UEN Resources for K-12 Education
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9 ideas for...
UEN's Professional Development team has developed dozens of "9 Ideas For…" documents. Check them out today to learn about different technology tools and resources.
Big 6 Resources
Here is a collection of Big 6 Resources for teachers and students. You will find lesson plans, activities and graphic organizers.
Copyright Resources
The following resources are designed to assist faculty, distance learning administrators, multimedia developers and students navigate the murky waters in a sea of new copyright law.
HTML Tags (basic)
HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language, the text-based language used to write web pages. Sometimes it is handy to know basic HTML tags when posting content to the Internet.
Multimedia Resources
A great list of web sites that provide free sounds, images, and videos that can be used in your classroom and multimedia presentations.
NetSafe Utah
NetSafe Utah provides teachers, caregivers and students Internet safety information, lesson plans, videos and training opportunities.
Utah's Online Library
Utah's one-of-a-kind online library provides free access to reference collections such as EBSCO, Gale Reference Collection & World Book. Check out the classroom activity ideas.