
The components of our system of government include the legislative branch, the executive branch, the judicial branch, and, of course, the individual citizens of the United States. Each part works together in a check and balance sort of system.
Sample some of the following activities to learn more about the United States government.

The following are places to go (some real and some virtual) to learn more about government and legal systems.
Take a virtual tour of the Capitol and the House of Representatives.
The Capitol has served the people of the state as the seat of all three branches of government and numerous state agencies.
Arrange for a tour of your local courthouse. It is usually located in the city which is your county seat. Observe a trial. Ask your parents if they've ever participated in jury duty and find out about the process.
Fillmore in Millard county was Utah's first territorial capital. You can still visit Utah's first territorial statehouse in Fillmore. It's now a state museum.
You can tour the White House, the First Lady's Sculpture Garden, or the old Executive Office Building.
This site provides a link to all the various United States government departments and agencies.
This site has teacher tips and related websites to help you understand how Jefferson influenced the United States government.
Nationally, we have 100 Senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives.
There are 75 districts for the House of Representatives in the state of Utah. You can find out who the legislator is from your district.
Find out who the senator is that represents your county and how the state is divided into its districts.
Find the constitution of any country in the world. What country has the oldest constitution? The constitution of Eritrea was adopted in July 1996. Where is Eritrea?
Find out how the deputies to the Constitutional Convention were chosen.
The FBI actually has a children's page! From the menu on the left, select "Kids and Youth Educational Page" to learn more about the criminal law system. The FBI also has a Parent's Guide to Internet Safety.
What's the correct system for folding the U.S. flag? If the animation at this site doesn't work on your computer, try this illustration for the proper procedure.
Look up the official web sites of government offices around the world.Look through some of these sites and find out how many of them have a version that is in English. Is English the international language?
Hammurabi developed one of the earliest codes of law. There are 282 of these laws, and they are very specific and often very harsh.
Find out how to become involved in the system that elects government officials. How old do you have to be to vote? In which upcoming presidential election will YOU first be able to vote?
The National Constitution Center, located on Philadelphia's Independence Mall, is the worlds only museum devoted to the U.S. Constitution and its relevance to Americans' daily lives.
Listen to the song that explains how a bill becomes a law in the United States.

- Kronenwetter, Michael. The Congress of the United States. Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, c1996.
- Steins, Richard. Our Elections. Brookfield, Conn.: Millbrook Press, c1994.
- Weizmann, Daniel. Take a Stand!: Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Government. Los Angeles: Price Stern Sloan, c1996.