
Rainbow Bridge, Delicate Arch, Sardine Canyon, the Vermillion Cliffs, the high Uintahs.....these are part of our Utah home. More than almost any other state, Utah has a wide diversity of landscapes--from Alpine tundra to forested mountains to red rock deserts to sagebrush expanses.
Sample some of the following activities to learn more about our home state.
Places To Go People
To See
Things To Do
The following are places to go (some real and some virtual) to find out about Utah.
Virtually explore the many ghost towns scattered across Utah. Most Utah ghost towns are a result of Utah's mining industry.
Go to the Utah mountains in the winter and experience the greatest snow on earth and hike them the rest of year for scenic beauty.
The Zoo is one of the most visited attractions in Utah. Its natural terrain covers 42 acres of tree-lined pathways where visitors can view over 800 animals.
Kings Peak is the highest peak in the U.S. state of Utah, with an elevation of 13,528 feet (4,123 m).
There are museums of every kind in just about every county of Utah where you can learn about Utah history, Utah communities, and Utah families.
Learn about Utah's 5 National Parks, submit a story about one of the parks, play games, or find resources for educators.
Visit one of Utah's 43 state parks — from Bear Lake State Park at the Utah/Idaho border to Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum deep in the Four Corners region, and everywhere in between.
Visit some of Utah scenic treasures:
Learn more about Utah's famous religious leader and first governor.
This famous outlaw of the Old West was born in Beaver, Utah in 1866.
Read about Utah's famous musical family.
Meet Philo T. Farnsworth. He invented television! And he was from Utah.
Visit with our current governor. Then visit with our first governor, Brigham Young, who was governor from 1850 to 1858. If you also want to get to know other governors of Utah, visit them here. (Eli Houston Murray, the 12th territorial governor of Utah was a real looker! Check him out.)
You can't live in Utah and not know all about brine shrimp. Discover how important they are to migratory birds.
Browse through the Photographic Archives of the Marriott Library at the University of Utah for great images of Utah.
Check out the official website of the Utah Travel Council.
Check out the official website for the state of Utah.
- UEN - Centennial: A Day In The Life Of Children - Then And Now
- UEN - Centennial: A Patchwork Quilt..People of Utah
- UEN - Centennial: Adaptation...Mammoths To Man
- UEN - Centennial: But Mom, I Have Nothing To Wear
- UEN - Centennial: Ghost Riders And Rest Stops
- UEN - Centennial: Have I Got A Story For You - Folklore of Utah
- UEN - Centennial: Home Sweet Home
- UEN - Centennial: Hunt For The Blind Miner's Mine
- UEN - Centennial: Mystery History: The Old Utah State Prison
- UEN - Centennial: NIMBY...Settlement...This Is The Place
- UEN - Centennial: Once Upon A Time...Buildings Tell A Story
- UEN - Centennial: Philanthropists - Servants Of The Community
- UEN - Centennial: Schools - Then and Now
- UEN - Centennial: Secrets From Beyond...Stories Headstones Can Tell
- UEN - Centennial: Simple Gifts...Personal Contributions To Utah
- UEN - Centennial: Symbols of Utah
- UEN - Centennial: This I Value...Hidden Treasures
- UEN - Centennial: Utah We Love Thee
- UEN - Centennial:
What A Woman...The
Silver Queen
- UEN - Centennial: What's In A Name: UTAH
- UEN - Heritage: A Billboard for Utah
- UEN - Heritage: Dwellings of the 5 Major Native American Indian Tribes of Utah
- UEN - Heritage: Going Into Business
- UEN - Heritage: How did the pioneers impact Utah's environment?
- UEN - Heritage: Legends, Fairy Tales and the Native Americans of Utah
- UEN - Heritage: Make a model of a typical Utah Settlement.
- UEN - Heritage: Packing Your Handcart
- UEN - Heritage: Petroglyphs and the Stories They Tell
- UEN - Heritage: Pioneer Job Application
- UEN - Heritage: Seeking Land or Gold
- UEN - Heritage: Survival and the Geography of Utah
- UEN - Heritage: What a Sight!
- UEN - Heritage: What if the Mormons had not come to Utah?
- UEN - Heritage: What would YOU take?
- UEN - Historical Events in Utah History
- UEN - Native Americans in Utah History
- UEN - Out in the Middle of Nowhere: Inevitable Lifestyle Changes from the Mormon Migration
- UEN - Pioneer Currency in Utah: Have you got change for $5?
- UEN - What
About That Jazz?
- Fradin, Dennis B. Utah. Chicago: Childrens Press, 1993.
- Kummer, Patricia K. Utah. Mankato, Minn.: Capstone High/Low Books, c1998.
- McCormick, Nancy D. Discovering Utah. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books, 1991.
- Joseph, Paul. Utah. Edina, Minn.: Abdo & Daughters, c1998.
- Thompson, Kathleen. Utah. Austin, Tex.: Raintree Steck Vaughn, c1996.