Prevention Dimensions



Prevention is Prevention
December 13, 2013

Utah's Comprehensive K-12 Foundation Prevention Program Overview


Advancing Addiction Science
National Institute on Drug Abuse

Center for Substance Abuse Research
CESAR FAX provides a weekly, one-page overview of timely substance abuse trends or issues.

Discovering What Kids Need to Succeed
Search Institute

Don't Let Alcohol Shatter a Teen's Future
Parents Empowered

National Institute on Drug Abuse
Access a wealth of information and downloadable full-text publications on a range of topics, including addiction science, medical consequences, trends and statistics

National Institute on Drug Abuse - Parents and Educators
Find the latest science-based information about the health effects and consequences of drug abuse and addiction and resources for talking with kids about the impact of drug use on health.

Operation Respect
Creating safe, compassionate environments for children and youth

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Learn the science behind teen brain development. Find videos, tools and practical advice — all designed to help you connect with your teen.

Utah Department of Health

Utah Division of Substance Abuse & Mental Health (DSAMH)

Utah PTA