K-5 Scope and Sequence (pdf)
Core Standards of the Course
Strand 1
Reading for intellectual, personal, and emotional growth
Standard 1
Establish reading behaviors for lifelong learning and growth.
Standard 2
Differentiate between literary (fiction) and informational (non-fiction) text.
Strand 2
Meaning of text through format and text features
Standard 1
Demonstrate knowledge of the physical features (e.g., cover, spine, title page, cursor, scroll bar) of reading materials, both electronic and print.
Standard 2
Read, view and listen for information presented in a variety of formats (e.g., textual, visual, media).
Standard 3
Identify the elements of story.
Standard 4
Identify the roles, tools, and purposes of authors, illustrators, and other contributors for a text.
Strand 3
Library purpose and function
Standard 1
Exhibit library etiquette.
Standard 2
Understand the library layout, the library classification system, and the circulation process.
Standard 3
Contribute to a reading and learning community, including recommending reading materials to peers and respecting others' reading choices.
Standard 4
Make use of personal, community and global libraries, both physical and electronic.
Strand 4
Defining an information problem and identifying information needed
Standard 1
Define an information problem.
Standard 2
Identify the information needed
Strand 5
Identifying, evaluating, and selecting sources
Standard 1
Identify information sources (e.g., texts, places, people).
Standard 2
Evaluate and select sources based on predetermined criteria (e.g., relevancy, currency, credibility).
Strand 6
Locating sources and accessing information
Standard 1
Locate identified sources.
Standard 2
Access information within sources by using relevant tools (e.g., table of contents, indexes, keyword searches, sidebars, related subjects).
Strand 7
Engaging with and extracting information.
Standard 1
Engage with information by reading, listening, and viewing sources in a variety of formats.
Standard 2
Select, extract and record information that addresses the information problem, answers guiding questions, and meets evaluation criteria.
Strand 8
Organizing, synthesizing, and presenting information
Standard 1
Organize information from multiple sources.
Standard 2
Present a learning product using a variety of presentation techniques (e.g., writing, speaking, media) to communicate new understandings.
Strand 9
Evaluate the process and product
Standard 1
Evaluate the execution of the product for efficacy and quality, and identify areas needing improvement to determine how to proceed in the future.
Standard 2
Identify areas of the processes that were successfully executed, as well as those needing improvement, to determine how to proceed in the future.
Strand 10
Awareness, modern citizenship, and informed decision making
Standard 1
Define basic terms and concepts of media.
Standard 2
Recognize that media messages are intentionally constructed.
Standard 3
Recognize that people experience the same message differently.
Standard 4
Understand how the use of media can broaden experiences throughout life.
Standard 5
Identify and explain the rights and responsibilities with respect to media and digital citizenship.
Strand 11
Analyze, question, and think critically
Standard 1
Analyze techniques used to construct media messages.
Standard 2
Analyze the impact of media messages on a receiver.
Standard 1
Evaluate media messages for accuracy, authenticity, relevance, and source authority.
Standard 2
Evaluate and select media for personal and educational use.
Standard 1
Identify messages for presentation, using a multi-step process, by determining intent, content, audience, and length.
Standard 2
Develop and apply criteria for quality media productions.
Standard 3
Create, present, and evaluate the final product.
Standard 1
Understand and practice safe and responsible use of information and technology.
Standard 2
Identify issues and consequences of misusing media.