informed choices in the use of media. Through collaboration with classroom teachers, these standards can be integrated into curricular units throughout a wide range of subjects to ensure students are equipped with these essential 21st century skills.

Strand 10
Awareness, modern citizenship, and informed decision making

Standard 1
Define basic terms and concepts of media.

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Standard 2
Recognize that media messages are intentionally constructed.

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Standard 3
Recognize that people experience the same message differently.

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Standard 4
Understand how the use of media can broaden experiences throughout life.

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Standard 5
Identify and explain the rights and responsibilities with respect to media and digital citizenship.

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Strand 11
Analyze, question, and think critically

Standard 1
Analyze techniques used to construct media messages.

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Standard 2
Analyze the impact of media messages on a receiver.

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Strand 12
Evaluate elements

Standard 1
Evaluate media messages for accuracy, authenticity, relevance, and source authority.

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Standard 2
Evaluate and select media for personal and educational use.

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Strand 13
Produce and present

Standard 1
Identify messages for presentation, using a multi-step process, by determining intent, content, audience, and length.

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Standard 2
Develop and apply criteria for quality media productions.

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Standard 3
Create, present, and evaluate the final product.

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Strand 14
Digital citizenship

Standard 1
Understand and practice safe and responsible use of information and technology.

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Standard 2
Identify issues and consequences of misusing media.

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UEN logo - in partnership with Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE).  Send questions or comments to USBE Specialist - Davina  Sauthoff and see the Library Media website. For general questions about Utah's Core Standards contact the Director - Todd  Call.

These materials have been produced by and for the teachers of the State of Utah. Copies of these materials may be freely reproduced for teacher and classroom use. When distributing these materials, credit should be given to Utah State Board of Education. These materials may not be published, in whole or part, or in any other format, without the written permission of the Utah State Board of Education, 250 East 500 South, PO Box 144200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4200.